2 The Segmentation Corpus - Department of Linguistics

Using the Segmentation Corpus to define an inventory of
concatenative units for Cantonese speech synthesis
Wai Yi Peggy WONG
Chris BREW
Linguistics Dept., Ohio State University
222 Oxley Hall, 1712 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH, 43210-1298 USA
{pwong, cbrew, mbeckman}@ling.osu.edu
The problem of word segmentation affects
all aspects of Chinese language processing,
including the development of text-to-speech
synthesis systems. In synthesizing a Hong
Kong Cantonese text, for example, words
must be identified in order to model fusion
of coda [p] with initial [h], and other similar
effects that differentiate word-internal
syllable boundaries from syllable edges that
begin or end words. Accurate segmentation
is necessary also for developing any list of
words large enough to identify the wordinternal cross-syllable sequences that must
be recorded to model such effects using
concatenated synthesis units. This paper
describes our use of the Segmentation
Corpus to constrain such units.
What are the best units to use in building a fixed
inventory of concatenative units for an unlimited
vocabulary text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis
system for a language? Given a particular choice
of unit type, how large is the inventory of such
units for the language, and what is the best way
to design materials to cover all or most of these
units in one recording session? Are there effects
such as prosodically conditioned allophony that
cannot be modeled well by the basic unit type?
These are questions that can only be answered
language by language, and answering them for
Cantonese1 poses several interesting challenges.
The term “Cantonese” has at least three meanings.
Shui-duan CHAN
Chinese Language Centre,
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Yuk Choi Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon,
One major challenge involves the definition
of the “word” in Cantonese. As in other varieties
of Chinese, morphemes in Cantonese are
typically monosyllabic and syllable structure is
extremely simple, which might suggest the
demi-syllable or even the syllable (Chu &
Ching, 1997) as an obvious basic unit. At the
same time, however, there are segmental
“sandhi” effects that conjoin syllables within a
word. For example, when the morpheme 集
zaap6 2 stands as a word alone (meaning ‘to
collect’), the [p] is a glottalized and unreleased
coda stop, but when the morpheme occurs in the
longer word 集合 zaap6hap6 (‘to assemble’),
the coda [p] often resyllabifies and fuses with
the following [h] to make an initial aspirated
stop. Accurate word segmentation at the text
analysis level is essential for identifying the
domain of such sandhi effects in any full-fledged
TTS system, whatever method is used for
generating the waveform from the specified
pronunciation of the word.
A further challenge is to find a way to
capture such sandhi effects in systems that use
It can refer to the regional standard that has
developed in Canton City over the last millennium, to
the larger group of dialects centered around Canton
City, or to the new urban standard that has emerged
in Hong Kong over the 150 years since the port city
was founded. We will be using the unmodified term
mostly to refer to the third sense, and context should
make it clear where we mean one of the other two
2 We use the Jyutping romanization developed by the
Linguistics Society of Hong Kong in 1993. See
concatenative methods for waveform generation.
So long as the word is defined, these effects
might be encoded in cross-syllabic diphones,
which can be added as an exceptional type of
unit to augment the inventory of syllables or
demi-syllables. Law & Lee (2000) have even
proposed replacing the syllable entirely as the
basic unit type, using instead a necessarily crosssyllabic unit, the “final-initial combination”3, as
the basic unit, augmented with word-initial
onsets and word-final rhymes for the transitions
out of and into a pause.
Whether the cross-syllabic unit is the basic
unit or an exceptional unit that augments an
inventory of some other basic unit type,
however, a comprehensive inventory of units is
required. Such an inventory cannot be defined
without having recourse to a reasonably large
list of polysyllabic words. Since lexicon
development for Hong Kong Cantonese lags
considerably behind analogous efforts for
Mandarin, the only feasible way to get such a
list is to segment words from a corpus of texts
written in a style that is close to what the TTS
system aims to model, and then to provide a
pronunciation field for each entry in the list. In
other words, word segmentation is a “foremost
problem” not just for developing the text
analysis component of a speech synthesis
system, but also for getting the basic
infrastructure necessary to define the units for
concatenative waveform generation.
