Pottsgrove School District Unit Planning Organizer Subject(s) WORLD LANGUAGE LEVEL 1 Grade/Course 8-12/LEVEL 1 WORLD LANGUAGE Unit of Study INTRODUCTORY UNIT Dominant Focus SOUND SYSTEM, INTRODUCTORY CONVERSATION SKILLS, EXPRESSING DATES Unit Type(s) Topical Pacing Weeks: 6 X Skills-based ❑ Thematic Dates: August 29, 2011 – October 14, 2011 Current Priority State Standards Supporting Standards List the priority standards (written out in bold) and the supporting standards (written out in non-bold) that will be taught during this unit of study. CAPITALIZE the SKILLS and underline the important concepts for all priority standards addressed in this unit. 12.1.S.1.A=KNOW the basic sound system and spelling patterns of the target language 1 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 12.1.1.S1.A = RECITE target language alphabet and associated sounds and basic words with proper accentuation. 12.1.S1.B = KNOW common vocabulary forms and structures used in basic speaking and writing. 12.1.1.S1.B = SPEAK and WRITE common vocabulary, phrases and structures during activities with the teacher, classmates and family (Interpersonal Skills) 12.3.S1.A – Identify fundamental products and customs of the target culture 12.3.S1.B – Know typical expressions and gestures for basic social interactions in the target culture. 12.3.1.S1B – Use culturally appropriate memorized expressions and gestures for basic social interactions. 12.5.S1.A – Know where in the local and regional community the target language and culture are useful 12.5.1.S1.A – Introduce oneself and respond to simple questions in the local and regional community. 12.5.S1.B – Know where in the national community the target language and culture are experienced 12.5.1.S1.B – Respond to simple questions and interpret simple messages on a national level. 12.5.S1.C – Know where the target language is spoken in the global community. 2 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 Priority Standard(s) List the identified priority standards from above. 12.1.S1.A “Unwrapped” Concepts “Unwrapped” Skills (Students need to know) (Students need to be able to do) Unwrap the priority standard by listing the concepts and skills. Identify the appropriate level(s) of Bloom. (12.1.S1.A)Basic Sound Systems *vowels *consonants (12.1.S1.A)Know (vowel sounds, consonant sounds) (12.1.1.S1.A)Recite (alphabet) *diphthongs (12.1.S1.A) I. remembering II. understanding III. applying Spelling Patterns 12.1.1.S1.A Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels IV. analyzing (12.1.1.S1.A)Proper Pronunciation (12.1.1.S1.A) *vowels I. remembering *consonants II. understanding *diphthongs III. applying (12.1.S1.B;12.1.1.S1.B)Common Vocabulary Phrases *greetings, farewells, courtesy expressions *formal and informal forms of address 12.1.S1.B 3 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 *numbers (12.1.S1.B)Know (common vocabulary, phrases and structures) IV. analyzing (12.1.1.S1.B)Speak (common vocabulary, phrases and structures) (12.1.S1.B) Write (common vocabulary, phrases and structures) II. understanding I. remembering III. applying 12.1.1.S1.B *daily life skills IV. analyzing Common Vocabulary Structures (12.1.1.S1.B) *dates I. remembering *basic questions words *classroom commands II. understanding III. applying IV. analyzing 4 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 Essential Questions Essential Questions are engaging, open-ended questions that educators use to spark initial student interest in learning the content of the unit about to commence. Identify the Essential Questions that will be used throughout this unit to focus your instruction and assessment. For consideration, ask yourself the following about each essential question: 1 2 3 4 Is this question written in student friendly language? Can this question be answered with one of the Big Ideas? Does the question lead the students to discovery of the Big Ideas? Does the question go beyond who, what, where, when and ask the students to explain how and why? 1. How do sound patterns in the target language compare to English? How do they impact pronunciation and spelling patterns? 5 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 Corresponding Big Ideas Big ideas are what you want your students to discover on their own as a result of instruction and learning activities. Identify the Big Ideas for each corresponding essential question. The goal is for students to effectively be able to respond to the teacher’s essential questions with the big ideas, stated in their own words, by the end of the unit. 1. Each language has its own unique sound system and spelling pattern that make the sounds and spelling different from English. 2. Which basic phrases and structures do I use for introductory conversations? How does my audience impact word choice? 2. I am able to give basic information about myself and request information from others following the rules of cultural courtesy. 3. 3. 4. 4. Common Assessments Note to Curriculum Designers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Review grade-or course-specific state standardized assessments for the types of questions directly related to the “unwrapped” Priority Standards' concepts and skills in focus for this unit of study. Identify the vocabulary used and frequency of these questions. Compare/contrast this information with the “unwrapped” concepts and skills listed above to determine how closely the two are aligned. Create the Post Assessment using the Common Formative Assessment Template (Appendix A). Create the Pre Assessment. Decide whether the pre-assessment will be aligned (directly matched to post-assessment but with fewer questions) or mirrored (exact number and type of questions as post-assessment. Create Informal Progress Monitoring Checks. Create short, ungraded “checks for student understanding” for the educator to administer throughout the unit of study that are directly aligned to the post-assessment questions (selected-, short-, extended-response, and/or performance-based) and that coincide with learning progressions—the “building block chunks” of instruction. 