Riesch et al. Speciation in darkness Biology Letters draft 1 Electronic Supplementary Material 2 Speciation in caves: experimental evidence that permanent darkness promotes reproductive isolation 3 4 5 Rüdiger Riesch, Martin Plath & Ingo Schlupp 6 7 Additional background information 8 Evolution of cave faunas 9 One branch of evolutionary biology that traditionally focuses on ecological 10 speciation—even though the term is rarely used in this context—is the research 11 on speciation of cave faunas [1-3]. Two main hypotheses have been proposed to 12 explain the reproductive isolation and subsequent independent evolution of 13 troglobites (i.e., obligate cave organisms). The traditional view posits that after 14 successful colonization of a cave, surface-dwelling populations become 15 geographically disconnected from the subterranean population(s) or even go 16 extinct (e.g., due to changing climate), leading to reproductive isolation and 17 ultimately allopatric speciation (climatic relict hypothesis [4-6]). Alternatively, 18 reproductive isolation could result from ecologically-based divergent natural 19 selection even in the absence of physical barriers [7], because individuals in 20 caves are predicted to show evolutionary change in order to exploit the new 21 habitat type or new food sources (adaptive shift hypothesis [6,8-9]; see also the 22 “isolation-by-adaptation” concept introduced by Nosil et al. [10-12]). 1 Riesch et al. 23 Speciation in darkness Biology Letters draft Intriguingly, several cave fishes co-occur with their closely related surface- 24 dwelling relatives within the same river system, and the only obvious ecological 25 parameter that apparently prevents gene-flow between divergent ecotypes is the 26 presence or absence of light. Beside the Poecilia mexicana system [7,13], 27 parapatric contact is seen, e.g., between different cave and surface populations 28 of Ancistrus sp. in the São Domingo karst area in Brazil [14-15]. Therefore, one 29 obvious question comes to mind: what about the possibility that the absence of 30 light in itself could be a strong enough selective force to limit gene flow following 31 colonization and initial steps of adaptation to cave life? This question motivated 32 our present study, as surprisingly little attention has been focused on this 33 question in the past. This is probably due, for the main part, to the necessity to 34 conduct rather time-consuming life history studies, which form the backbone of 35 our present study. Our present study, for example, required the rearing of N = 36 145 individual fish over the course of one year, while ensuring strictly 37 standardized feeding and other maintenance procedures (see main text) and 38 controlling for the onset of sexual maturity on a daily basis. 39 40 Divergent selection and local adaptation in extremophile P. mexicana 41 Poecilia mexicana populations in the Cueva del Azufre system (Tabasco, 42 Mexico) are characterized by the simultaneous action of two strong selective 43 forces: permanent darkness and hydrogen sulphide (H2S) [13,16-17]. Within a 44 small geographical scale of only few kilometres, reproductively isolated 45 populations of P. mexicana inhabit environments characterized by all possible 2 Riesch et al. Speciation in darkness Biology Letters draft 46 combinations of these two environmental factors: a toxic cave (Cueva del 47 Azufre), a nontoxic cave (Cueva Luna Azufre), a toxic surface stream (El Azufre) 48 and a variety of nontoxic surface habitats in the Río Grijalva ⁄ Usumacinta 49 drainage (including the two evaluated in our present study: Arroyo Bonita and 50 Río Amatan) [13, 16-18]. Toxicity in this system is of volcanic origin [19] and 51 reaches concentrations of >300 µM in the Cueva del Azufre [16, 20-21]. 52 Extremophile P. mexicana are characterized by site-specific local 53 adaptations in behavioural (e.g. [22-26]), dietary [27], morphological [17,20-21], 54 and physiological traits [28], as well as divergent female [29-32] and male life 55 histories [33]. Life-history evolution of extremophile female poeciliids is 56 dominated by shifts towards large offspring size and reduced fecundity [29-32], 57 while male life history evolution follows a less predictable pattern between 58 environments [33]. Nonetheless, population differences in life history traits have 59 been found to be largely heritable in males and females [29,31,33]. 