This paper reports on research aimed at
defining an inventory of concatenative units for
Hong Kong Cantonese using the Segmentation
Corpus, a lexicon of 33k words extracted from a
large corpus of Cantonese newspaper texts. The
corpus is described further in Section 2 after an
excursus (in Section 1) on the problems posed
by the Cantonese writing system. Section 3
outlines facts about Cantonese phonology
relevant to choosing the concatenative unit, and
Section 4 calculates the number of units that
would be necessary to cover all theoretically
possible syllables and sequences of syllables.
The calculation is done for three models: (1) a
mixed model of syllables (as in Chu & Ching,
1997) augmented with cross-syllable diphones,
(2) the Law & Lee (2000) model, and (3) a
diphone-only model. This section closes by
describing how we used the Segmentation
Corpus to discover sporadic and systematic
phonotactic gaps that can be exploited to reduce
the numbers for the diphone-only model.
The Cantonese writing system
The Cantonese writing system poses unique
challenges for developing online lexicons, not
all of which are related to the “foremost
problem” of word segmentation. These problems
stem from the long and rich socio-political
history of the dialect, which makes the writing
system even less regular than the Mandarin one,
even though Cantonese is written primarily with
the same logographs (“Chinese characters”).
The main problem is that each character has
several readings, and the reading cannot always
be determined based on the immediate context
of the other characters in a multisyllabic word.
For some orthographic forms, the variation is
stylistic. For example, the word 支援 ‘support’
can be pronounced zi1jyun4 or zi1wun4. 4
But for other orthographic forms, the variation
in pronunciation corresponds to different words,
with different meanings. For example, the
character sequence 正當 writes both the function
word zing3dong1 ‘while’ and the content word
zing3dong3 ‘proper’. Moreover, some words,
such as ko1 ‘to page, telephone’, ge3 (genitive
particle), and laa3 (aspect marker), have no
The terms “initial” and “final” here are terms
adopted from traditional Chinese linguistics to refer
to the syllable onset (including zero onset) and
rhyme. The rhyme is simply the second demisyllable. The initial could be made to correspond
more to the first demi-syllable by differentiating
consonant allophones. For example, the different
release spectra of [k] before front versus back vowels
could be modelled in Law & Lee’s system by
recording different units for the onsets of 經 ging1
and 家 gaa1.
We have termed this variation “stylistic” although
the factors governing the choice are ill understood.
The difference between these two pronunciations is
not as sociolinguistically salient as the choice of a
falling tone [pou53] 煲 ‘to boil’ rather than a high
level tone [pou55] for 煲 ‘pot’ (contrasting with
[pou55] for 煲 ‘to boil’), where the pronunciation with
the falling tone for the noun has a Guangzhou flavor,
but there may be sociolinguistic factors governing it.
standard written form. In colloquial styles of
writing, these forms may be rendered in nonstandard ways, such as using the English source
word call to write ko1, or writing the particles
with special characters invented for Cantonese.
In more formal writing, however, such forms
must be left to the reader to interpolate from a
character “borrowed” from some other
morpheme. For example, ge3 (genitive particle)
might be written 的, which more typically writes
the morpheme dik1 in muk6dik1 目的 ‘aim’,
but which suggests ge3 because it also writes a
genitive particle in Mandarin (de in the Pinyin
romanization). Thus, 的 has a reading dik1 that
is etymologically related to the Mandarin
morpheme, but it also has the etymologically
independent reading ge3 because Cantonese
readers can read texts written in Mandarin as if
they were Cantonese.
This multiplicity of readings arose first of all
because the Canton City standard (which is the
major source for the Hong Kong standard) has
distinct colloquial and literary strata reflecting
the diglossia that has characterized every major
regional urban center of China for more than a
millennium. In modern Hong Kong Cantonese, a
character can have several different colloquial
readings as well. These readings reflect sound
changes in progress and a history of pervasive
dialect contact between the original Canton City
standard and the various other Cantonese and
non-Cantonese dialects and languages that have
contributed to the evolution of a distinct Hong
Kong standard over the last 150 years. Finally,
written Hong Kong Cantonese today is in a new
relationship of intense language contact with
standard (Putonghua) Mandarin, with many texts
such as official policy announcements composed
originally in Putonghua by non-Cantonese
speakers. When such texts are incorporated into
Cantonese texts, a Mandarin word with no
familiar cognate in modern Cantonese can be
rendered either by reading each character with
some cognate Cantonese morpheme for the
component Mandarin one, or by translating the
whole word into a more familiar, etymologically
unrelated Cantonese word.
