INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION COM 12 – D 94 – E TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR English only STUDY PERIOD 2005-2008 Original: English Question: 14/12 Geneva, 17-21 October 2005 STUDY GROUP 12 – DELAYED CONTRIBUTION 94 Source: Telchemy Incorporated Title: Suggested use of TIA-921 for test vector generation for P.VTQ validation Abstract This document, previously presented at an interim meeting of Q.14/12 suggests using a parameterdriven network model for test vector generation as a basis for qualification of P.VTQ implementations. Introduction Over the last two-plus years, TIA Committee TR-30.3, Data Communications Equipment Evaluation and Network Interfaces, has been working to develop an IP network model for use in test environments, simulations and for algorithm validation as necessary for P.VTQ. From the introduction of the draft: Previous network transmission model standards for evaluating modem performance (e.g. TSB- 37A, TIA/EIA 3700, TIA/EIA 793 and TIA 876) have been statistical models in which likelihood of occurrence (LOO) values were assigned to all network elements and impairments. Test results using these statistical models were expressed in terms of Network Model Coverage (NMC). These NMC results were unconditional – not dependent on the a priori specification of any network elements or impairments. This is an example of a Statistical Model. Testing to a comprehensive Statistical Model suggests how communications devices may perform over an IP network in terms of Network Model Coverage. This model has undergone over two years of work to ensure that the model accurately depicts how IP networks behave. The model’s characteristics have been favourably compared to actual network traces and performance measured by, and provided to the committee by several network operators. This model has already been used in commercially available test equipment for testing networkconnected devices. Not only has TR-30.3 worked on this model, but also its work has been also been presented to TIA Committee TR-41 (User Premises Telecommunications Requirements) and has been introduced to Study Group 12 for use by the ITU as a potential ITU-T Recommendation. An updated draft will be available at this meeting of SG12. Contact: Alan Clark Telchemy Incorporated USA Tel: +1 770 614-6944 Fax: +1 770 614-3951 Email: Contact: Bruce Adams Telchemy Incorporated USA Tel: +1 770 614-6944 Fax: +1 770 614-3951 Email: Attention: This is not a publication made available to the public, but an internal ITU-T Document intended only for use by the Member States of ITU, by ITU-T Sector Members and Associates, and their respective staff and collaborators in their ITU related work. It shall not be made available to, and used by, any other persons or entities without the prior written consent of ITU-T. -2COM 12 – D 94 – E Characteristics of the model This model is based on the notion that time series models of known characteristics of network impairments accurately model these behaviours. In a typical end-to-end network connection, the system may comprise a Local LAN segment, a Local Access Link segment, a Core Network Segment, a Remote Access Link Segment and a Remote LAN segment. Each of these segments has error characteristics that can be modelled using an enhanced form of a two-state Gilbert-Elliot model and an underlying filter function that is tailored to the particular segment that is being modelled. Each of the segments can independently change to and from busy or congested states to low-traffic states. Each segment also has probability of loss. Each segment is a model of each successive network element, and adds incrementally to the delay and loss based on parameters such as link speed, occupancy and probability parameters. Lastly, a test implementation the model used to create some of the results tables in the draft, incorporates a simple jitter-buffer model that, using packet arrival times as input, models packet discards and out-of-sequence arrivals in the end-point equipment. Combined, these elements create a realistic model of the environment in which VoIP normally services run. Network coverage The standard itself describes a large set of parameters that when combined produce a set of 1064 test cases. These test cases are then combined with three service profiles meant to model wellmanaged networks as well as best-effort and unmanaged networks - all of which VoIP services will and do run. In testing, it was found that the model produces traces that when measured using PESQ MOS-LQ scores as well as E-model based (G.107) scores that are well distributed from about 1.5 to 4.3 for all three service profiles, with the higher scores for larger percentages of the model for increasingly better managed networks. Use in P.VTQ So far, the generation of test vectors for P.VTQ has proven to be one of the more difficult tasks in developing P.VTQ. Issues such as IPR for voice material and consistent test results demand that we come up with vectors that are realistic. In addition to stressing the algorithms, they must also represent “real-world” network conditions. Earlier it was decided to use PESQ (P.862) as a standard against which to measure P.VTQ compliance. Using a standardized way to produce test vectors seems a prudent thing to do. Obviously we need to limit the model parameters to a subset that adequately covers the network. The