60 61 Mechanisms of reproductive isolation in the Cueva del Azufre system 62 All extreme habitats in the Cueva del Azufre system are interconnected, and no 63 physical barriers would prevent individual dispersal and thus gene flow between 64 different locally adapted populations [28,34-37]. However, several studies have 65 established that populations from ecologically divergent environments are 66 reproductively isolated [20,34-36], even after catastrophic flood events that 67 temporarily increase the frequency of individual dislocations among habitat types 68 [35]. Gene flow at the interface between surface and cave habitats is weak and 3 Riesch et al. Speciation in darkness Biology Letters draft 69 unidirectional, i.e. from the inside of the sulfidic Cueva del Azufre to the sulfidic 70 surface habitats but not vice versa [35-36]. What isolating mechanism(s) can 71 explain this pronounced genetic structure over extremely small geographic 72 distances? 73 Previous reciprocal transplant experiments have shown that the presence 74 or absence of H2S creates strong reproductive isolation at the interface of toxic to 75 nontoxic habitats in natural populations [36,38], while the presence or absence of 76 light does not influence 24-hour survival between adjoining toxic cave and 77 surface habitats [36]. In addition to H2S-toxicity, predation has been 78 demonstrated to contribute to reproductive isolation. First, in controlled 79 experiments in the field, giant water bugs (Belostoma sp.) preyed predominantly 80 on surface fish in the permanent darkness of the Cueva del Azufre and primarily 81 on cave fish in the adjoining surface habitats [39]. Tobler and colleagues [40] 82 have also demonstrated that giant water bugs preferentially prey on male P. 83 mexicana if given the choice between both sexes. Second, different predator 84 regimes between habitats clearly exert additional selection on immigrants. Fish in 85 toxic surface habitats suffer from bird predation rates that are more than 20 times 86 higher compared to benign surface habitats, but predatory fish are absent from 87 extreme habitats [41]. Finally, sexual selection via visual mate choice acts 88 against immigrant males in natural populations, because females prefer their own 89 males to foreign males [36]. However, previous experiments have shown that, 90 while cave-dwelling P. mexicana retained a visual preference for their own 91 species [42] and males from their own population [36], they are unable to 4 Riesch et al. Speciation in darkness Biology Letters draft 92 distinguish between ‘own’ and foreign in darkness ([42]; Riesch, Plath & Schlupp, 93 unpubl. data). Hence, reproductive isolation as a result of selection from 94 predation and sexual selection (at least in light) affects males disproportionately 95 more than females. 96 The pattern that emerges is quite complex, and is clearly the result of 97 multiple isolating mechanisms. The combination of different predation regimes, 98 sexual selection via visual mate choice, and hydrogen sulphide toxicity [36,41] 99 can clearly explain the lack of gene flow between adjoining toxic and benign 100 surface habitats [20,34-36]. However, the mechanisms revealed so far certainly 101 fail to fully explain the lack of gene flow from either the toxic surface into the toxic 102 Cueva del Azufre, or the nontoxic surface into the nontoxic Cueva Luna Azufre. 103 Even more surprising is the fact that according to our previous studies, selection 104 should be stronger on cave fish migrating out of the cave, where they encounter 105 new predators (i.e., birds [41]) and are selected against via mate choice [36]; yet 106 gene flow patterns tell us the opposite story, because we only found weak gene 107 flow out of the caves rather than weak gene flow into the caves [20,34-36]. 108 Potentially, permanent darkness could play an important role as an additional – 109 as yet unrecognized – isolating mechanism in this system, and based on the 110 known gene flow patterns [20,34-36], we predicted to find decreased fitness of 111 surface fish in darkness but not vice versa. 