Such ambiguities of reading make the task
of developing online wordlists from text corpora
doubly difficult, since word segmentation is
only half the task. Each character string that has
been identified as a word also must be
associated with an alphabetic transliteration of
the most likely pronunciation in the context.
Without such disambiguation, there is no way to
be sure that the inventory of TTS units covers
most of the attested intra-word sequences. Also,
if word frequency is at issue (as it must be when
designing materials for eliciting the unit
inventory for a single voice), token frequencies
should be calculated for the (disambiguated)
transliterated forms of words, and not just for the
(often ambiguous) orthographic forms that have
been segmented from the text. In working with
the Segmentation Corpus, therefore, our first
task was to examine each entry, correcting many
transliterations, and adjusting frequencies when
a single orthographic form writes more than one
(phonological) word.
The Segmentation Corpus
The Segmentation Corpus is an electronic
database of around 33,000 Cantonese word types
extracted from a 1.7 million character corpus of
Hong Kong newspapers, along with a tokenized
record of the text. It is described in more detail
in Chan & Tang (1999) and Tang (2001). The
Cantonese corpus is part of a larger database of
segmented Chinese texts, including Mandarin
newspapers from both the PRC and Taiwan.
The three databases were created using wordsegmentation criteria developed by researchers
at the Chinese Language Centre and Department
of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, Hong Kong
Polytechnic University.
The criteria were intended to be applicable
to texts in all three Chinese varieties. Therefore,
phonological criteria (such as the distribution of
“neutral tone” syllables in Putonghua Mandarin)
were not invoked. Rather, strings of characters
were segmented from the texts based on the
syntax, and the resulting word’s length, semantic
transparency, and collocational frequency.
Therefore, the “words” segmented from the
Hong Kong newspaper text database are
orthographic strings of characters rather than
phonological word forms. That is, a “word” is a
string of Chinese characters that (1) is an
independent part of speech (e.g., the noun 盒子
hap6zi2 ‘box’ is one word, because 子 cannot
stand alone in this use as a nominalizing affix
even though 盒 hap2 can stand alone to mean
‘box’); (2) has a meaning that is not simply a
sum of its parts (e.g., 火車 is the noun fo2ce1
‘train’, not two words 火 ‘fire’ and ‘vehicle’);
(3) does not consist of more than four
characters; and (4) either is listed in Xiandai
Hanyu Cidian or Zhongguo Chengyu DaCiDian
or meets a predetermined frequency threshold
(for strings of text not listed in these two
For our current purpose, the most useful part
of the Segmentation Corpus is the wordlist
proper, a file containing a separate entry for each
word type identified by the segmentation criteria.
Each entry has three fields: the orthographic
form(s), the pronunciation(s) in Jyutping, and
the token frequency in the segmented newspaper
corpus. In the original corpus, the first field
could have multiple entries. For example, there
are two character strings, 泛濫 and 氾濫, in the
entry for the word faan6laam6 ‘to flood’.
However, the two readings of 支援 were not
listed separately in the pronunciation field for
that orthographic form (and there was only one
entry for the two words written with 正當). This
was because the pronunciation field was
encoded originally by inserting the Jyutping
transliteration of just the first reading listed in
the 1990 edition of Soeng1Mou6 San1 Ci4Din2
[ 商 務 新 詞 典 Commercial Press New Word
Dictionary] for each component character in the
orthographic form.
