EdPro Development Accommodations & Modifications Form Instructional Accommodations/Modifications Presentation of Subject Matter ________ Use spatial/graphic/visual strategies ________ Use bodily kinesthetic or hands-on strategies ________ Use musical/rhythmic strategies ________ Use self-management strategies (see SelfManagement/Monitoring) ________ Use cooperative learning strategies ________ Present demonstrations (models) ________ Emphasize critical information ________ Pre-teach vocabulary ________ Use Experiential Learning/examples ________ Use functional/authentic instruction ________ Provide low vocabulary/language materials on topic/theme/concept ________ Check often for understanding/review ________ Plan for generalization/teach skills in several settings/situations ________ Request parent reinforcement of instruction ________ Instruction focuses on IEP goals only ________ Provide cross-age or same-age peer tutoring ________ Use multiple/rotating peers for groups/tutoring ________ Use errorless learning strategies ________ School text sent home for summer preview Materials ________ Home set of texts/materials for preview/review ________ Tapes of teacher lectures/discussions ________ Modify arrangement of material on page ________ Carbonless or photo copy of peer's class notes ________ Audio taped textbooks/materials ________ Provide supplementary materials ________ Typed copies of teacher lectures/notes ________ Large print/magnified photocopies ________ Highlighted texts/study guides Environmental Arrangements ________ Planned/preferential seating ________ Modify room arrangement ________ Reduce/minimize distractions (visual, auditory, tactile, movement, and/or social) ________ Provide special equipment: _____ computer _____ audio tape recorder _____ word processor _____ see OT/PT report _____ calculator _____ see technology assessment report _____ AAC device _____ other ____________ _____ video recorder ______________________ Classroom Assessment Accommodations/Modifications (In order to justify appropriateness of accommodations for any state mandated tests, items checked below should be used consistently with a student over the previous year.) Assignments _______ Give directions in small, distinct steps _______ Give directions in alternative format (written/picture/verbal, etc.) _______ Give directions in multiple formats (e.g., written & orally) _______ Audio/Video tape directions for student _______ Give extra cues/prompts on assignments _______ Provide photocopies of pages/items vs. student copying from text/board _______ Read/audio tape ALL text on assignments _______ Modify worksheet/packet format (essay, short answer, fill in blank, multiple choice, etc.) _______ Increase frequency of assignments formatted for learning style strength areas _______ Shorten assignments (fewer items/questions) _______ Modify difficulty level of content _______ Allow student to type or tape assignment _______ Allow alternate assignment/strategy when class demands conflict w/ IEP goals _______ No penalty for spelling/handwriting/sloppy _______ Provide extra grade opportunities (re-do items missed, extra credit, etc.) _______ Modify grading scale (pass/fail or points) _______ Provide grading rubrics w/ assignment _______ Other ________________________________ Pacing _______ Flexible time limits _______ Allow breaks _______ Vary assessment/assignment activity frequently _______ Omit tasks requiring copying in timed situations _______ Compacting _______ Other ________________________________ Testing _______ Modify test format _______ Oral testing for directions and/or test items _______ Shorten test length _______ Modify content being tested _______ Additional/alternate materials (see Materials) _______ Consider learning styles & change assessment mode to: _____ Exhibitions _____ Reflections _____ Performances _____ Products _____ Journals _____ Visuals _____ Authentic applications of content/concept _______ Alternate test administrator/locale _______ Other ________________________________ Behavior Support Accommodations/Modifications (If a Positive Behavior Support Plan has been completed, use this checklist below to emphasize priority strategies and reference the Support Plan for details.) ________ Conduct comprehensive functional assessment ________ Teach functionally equivalent alternatives to challenging behaviors ________ Increase opportunities for choice ________ Use instruction/assessment that capitalizes on strengths/interests ________ Increase predictability of schedule ________ Assign daily classroom job in strength/interest area Social Interaction Support ________ Review and practice social skills using role play and/or authentic (real) situations ________ Assign as cross-age or same age peer tutor ________ Provide a peer advocate ________ Provide social skills instruction ________ Create a “Circle of Friends” Self Management/Monitoring ________ Provide daily assignment book ________ Provide written daily schedule ________ Provide pictorial daily schedule ________ Provide study guides ________ Provide T-Charts for classroom rules ________ Provide self-monitoring checklists for academic tasks ________ Provide self-monitoring checklists for unwritten curriculum (class rules, procedures, social skills, etc.) ________ Provide step by step checklists for academic tasks ________ Provide step by step checklists for unwritten curriculum (class rules, procedures, social skills, etc.) ________ Use socially appropriate coping/relaxation strategies Consequence Manipulations ________ Provide a range of consequences, including instructional consequences ________ Use reinforcement-based decelerating consequences ________ Increase ratios of positive to negative interaction ________ Provide verbal reinforcers ________ Provide non-verbal reinforcers ________ Provide concrete reinforcers ________ Provide a choice of reinforcers ________ Provide activity-based reinforcers ________ Provide social reinforcers ________ Use reactive strategies ________ Follow crisis intervention plan