model can easily be used to produce frame-erasure vectors or to create IP network packet traces, for use as input to P.VTQ algorithms. Use in Mid-point scenarios Because the model is modular, using appropriate input parameters can eliminate various sections from impacting the data stream. Therefore it is easy to use for coming up with mid-stream test vectors by eliminating the impairments from there to the end of the connection. -3COM 12 – D 94 – E Parameter limits This section discusses some of the parameters that are inputs to TIA-921 and suggests limited set for use with P.VTQ. The following tables from TIA-921 draft-14 indicate the suggested limits for use. We have removed those impairments that are too long-term to be of significance in P.VTQ testing as such as route flap and link failure. Tables 1 - 4 indicate the range of typical link speeds for LANs and Access Links for various locations. The LOO percentages are Likelihood-ofoccurrence for each location based on industry data. Table 1 - LAN Rates for Home Locations LAN Rate LOO Represents Mbit/s % 4 75 802.11b, 10BaseT hub 20 25 802.11g, 100BaseT hub Table 2 - LAN Rates for Business Locations LAN Rate LOO Mbit/s Represents % 4 20 802.11b, 10BaseT 20 20 802.11g, 100BaseT hub 100 60 100 BaseT switched, Gbit Ethernet Table 3 - Access Rates for Home Locations Access Rate LOO Toward core From core % kbit/s Represents kbit/s 128 768 40 Cable, ADSL 384 1536 50 Cable, ADSL 384 3000 10 Cable, ADSL -4COM 12 – D 94 – E Table 4 - Access Rates for Business Locations Access Rate LOO Toward core From core % kbit/s Represents kbit/s 384 1536 40 ADSL entry 384 3000 15 ADSL premium 1536 1536 40 T1 43000 43000 5 T3 Table 5 - Impairment Severity Combinations Severity=> Impairment A B C E D F H G Units Profile A LOO % 50 30 15 5 0 0 0 0 Profile B LOO % 5 25 30 25 10 5 0 0 Profile C LOO % 5 5 10 15 20 25 15 5 Source Location (A) Parameters LAN A Occupancy % 1 2 3 5 8 12 16 20 Access A Occupancy % 0 1 2 4 8 15 30 50 MTU A bytes 512 512 1508 1508 1508 1508 1508 1508 Core Network Impairments Delay ms 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 Jitter ms 5 10 15 20 30 50 75 100 Packet loss % 0 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 15 30 50 Destination Location (B) Parameters Access B Occupancy MTU B LAN B Occupancy % bytes % 0 512 1 1 2 4 8 512 1508 1508 1508 1508 1508 1508 2 3 5 8 12 16 20 Table 5 lists the various impairment severity limits for TIA-921. A subset of these in combination with the combinations of accesses would cover most situations. Those columns in bold, A, C, E and H, could cover most of our test surface. In addition, selective use of parameter sets should eliminate the need to combine test scores at either end of the quality spectrum. -5COM 12 – D 94 – E Test methodology The group has already decided to do testing against PESQ wherever possible, and has for the most part agreed to the form of the audio signals. Therefore, we must run some set of samples against the test scenarios and then through PESQ in order to get the target test scores. Using this method of generating tests eliminates the need for any definitive set of data as input. As long as the samples meet the other requirements, then they are fine. In using TIA-921 as a basis for testing P.VTQ implementations, the following test methodology is suggested: 1) Using a given subset of parameters for the model, generate various sets of frame-erasure vectors. 2) Take any set of conforming audio data and create a trace of the impaired signals. 3) Optionally create RTCP-XR data to include in the stream. 4) Run PESQ against the test signals to get the target test set. 5) Run the P.VTQ implementation against the test trace to generate the P.VTQ scores. 6) Do the compliance comparison between the target and generated scores. Conclusions The ITU has a well-deserved good reputation of making use of the work of other committees and standards organizations so as not to only avoid duplicating effort, but to allow the most qualified experts in an area create standards in that area. TR30.3 is one such organization. By making use of their expertise and experience, we can ensure that we are using reasonable models and scenarios for testing of our algorithms. In addition, users can generate their own set of test vectors with their own set of impairment combinations that will more accurately match conditions and situations that they see, and are most interesting to them. It not only allows user evaluation based on a recommended set of situations, but perhaps more importantly a standardized way to further evaluate and configure P.VTQ algorithms based on the way that they will be used. We therefore recommend that TIA-921, or it’s possible ITU-T version be used for test vector generation for P.VTQ and further recommend that Q14/12 define a set of parameters for TIA-921 for inclusion in P.VTQ that cover our required test surface. References [1] TIA-TR30.3- Editor, TIA Network Model for Evaluating Multimedia Transmission Performance Over Internet Protocol, PN-3-0062 (TIA-921) – Draft, Document 050618-pn3-0062-Draft14.doc, June 2005, Arlington Virginia. [2] TIA-TR30.3-Alan Clark, Telchemy Inc., IP Network Impairment Mode, PN-3-0062, Document TR-30.3/03-04-13, April 2003, Arlington Virginia. [3] SG12/Q14, Paul Barrett and Simon Broom, Psytechnics Ltd., Proposal for a P.VTQ framework recommendation, May 2005, Santa Barbra California. ____________