Sea Kayaking Association of BC, Executive Meeting Monday, November 15, 2010 MINUTES DRAFT Chair: Leslie Hansen, Minutes: Eda Kadar 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:38 p.m. 2. Attendance: Present: Kallie Cunningham, Leslie Hansen, Karin Hartner, Nick Heath, Christine Joffre, Eda Kadar, Bob Maher Absent: Simone Avram, Shirley Brunke, Susan Jensen, Susan McLeish, Harald Riffel, Ray Saadien 3. Acceptance of the Agenda: Moved to accept agenda; agenda approved. 4. Approval of the Minutes: The Minutes of the previous meeting were read (two corrections were required) and approved. 5. Financial Statements: Leslie went over general items in the budget (Harald Riffel absent). There is a budget shortfall that must be addressed prior to budget approval. The group discussed various budget areas. It was noted that the training budget was appropriate. The group reviewed the membership budget and it was suggested that we needed a membership package for new members. Kallie mentioned that there has been a problem with the way new members are signing up. It was suggested that new members should get a (reflective SKABC) sticker as a signing bonus. SKABC could purchase additional stickers to sell to current members. It was agreed that $250.00 would be added to the budget for stickers. It was asked what Karelo charges for their services (necessary information). Social budget and the training budget will be the same as last year. Christine noted that one more course and two free clinics may be added. Additional stroke and rescue courses may bring in more revenue. Programs budget is $1000. Karin said that this could be trimmed by about $300. Depending on the state of the laptop and software, we may need to spend money on these products. Nick presented a 7 year analysis of revenue and expenses and the group discussed this analysis. ACTION: Harald to work with committee representatives to trim budget as required. 6. Social: Eda provided a brief report on the Christmas party. 7. Newsletter: It was reported that the Paddle newsletter is written and ready to be sent out as an e-mail blast. (Alice Pletcher wrote the newsletter.) Christine noted that Bruce Pickwell might be interested in developing a communication policy for SKABC (E-mail blasts, Paddle newsletter, Website). 1 8. Trips: Debbie Kovacs has agreed to act as the Trip Coordinator. (We need to get her email address.) “Extending affiliation” has been tabled for the next meeting. It was suggested that PIKA be invited to the Christmas party. ACTION: Karin/Leslie to extend invite to the Christmas party. 9. Training (Christine Joffres): Christine reported on topics discussed at the October Instructor meeting. Many of the group would like to offer Paddle Canada certification, and suggest that this should be a pre-requisite for SKABC instructors. This was discussed by the executive. Many thought that Paddle Canada certification was not required or advisable. Mark Kelly and Maureen Benzon may be offering Instructor trainer levels II and IV for the group. Christine requested approval to hold the same courses as last year. (Yes) Agreed. It was agreed that SKABC will offer Paddle Canada certification for those who have instructed courses. We will offer them some sort of competency development with Mark Kelly. Pro-D approved. Available funding for this to be discussed at the January meeting. Definitions of “courses, clinics, practice sessions” will be described on the website when agreed upon. (Christine will match courses to definitions.) ACTION: Executive will review definitions between now and next meeting in January. ACTION: Christine will send minutes of the Instructor meeting to the Executive. ACTION Christine to identify before next Executive meeting which category applies to each scheduled training offering for 2010 or 2011. Changes are an attempt to improve quality of courses, and to increase the level of interest in courses. Focus is to improve the skill level of instructors and the level of professionalism. However, it was noted that no specific instructional quality issue has arisen in recent years and feedback on offerings has been very positive. The group discussed the skill level required of SKABC instructors: e.g. professional or capable? It was noted that the training program determines who instructs and who assists. If there are quality issues, the training coordinator should deal with this. It was noted that we may need a disclaimer: “ instructors are top notch, but may not be certified professionals.” There is a concern that some people may be joining the club to obtain “cheap” (low cost) certification. For insurance purposes, there is a need to ensure that trip leaders, on-water coordinators, and instructors have necessary skills. Bob will market courses at SKABC meetings. 10. Membership (Kallie): Kallie is getting caught up on membership processes/issues. Reported that there are 3 new single members and 3 couples. She will be reviewing how the membership process occurs. She noted that there is a need to have paper copies of the (signed) waivers. The group discussed the online registration process as opposed to physical registration. We should be proactively going after renewals. Kallie asked who has access to membership lists. Who needs it? We need to remove “old” executive from the access lists. There is level I and II access. ACTION: Delete outdated 2 executive, add President, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator. ACTION: Add Karelo review to Executive Checklist for Executive Meetings. 11. Programs (Karin Hartner): Karin reported on Pipedreams group (the January speakers). Their single mandate is to “stop oil traffic in Douglas Channel.” They are making a movie and are spending their own money (as well as donations) on the production of this film. Karin suggested that this group needs more than the regular amount provided to speakers. (The are not an NGO, nor attached to an NGO or a charitable organization and subsequently monies provided will go into personal funds.) It was agreed that they should be provided with a larger honorarium – $200 – to come out of the programs budget. (Subsequently, Programs will no longer have excess monies available for the general budget.) ACTION: Karin will tell Pipedreams to submit a written proposal for funding (that could come out of the Legacy Fund). Next SKABC meeting Tuesday, January 4, 2011. 12. New Business: Bob Maher suggested that surplus T-shirts could be used for door prizes for the Christmas party. Bob Maher requested approval to pay for lunch for the Nimbus employees. The group alternatively suggested that everyone attending the clinic could chip in extra monies to cover the cost of the employees lunch. All agreed to this. Nick has a letter that should be put on the SKABC website. All agreed. 13. Next Meeting: Monday, January 17, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. 14. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. 3