6 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 Post Assessment: 1. Which letter is pronounced differently than in English? (12.1.S1.A) 2. The vowels are pronounced the same as in English. T/F (12.1.S1.A) 3. What is a ‘diphthong’? (12.1.S1.A) 4. How do you say “hello”? (12.1.S1.B) 5. What is the difference between formal and informal? (12.1.S1.B) 6. Which is the correct way to express the date September 15? (12.1.S1.B) 7. How do you ask: “Where are you from?” (12.1.S1.B) 8. How do you ask: “May I go to the bathroom?” (12.1.S1.B) 9. How does your teacher tell you to open your book? (12.1.S1.B) 10. How do you ask someone “What is your name?” (12.1.S1.B) 11. How do you say ‘10’? (12.1.S1.B) 12. How do you say ‘please’? (12.1.S1.B) 13. How many vowels are there in the language you are studying? (12.1.S1.A) 14. How do you say “Goodbye”? (12.1.S1.B) 7 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 Pre Assessment: 1. Which letter is pronounced differently than in English? (12.1.S1.A) 2. The vowels are pronounced the same as in English. T/F (12.1.S1.A) 3. What is a ‘diphthong’? (12.1.S1.A) 4. How do you say “hello”? (12.1.S1.B) 5. What is the difference between formal and informal? (12.1.S1.B) 6. Which is the correct way to express the date September 15? (12.1.S1.B) 7. How do you ask: “Where are you from?” (12.1.S1.B) 8. How do you ask: “May I go to the bathroom?” (12.1.S1.B) 9. How does your teacher tell you to open your book? (12.1.S1.B) 10. How do you ask someone “What is your name?” (12.1.S1.B) 11. How do you say ‘10’? (12.1.S1.B) 12. How do you say ‘please’? (12.1.S1.B) 13. How many vowels are there in the language you are studying? (12.1.S1.A) 14. How do you say “Goodbye”? (12.1.S1.B) 8 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 Informal Progress Monitoring Checks: s Plan for Instruction Make connections between learning experiences and teaching strategies Engaging Learning Experiences Research-based Effective Teaching Strategies (Authentic Performance Tasks) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 9 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 Unit Vocabulary Spanish German ¡Buenos días! Good morning. Buenas tardes. Good afternoon. Greetings: Buenas noches. Good evening. Hallo Hola Hello Morgen (Moin) Adiós Goodbye Guten Morgen Hasta luego. Until later. Hasta mañana. Until tomorrow. Hasta pronto. See you soon. Guten Tag Grüß dich Farewells: Auf Wiedersehen Nos vemos. See you. Tschüss el nombre first name Bis dann el apellido last name Classroom Expressions ¿Cómo te llamas? How do you call Darf ich zur WC? yourself? (What’s your name?) Darf ich ein Getränk abholen? Me llamo...I call myself Setzt euch! El gusto es mío (The pleasure is mine.) Sei ruhig! Encantado/a- delighted to meet you Wiederholt! Es un placer. It’s a pleasure. Haben wir Hausaufgaben? Igualmente. LIkewise. Mucho gusto. Nice to meet you. Die Wocke Montag Dienstag ¿Cómo se llama? What does he/she call Mittwoch him/herself? (and you formal) Donnerstag 10 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 French Se llama... he/she/you formal call Freitag himself/herself/youself... Samstag Señor, Sr.- man, Sir, Mr. Sonntag Señora- Ms. Woman, Mrs. Question Words Señorita- Miss, young woman Gracias thanks de nada- you’re welcome Wer Was Wie Wann ¿De dónde eres?- where are you from? Wo Soy de... I’m from... Woher ¿Y tú? And you? Wieviel ¿De dónde es? WHere is he/she from? Months: Es de...he/she is from Januar Siéntense. SIt down. Februar Levántense. Stand up. März Atención, por favor. Attention, please. April Escuchen. Listen Miren el pizarrón... look at. the board Saquen- take out Mai Juni Juli August Abran los libros- open your books September Cierren- close Oktober ¿Puedo ir al baño?- Can I go to the November bathroom? Dezember ¿Puedo afilar mi lápiz?-Can I sharpen my pencil? Numbers: eins 11 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 ¿Puedo ir a la basura? Can I go to the zwei trash can? drei Necesito- I need vier No tengo- I don’t have fünf Spanish Language Speaking Countries el país- country hispanohablante- Spanish speaking ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? WHat’s sechs sieben acht neun zehn today’s date? elf Hoy es el_#__de____month___. Today zwölf is ... dreizehn lunes- Monday vierzehn martes- Tuesday fünfzehn miércoles- Wednesday sechszehn jueves- Thursday siebzehn viernes- Friday sábado- Saturday domingo- SUnday achtzehn neunzehn zwanzig einundzwanzig (etc..) ¿Qué día es hoy? WHat day is today? dreißig mañana- tomorrow Irregular Ordinal Numbers: cero- 0 erste uno 1 dritte dos-2 siebte tres-3 12 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 cuatro-4 cinco- 5 seis-6 siete-7 ocho-8 nueve-9 diez-10 once-11 doce-12 trece-13 catorce-14 quince-15 dieciséis-16 diecisiete-17 dieciocho-18 diecinueve-19 veinte-20 veintiuno- 21 veintidós- 22 veintitrés-23 veinticuatro-24 veinticinco-25 veintiséis-26 veintisiete-27 13 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 veintiocho-28 veintinueve-29 treinta-30 treinta y uno- 31 enero-Jan. febrero-Feb. marzo-Mar. abril-Apr. mayo-May junio-June julio-July agosto-Aug. septiembre-Sept. octubre-Oct. noviembre-Nov. diciembre-Dec. ¿Quién?-who? ¿Quiénes?- who (pl.)? ¿Qué?-what? ¿Dónde? Where? ¿Adónde? to where? ¿Cuándo? when? ¿Por qué? Why? ¿Cómo? How? 14 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 ¿Cuánto/a? How much? ¿Cuántos/as? How many ? ¿Cuál? Which? ¿Cuáles? Which ones? primero- 1st 15 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 Instructional Resources and Materials Program/Text 16 PGSD Unit Planning Template 4.29.11 Technology Teacher Created