The Soeng1Mou6 San1 Ci4Din2 is a
character-based dictionary that lists Canton City
standard pronunciations using both a traditional
fanqie (initial-rhyme) character-based encoding
and an alphabetic encoding (in the International
Phonetic Alphabet). It does list multiple
readings for some characters. For example, both
“[jyn4]” and “[wun4]” are listed for 援, and both
“[d1]” and “[d3]” are listed for 當 .
However, it does not include modern Hong
Kong colloquial pronunciations if they are
different from the Canton City readings.
Therefore, the original entry for 盒 ‘box’ was
hap6 rather than hap2, because the
Soeng1Mou6 San1 Ci4Din2 recognizes only
three different tones on syllables closed with [p,
t, k], although Hong Kong Cantonese has five
tones in contrast on such “checked” syllables.
Before we could use the wordlist, therefore,
we had to check the pronunciation field for each
entry. The first author, a native speaker of Hong
Kong Cantonese, examined each entry in order
to add variant readings not originally listed (as
in the entry for 支援 ‘support’) and to correct
readings that did not correspond to the modern
Hong Kong pronunciation (as in the entry for 盒
‘box’). In addition, when the added variant
pronunciation corresponded to an identifiably
different word (as in zing3dong3 ‘proper’
versus zing3dong1 ‘while’ for 正 當 ), the
entry was split in two, and all tokens of that
character string in the larger corpus were
examined, in order to allocate the total token
count for the orthographic form to the two
separate frequencies for the two different words.
Approximately 90 original entries were split into
separate entries by this processing. In this way,
the 32,840 entries in the original word list
became 33,037 entries.
Once this disambiguation of orthographic
forms was completed, we were able to use the
wordlist to count all of the distinct units
(different diphones, demi-syllables, syllables, or
“rhyme-initial combinations”) that would be
needed to synthesize all of the words in the
Segmentation Corpus. To explain what these
units are, we need to describe the phonology of
Cantonese words and larger utterances.
Cantonese phonology
The smallest possible word is a nasal ([m] or
[]) or vowel as a bare tone-bearing syllable
nucleus, as in 五 ng5 ‘five’ and 啞 aa2 ‘dumb’.
A syllable with a vowel as nucleus can also have
an onset consonant, and it can have a more
complex rhyme which combines the vowel with
any of the three coda nasals [m], [n], and [],
the two glides [j] and [w], or the three coda stops
[p], [t], and [k], as in 將 zoeng1 ‘will’, 胃 wai6
‘stomach’, and 率 leot2 ‘rate’. Tables 1 and 2
show the 11 vowels and 19 consonants of
Cantonese, and Figure 1 plots representative
fundamental frequency contours for each of the
six tone phonemes that contrast on a syllable
with an all-sonorant rhyme.
If there were no phonotactic restrictions on
combinations of vowels and consonants, or on
combinations of rhymes and tones, there would
be 673 distinct rhymes. However, not all
combinations are possible. For example, tone 5
does not occur on syllables with coda stops (and
tone 4 on such checked syllables is limited to
onomatopoeia). Also, the mid short vowel [e]
does not occur in open syllables, and in closed
syllables it occurs only before [k], [], and [j],
whereas [i:] occurs in closed syllables only
before [p], [t], [m], [n], and [w]. The Jyutping
transliteration system takes advantage of this
kind of complementary distribution to limit the
number of vowel symbols. Thus “i” is used to
transcribe both the short mid vowel [e] in the
rhymes [ek], [e], and [ej], and the high vowel
[i:] in the rhymes [i:], [i:t], [i:p], [i:m], [i:n], and
[i:w]. Ignoring tone, there are 54 rhyme types
distinguished in standard usage of Jyutping.
Canonical forms of longer words can be
described to a first approximation as strings of
syllables, each of which has one of the same
basic shapes just described for monosyllabic
words. That is, Cantonese does not have the
contrast between stressed (tone-bearing)
syllables and reduced (“neutral tone”) syllables
that gives the listener some clues to the
(phonological) word segmentation of a standard
Mandarin utterance. There are no forms such as
Mandarin kuai4zi ‘chopsticks’, which is
undeniably a single word because of the
unstressed (toneless) nature of the affix syllable
-zi. Even “particles” such as the aspect marker
and the pragmatic morphemes that mark certain
speech acts bear lexical tone. Therefore, we do
not need to take syllable “stress” into account in
specifying the inventory of concatenative units
for synthesizing word of Cantonese (as we
would have to do for Putonghua Mandarin), and
we can focus instead on the effects of position in
the word or phrase.
