Consolidation of IEP Meetings

(Revised: 8-08)
Student ____________________
IEP Manager ____________________
This process is to be followed for all students who are due for a three-year special education reevaluation or
a transition evaluation. Transition evaluations must be completed for special education students before they
reach age 14 or enter the 9th grade. Transition evaluations may occur at a time not coordinated with the
comprehensive initial evaluation or reevaluation dates. Due process forms are found on I-Plan.
The due process secretary, case manager, or designated SST member will date and/or initial when the
below actions are completed or filed:
Is this a special education reevaluation?
Is this a special education transition evaluation?
_____ Notify IEP manager three months before reevaluation or transition evaluation is due.
_____ Referral and/or referral form (see I-PLAN Referral Review and Evaluation Determination form)
discussed and processed at Student Support Team (SST).
_____ Assign evaluation manager at SST (team must include person licensed in the area of the student’s
(Evaluation Manager)
_____ Attach Record of Access to Private Education Folder if not already in place (attach to inside front
cover of file).
_____ Attach Student Log to file if not already in place (this documents parent contacts and other actions
regarding the student).
_____ Place Notice of a Private Special Education Folder in the student’s cumulative file if not already in
place (recommend brightly colored paper).
_____ When the decision is to propose a special education reevaluation, send parents (1) Notice of Team
Meeting (2) (3) and check “To discuss development of an evaluation/reevaluation plan.” There is no
“legal” requirement to conduct evaluation planning meetings. The decision to formally hold
such meetings should be made at the building level. It is recommended that such a meeting be
held for all initial evaluations. This is to acquaint parents and students with the process and
staff involved. It may also be beneficial to hold evaluation planning meetings when the case is
complex or when parents request.
Include Procedural Safeguards notice (4) and document attempts to invite parents to this meeting.
Best practice includes attempting to contact parent by phone and then sending out notice (attempt to
notify parent 7-10 days before this meeting). The student must also be invited to any team
meeting where transition will be discussed (5). Provide copy of notice to all invitees. File copy in
student’s special education folder.
_____ If decision is to collect evaluation data, send/provide parents (1) with Prior Written Notice of
Educational Evaluation/Re-Evaluation and check b (This notice is for a re-evaluation). Then check
“Based upon a review of exist data regarding your child, additional testing is needed to determine if
your child continues to have a disability and needs special education services.” Include Procedural
Safeguards notice (4). File copy in student’s special education folder.
_____ If the decision is no need for further evaluation data, send/provide parents (1) with Prior Written
Notice of Educational Evaluation/Re-Evaluation and check b (This notice is required for a reevaluation). Then check “Based on a review of existing data regarding your child, additional testing
is not needed to confirm that your child continues to have a disability and continues to be in need of
special education services.” Include Procedural Safeguards notice (4). File copy in student’s special
education folder.
_____ Written permission received (must document attempts to obtain parent’s written permission
before a reevaluation can be conducted, otherwise can begin reevaluation if no response from
parent after 14 school days elapse after parent receipt of notice) (6). The 30 school days timeline
starts when the district receives the parent’s written permission. The evaluation must be
completed within 30 school days.
14 school day no response date _____
30 school day evaluation completion date _____
25 school day* evaluation completion date _____
*All required components of evaluation must be completed and provided to the school psychologist
for review by this date. The evaluation manager is responsible to notify evaluators regarding this
timeline (may direct due process secretary to notify evaluators).
_____ SST reviews evaluation data for completeness and discusses if the student may be in need of
continued special education services or transition services.
_____ Complete Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) including final page of ESR. Date of ESR must be on
or before the date of the 30 school day evaluation completion date.
_____ Send parents (1) Notice of Team Meeting (2) (3) and check “To discuss evaluation results and
determine if your child is eligible for special education and related services.” If it is likely that a
revised Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be developed, also check “To consider the development
of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)” or when adding
transition goals or activities check “To consider secondary transition needs, services, and
development of a transition plan.” Best practice includes attempting to contact parent by phone and
then sending out notice (attempt to notify parent 7-10 days before the meeting). Include Procedural
Safeguards notice (4) and document attempts to invite parents to this meeting. The student must also
be invited to any team meeting where transition will be discussed (5). Provide copy of notice to
all invitees. File copy in student’s special education folder.
The ESR presented at an evaluation results meeting must be labeled or referred to as a DRAFT ESR.
The IEP presented at an IEP meeting must be labeled or referred to as a DRAFT IEP.