112 113 Additional information on the experimental design 114 Common garden protocol 5 Riesch et al. Speciation in darkness Biology Letters draft 115 Field-caught fish were housed in several mixed-sex tanks, in which they were 116 exposed to identical environmental conditions (natural light cycle, and no 117 hydrogen sulphide or predators). Pregnant females showing a distended 118 abdomen were isolated in individual 10-L aquaria, fed ad libitum amounts of 119 commercially available flake food, and checked twice daily for offspring until they 120 had given birth. Only one clutch per female was included. 121 Females were removed from their tanks on the day of birth and measured 122 for standard length (SL) to the nearest millimetre. Babies were raised together at 123 a maximum density of five babies per 10-L tank for 37 days under ad-libitum 124 food- (brine shrimp and ground-up flake food) and benign water-conditions 125 (partial water changes were performed every second day). Large clutches (≥10 126 babies) were separated into two groups of five offspring per tank; surplus babies 127 were discarded from the experiment and introduced into our stock tanks. In total, 128 we thus raised N = 44 clutches (11 from AB, 11 RA, and 22 PSV). 129 After 37 days, we randomly selected up to four offspring from each clutch 130 [i.e., cave mollies often gave birth to less than four offspring [30], so in this case 131 we selected all offspring available from that particular clutch up to a maximum of 132 four] and randomly assigned them to one of four treatments, leading to an overall 133 sample size of 145 individuals in the experiment. Generally, our common garden 134 experiment followed well-established protocols (e.g., [43-44]), but some changes 135 were made to investigate specific aspects of the cave molly complex: Treatments 136 1 and 2 involved a 12:12 hr light/dark cycle coupled with low (tr. 1) or high food 137 availability (tr. 2). In treatments 3 and 4, fish were raised in perpetual darkness, 6 Riesch et al. Speciation in darkness Biology Letters draft 138 yet again under low (tr. 3) or high food (tr. 4). Placement of each fish within the 139 laboratory setup was also random, but fish from the same clutch were never 140 placed upon the same shelf. Feeding regimes followed established protocols 141 (e.g., [43-44]), were slightly adjusted to fit mollies according to experience during 142 trial runs (R. Riesch, unpubl. data), and were increased every two weeks. For 143 example, the original protocols [43-44] were based on feeding measured 144 amounts of liver paste in the morning; however, our preliminary studies showed 145 that mollies would not grow well on liver paste, so we exchanged liver paste for 146 Daphnia. Hence, fish were fed twice daily with a Hamilton micropipette: 147 measured amounts of newly hatched Artemia nauplii in the morning, and 148 Daphnia in the evening. Since Artemia and Daphnia immediately spread 149 throughout the water column of the aquaria, removal of uneaten food remains as 150 described in the original protocols [43-44] was not possible. Fish were kept in 151 their respective treatments until they were (a) sexually mature and reproductively 152 active, or (b) 1 year of age without successful reproduction, at which point they 153 were classified as having failed to reproduce. 154 No method has been established to visually determine the sex of 155 immature mollies (unlike guppies, P. reticulata [45]). Upon entering the 156 maturation process, males undergo morphogenetic changes of their anal fin that 157 transforms into an intromittent organ, the gonopodium (e.g., [46-48]). Hence, for 158 those individuals that eventually turned into males, the experiment was ended 159 when anal fin metamorphosis was complete. In the case of females, there are no 160 obvious outward signs of sexual maturity, so putative females were mated once a 7 Riesch et al. Speciation in darkness Biology Letters draft 161 week with a mature male of their population from our stock tanks as soon as they 162 met one of the following two criteria: (1) one of their siblings from the same clutch 163 had successfully undergone metamorphosis to become a mature male, or (2) the 164 potential female reached a size of 24 mm, as previous field studies have shown 165 that the minimum size of reproducing wild-caught P. mexicana females is around 166 28 mm [30]. Females were therefore only scored as ‘reproductively active’, if they 167 successfully produced a clutch of offspring within their first year of life. 168 169 References 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Howarth, F. 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