One of these effects is the fusion of coda [p]
with initial [h] in words such as 集合 zaap6
hap6. In fast speech or even in normal rates for
casual speaking styles, such segmental sandhi
effects can be much more extreme. Consonants
can be reduced or deleted, with the abutting
vowels fused together, as in the pronunciation
[jy:n21la:212] for the phrase 原來係 jyun4loi4
hai6 ‘was’ (with the verb cliticized onto the
preceding tense adverb), illustrated in Figure 2.
Some very frequent words or phrases have even
become lexicalized as fused forms. For example,
咩 me1 ‘what’ is etymologically a fusion of a
disyllabic word mat1je5. In the careful
speaking style which we aim to model initially,
such extreme fusions as [jy:n21la:212] for
jyun4loi4 hai6 are less common, and we will
worry for now only about modelling lexicalized
fusions and less drastic sandhi effects, such as
fusion of coda [p] with following [h].
mid (short)
mid (long)
low vowels
Table 1. Vowels of Cantonese.
th, tsh
t, ts
n, l
Table 2. Consonants of Cantonese.
tone 1
tone 2
tone 3
tone 6
tone 5
tone 4
Time (s)
Figure 1. Fundamental frequency contours for
utterances of six monosyllabic words containing
the segment sequence [wj] and contrasting in
tone. The numbers to the left identify the starting
points of contours for the four level tones (in
black) and the numbers to the right identify the
endpoints of the two level tones (in grey). (The
where the speaker breaks into creaky voice.)
discontinuities in the F0 contour for waai4 show
o5 jyun4 loi4 hai6
223 221 221 222
Time (s)
Figure 2. Spectrogram with F0 track superimposed for an utterance of the sentence o5 jyun4loi4 hai6
wai3 ‘Oh, I get it. It was the character 慰!’ (The context is a dictation task.) The labelling window above the
signal view shows a partial transcription in the annotation conventions proposed by Wong, Chan & Beckman
(in press), with a syllable-by-syllable Jyutping transliteration (top tier), a transcription of the (canonical)
lexical tones and boundary tones, and a phonetic transcription of fused forms (lowest tier). The HL%
boundary tone is a pragmatic morpheme, which we have translated with the ‘Oh, I get it.’ phrase.
Chu & Ching
Law & Lee
Table 3. The string of basic units and exceptional units (underlined) that would be needed to
utterance of the word ‘economist’ in each of the three models.
Figure 2 also illustrates another positional
effect that will affect the synthesis model. The
final syllable in this utterance is sustained, to be
longer than the four syllables combined. It also
bears two extra tone targets for the HL%
boundary tone. (See Wong, Chan & Beckman,
in press, for a discussion of these utterance-level
effects.) Phrase-final lengthening is not usually
so extreme in read speech, and the inventory of
boundary tones is more limited. However, there
will be sufficient final lengthening to warrant the
recording of separate units for (the rhymes of)
final syllables. These two positional effects
increase the inventory of units, albeit in different
ways depending on the choice of “basic” unit.
Counting different unit types
Table 3 illustrates the three models using the
word 經 濟 學 家
‘economist’. The first model is an adaptation of
basic+ exc.
units (w/tone)
1042 + 1449
synthesize an
Chu & Ching (1997). The basic concatenative
unit is the syllable, with some cross-syllable
diphones added to capture word-internal sandhi.
The second model is that of Law & Lee (2000),
in which the basic unit is the syllable turned
inside out — i.e. a combination of the rhyme of
the preceding syllable plus the initial of the
following syllable. The third model uses
something like the traditional diphone, but
differentiating codas from onset consonants.
This model would have an advantage over Law
& Lee’s cross-syllable final-initial combination
model in that spectral continuity between the
initial and rhyme is captured in the CV diphones
(such as #gi and zai). Similarly, the diphones
capture the dependency between the quality of
the [h] and that of the following vowel (i.e., one
records separate cross-syllable diphones for
i$ho, i$hi, i$haa, and so on).