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Excusing Team Members’ Attendance
IDEA 2004 states that a member of the IEP team is not required to attend an IEP meeting, in whole or in
part, if:
• The parent of a child with a disability and the district agree, due to the fact that the member’s area of the
curriculum or related services is not being modified or discussed.
• The parent’s agreement must be in writing.
• The member submits, in writing to the parents and the team, his or her input into the development of the
IEP prior to the meeting.
Use SCRED form: Excusal from or Nonattendance at an Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Meeting when implementing this process.
Making Changes to the IEP
IDEA 2004 makes provisions when making changes to a child's IEP after the annual IEP meeting for a
school year. If the parent of a child with a disability and the district agree not to convene an IEP meeting for
the purposes of making such changes, a written document may be developed to amend or modify the child's
current IEP.
Changes to the IEP may be made either by the entire IEP team or, by amending, rather than redrafting the
entire IEP. Upon request, a parent shall be provided with a revised copy of the IEP with the amendments
Consolidation of IEP Meetings
IDEA 2004 makes provisions that to the extent possible, the district will encourage the consolidation of
reevaluation meetings and other IEP team meetings for the child.
Alternative Means of Meeting Participation
IDEA 2004 makes provisions that when conducting IEP team meetings and placement meetings and carrying
out administrative matters (such as scheduling, exchange of witness lists and status conferences), the parent
of a child with a disability and the district may agree to use alternative means of meeting participation, such
as video conferences and conference calls.
_____ The evaluation results meeting is held.
_____ If the decision is to discontinue all special education services, send/provide parents (1) Prior Written
Notice/Parent Consent and check “The school district recommended that all current special
education and related services be discontinued. The school district will proceed with this change
unless you object in writing within 14 calendar days of receiving this notice.” The ESR must be
written and sent to parents within 10 school days of the evaluation results meeting. File copy in
student’s special education folder.
14 calendar day no response date _____
_____ When an IEP will be developed, the IEP must be developed (written and sent to parents) within 10
school days after the IEP planning meeting. File copy in student’s special education folder.
_____ The Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) checklist has been signed by the school psychologist before
sending final version of the ESR to parents.
Reevaluation/Transition Evaluation DPAL Page 3
_____ The case manager completed the IEP Checklist before sending final version IEP to parents.
_____ Parents did not attend IEP meeting. When the parent(s) did not attend the IEP meeting, a parent’s
request is being denied, there was no consensus at the team meeting, a conciliation conference has
occurred, or the parent(s) requests, the following information must be included in the Prior Written
Notice/Parent Consent:
 A description of the action proposed or refused by the district (if not shown on the attached IEP,
 An explanation of why the district proposes or refuses to take the action.
 A description of any other options that the district considered and the reasons why those options
were rejected.
 A description of each evaluation procedure, test, record or report the district used as a basis for
the proposed or refused action.
 A description of any other factors that are relevant to the district’s proposal or refusal.
_____ Send parents (1) copy of ESR, IEP and Prior Written Notice/Parent Consent and check “Because
your child is initially going to receive special education services, the school district will not proceed
without your written consent at the bottom of this form. You must sign this form at the bottom and
return it before we can proceed.” Include Procedural Safeguards notice (4). File copy in student’s
special education folder.
_____ Permission form signed by parents returned. Begin services. If parent disagrees, contact the IEP
manager or school psychologist. File copy in student’s special education folder.
14 calendar day no response date _____
Reevaluation/Transition Evaluation DPAL Page 4
(1) Parents may be the student’s biological parents, foster parents, surrogate parents, guardians, etc. Consult
the case manager or school psychologist if there are questions about who the parents are. Also consult
SCRED Special Education Guideline #1.
(2) Reasonable efforts must be made to invite parents to team meetings. This involves more than one
attempt including phone calls, letters, and formal notices.
(3) If a student is a resident of another school district, a representative must also be invited from the student’s
resident district. Consult the Evaluation or IEP manager.
(4) IDEA 2004 revises requirements regarding the provision of procedural safeguards notice to parents:
A copy of the procedural safeguards … shall be given to the parents only one time a year, except that a
copy also shall be given to the parents:
 Upon initial referral or parental request for evaluation;
 Upon the first occurrence of the filing of a complaint; and
 Upon request by a parent.
Internet Web Site—A school district may place a current copy of the procedural safeguards notice on its
internet web site if such web site exists.
(5) All students, from age 13 and older or 8th grade or higher, must be invited to any team meeting where
transition is discussed.
(6) The 14 calendar days applies only after parent receives notice. This typically would begin
2-3 days after notice was sent.
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