99650 Pharmacology of Chinese Herbal Medicine

99650 Pharmacology of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Finding Journal Articles
Top Databases
Medline,AMED and BOSIS can be accessed via the Library Website
http://www.lib.uts.edu.au from:
 the Databases page, or
 the Catalogue, or
 Study Guide
Example searches for Medline and AMED:
(suggestions from your lecturer)
1. Search using single herb’s name or active compounds:
Ren Shen/Ginseng: ginsenosides
Dan Shen/ Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae: tanshinones
Gan Cao/ Radix Glycyrrhizae: glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetic acid
Jiao Gu Lan/Gynostemma pentaphyllum: gypenosides
2. Search using herb’s name with known active compounds and pharmacological
effects or clinical applications
Huang Lian/Berberine and anti-diabetes/diabetes
Huang Qin (Radix Scutellariae)/baicalin and anti-cancer/cancer
3. Screening search for a special disease:
 Chinese herbal medicines for obesity
 Chinese herbal medicines for diabetes
 Chinese herbal medicines for dyslipidaemia
 Chinese herbal medicines for menopause
 Chinese herbal medicines for cancer therapy
Search hints:
 use truncation eg Chinese herbal medicine$
 try ‘Map term to subject heading’ in “Advanced Search” to find other terms, eg
Chinese herbal medicine maps to “Drugs, Chinese Herbal”
 use SFX link to locate full text
4. Select more databases (Medline, AMED and BOSIS) to search.
Use keyword in “Advanced Search” and then narrow search by Subject.
Ren Shen/Ginseng: ginsenosides
Electronic Reference Books
(search by book title at library catalogue or find in Study Guide)
Mosby's Handbook of Herbs & Natural Supplements Mosby, 2006
Provides detailed information on 300 commonly used herbal products and
natural supplements. Search herb by Chinese, English and pharmacology
name, search herbal formula by name of disease.
An illustrated Chinese materia medica Oxford University Press, 2005
A lavishly illustrated atlas of the 320 herbs used most frequently in traditional
Chinese medical practice. Each substance is profiled authoritatively in
monographs that provide pharmaceutical, botanical and English names;
flavor properties and channel tropisms; functions; clinical uses and major
combinations; dosage and administration; and precautions.
The natural pharmacy complete A-Z reference to alternative treatments
for common health conditions Three Rivers Press, 2006
o Search a specific health concern to learn what nutritional supplements or
herbs might be helpful treatments.
o Search by Nutritional Supplement or Herb to see the full list of health
concerns for which it has been found useful, known side effects and
interactions, and other information specific to that nutrient or herb.
Chinese and related North American herbs : phytopharmacology and
therapeutic values CRC Press, 2002.
An online dictionary to search single herbs :Chinese name , Scientific name,
Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values
Useful Free Websites
Pubmed Central (http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/)
The U.S. National Library of Medicine's digital archive of biomedical and life
sciences journal literature, providing free access to the full text of articles.
HerbMed (http://www.herbmed.org/)
Searchable database provides evidence-based herbal information. Six
categories of information are provided for each herb: evidence of activity,
warnings, preparations, mixtures, mechanisms of action and related web
Complementary and Alternative Healing University
Searchable information of
Acupuncture, massage, etc.
More information resources of TCM are available at Library> My Subject Resources
> Study Guide > Science > Traditional Chinese Medicine
Have a question? Welcome to ask librarians in Sciences and Technology team:
Janet Chelliah
John Mueller
Patrick Tooth
Jane van Balen
Meijun Huang
Ashley England