The last column in Table 3 lists the
theoretically possible number of basic units and
(for the first model) of exceptional units that
would have to be added to model the positional
effects. For example, the basic Chu & Ching
(1997) model is to string together full syllables.
Multiplying the number of onsets by the number
of rhymes, we get 1042 syllable types. (The
exceptional units are an extra full set of syllables
recorded in utterance final position and a set of
cross-syllable diphones added to capture crosssyllabic sandhi effects word-internally.)
Note that these counts do not take tone into
consideration. However, since every syllable
bears a (full) tone, and since tones are not
reduced in running speech, recording different
units for rhymes with different tones should
improve the naturalness of the synthesis if
fundamental frequency is modified using
standard time-domain techniques such as
PSOLA. (Even if better methods for pitch
manipulation become available, the contour for
tone 4 in Figure 1 indicates that voice quality
can be affected by the tone specification, so it
may still be necessary to record separate units
for each tone.) Naturalness may also require
different cross-syllabic units for different tone
sequences when sonorant segments abut at
syllable edges (so as to insure tonal continuity).
Of course, when tone specification is taken
into account, the number of necessary units
grows substantially, particularly in the crosssyllabic final-initial model of Law & Lee (2000)
and the diphone-only model. When we take tone
into consideration in the Law & Lee model, the
number of units becomes 9516. In the diphoneonly model, it becomes 16,200. This is likely to
be too many, because few speakers can maintain
consistent voice quality for the time that would
be required. But when we count only those types
that are attested in the words of the
Segmentation Corpus, the total number is 4317.
If each diphone were recorded in a disyllabic
carrier word, a Cantonese speaker could speak
all of the words to make a new voice in a single
recording session. (For comparison, the number
of attested diphones ignoring tone is 743.)
We have shown one way of using a segmented
database to inform the design of a unit inventory
for TTS. In its original form the Segmentation
Corpus was not ideal for our purpose, because
the focus of that project was the development of
segmentation criteria that could be applied to
cognate words across dialects of Chinese, rather
than the development of a word list with dialectspecific pronunciations. We augmented the
Segmentation Corpus with transliterations that
would let us predict more accurately the
pronunciation that a Cantonese speaker adopting
a careful speaking style would be likely to
produce for a character sequence. Judgements
about the phonology of Cantonese, in
combination with the new wordlist, and the
associated word frequency data, can be used to
assess the costs and likely benefits of different
strategies for unit selection in Cantonese TTS. In
particular, we present data indicating the
feasibility of a new diphone selection strategy
that finesses some of the problems in modelling
the interactions between tone and segmental
identity. It remains to be demonstrated that this
strategy can actually deliver the results which it
appears to promise. This is our future work.
This work was supported by a grant from the
University Grants Committee of Hong Kong to
Y. S. Cheung and an SBC/Ameritech Faculty
Research Award to C. Brew and M. Beckman.
Chan S. D. and Tang Z. X. (1999) Quantitative
Analysis of Lexical Distribution in Different
Chinese Communities in the 1990’s. Yuyan Wenzi
Yingyong [Applied Linguistics], No.3, 10-18
Chu M. and Ching P. C. (1997) A Cantonese
synthesizer based on TD-PSOLA method.
Proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium
on Multimedia Information Processing. Academia
Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 1997.
Law K. M. and Lee Tan (2000) Using cross-syllable
units for Cantonese speech synthesis. Proceedings
of the 2000 International Conference on Spoken
Language Processing, Beijing, China, Oct. 2000.
Tang Z. X. (2001)
Synchronic Situation and
Development of Contemporary Chinese Lexis.
Fudan University Press.
Wong W. Y. P., Chan M. K-M., and Beckman M. E.
(in press) An Autosegmental-Metrical analysis and
prosodic conventions for Cantonese. To appear in
S-A. Jun, ed. Prosodic Models and Transcription:
Towards Prosodic Typology. Oxford University