Request for Proposals United States Institute of Peace – Constitutional Analysis and Civil Society Advocacy August 6 2015 Project Name: Constitutional Analysis and Civil Society Advocacy Response Deadline: Concept notes by August 20, 2015 (2-3 pages) I. General Instructions A. The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) requests proposals for a project to increase constitutional knowledge amongst the political, legal and civil society community in Afghanistan, the general Afghan public, and the international community. The project will comprise two components: i. Constitutional Research and Analysis: This component aims to provide high-quality and impartial legal analysis of the Afghan Constitution to increase constitutional knowledge among the political, legal and civil society community in Afghanistan, the general Afghan public, and the international community. ii. Civil Society Advocacy on Constitutional Application: This component aims to increase Afghan citizen’s constitutional knowledge and capacity to engage in advocacy to promote constitutional application and to hold the State to account for violation. B. USIP is not responsible for any costs incurred by the responding firms prior to issuance of an executed agreement with the USIP. C. Submissions must be typed and submitted in a word file, and must follow the organization of the requests for information in the Submission Requirements section below. No changes or corrections to a response will be allowed after the deadline. D. Any questions concerning this Request for Proposals should be directed to and copy Pertinent responses will be made available to all proposers by e-mail. No inquiries will be accepted or responses given after August 17, 2015. USIP RFP 1 II. Scope of Work Drafted in the wake of the 2001 fall of the Taliban and the December 2001 signing of the Bonn Agreement that began the rebuilding of Afghanistan’s institutions, the 2004 Afghan Constitution articulates the aspirations of Afghan people and sets the foundation for the establishment of a state underpinned by the rule of law. Since 2013 USIP has been one of the few actors, national or international, to promote constitutional debates and analysis amongst Afghan scholars and practitioners to generate discussion and dialogue around key textual ambiguities in the Constitution. USIP seeks to build on its past efforts with a Constitutional Analysis and Civil Society Advocacy Project with two main components. The first component will continue to support the expansion of a body of scholarship by Afghan authors on constitutional issues identified by Afghan scholars and policymakers as pertinent in the years to come, taking into account the possibility of constitutional amendment. The second component will seek to increase constitutional knowledge amongst civil society actors in order to lay the foundation for increased civil society advocacy for constitutional application. The first component is designed to directly inform the second component, and USIP foresees the legal scholars and researchers engagement with civil society actors in this process. A. Constitution Research and Analysis Proposals should seek to produce research papers of high-quality and impartial legal analysis of the Afghan Constitution. The research papers should aim to increase knowledge of the constitutional issues among the legal, political and civil society actors and the public in large. Research papers will be scholarly in nature, and target academics, government actors and civil society. Research papers should be authored by Afghan scholars with demonstrated experience researching, teaching, and/or writing constitutional analysis. Research papers will examine constitutional issues identified by Afghan scholars and policymakers as pressing or pertinent in the years to come. For example, research papers may examine constitutional amendment, electoral system reform, standing to bring constitutional claims, the acquisition of rights stipulated in the constitution, structuring parliamentary system under the current constitution, nonviolation of unamendable provisions, and other pertinent themes as identified by the legal, political and civil society community. In addition, proposals should suggest a number of issue briefs to draw on particularly topical areas examined in the research papers, but which will be a distinct publication targeted at policy audiences. i. Capacity building of Afghan scholars To ensure research papers of high quality, proposal should suggest capacity-building activities for authors. For example, the recruitment of an editor to work closely with authors to facilitate peer review, incorporation of feedback and support the editing of USIP RFP 2 authors’ papers. In addition, the vendor may seek to recruit university law or Sharia students to act as research assistants for the authors, further building the capacity of a future generation of scholars. Law and Sharia student interns should support the drafting of issues briefs, guided by the Afghan scholar-authors. ii. Publishing Research papers and issues briefs will be published by the vendor, and will be subject to a review, editing and publication process as agreed between USIP and the vendor. All research papers and issues briefs should be published in English, Dari, and Pashto. iii. Research dissemination Proposal should devise strategies for research dissemination. For example, proposal can suggest public seminars to launch each research paper and to invite legal scholars, political actors and civil society stakeholders to engage in a discussion on the examined constitutional issue. Proposals could suggest media interviews by authors, off-the record briefings to relevant stakeholders, and targeted outreach to civil society. B. Civil Society Advocacy to Promote Improved Constitutional Application Proposal will devise a series of activities to increase advocacy for improved constitutional application by the Afghan government. Illustrative activities include public awareness campaigns, public consultations and dialogues, mobilizing civil society groups and networking, preparing issues briefs and other advocacy resources. C. Outcomes Proposals should suggest activities that achieves the following outcomes: - Increase constitutional knowledge of the political, legal and civil society community in Afghanistan, the general Afghan public, and the international community. - Strengthen capacity of Afghan legal scholars to undertake constitutional analysis and prepare written reports for an academic, policy and/or general audience. - Increase number of constitutional analysis of themes pertinent to the political and legal context of Afghanistan. - Increase dissemination of constitutional analysis to a broad audience in English, Dari and Pashto. - Engage the next generation of scholars in constitutional analysis, and strengthen linkages between Afghan scholars and law and sharia university students. USIP RFP 3 - Increase civil society advocacy on constitutional application to hold the State to account for constitutional violations. III. Submission Requirements A. Concept note Those who wish to be considered for this RFP are highly encouraged to submit a concept note to USIP by August 20, 2015. The concept note should be no more than 3 pages of length and should include: brief description of the project activities that addresses the Scope of Work including outputs; How your organization is well suited to implement this activity USIP will review these concept notes and promptly reply as to whether this is the type of activity and concept that is likely to be successful, or to give feedback on adjustments or elements that would make it more likely to be successful. Candidates providing successful concept notes will be contacted to develop a full proposal. IV. General Terms and Selection Process A. The Selection Committee will review all submissions received on time using the selection criteria established for the project. B. The Selection Committee reserves the right to reject any submission or to reject all submissions in the best interests of USIP. USIP may cancel this Solicitation at any time prior to contract award if it is in the best interests of the Institute. C. The successful applicant shall not discriminate against any person. USIP RFP 4