Name _________KEY___________________________ Date _______ Score ___________ Worksheet for the DEAD ZONE Module Go to Select EDUCATION MODULE From MODULES select Dead Zones From Dead Zone select Get Started Watch Video (you may want to watch the video more than once or stop and repeat segments) 1.) ___C___ Organisms escape dead zones in order to find water with a higher concentration of A. Nitrogen B. Sodium C. Oxygen D. Light 2.) ___D___ Examples of nutrient pollution include each of the following except: A. Fertilizers B. Sewage C. Combustion of fossil fuels D. Ozone 3.) __B____ Which of the following organisms is able to escape dead zones? A. Clams B. School of fish C. Plants D. Worms 4.) ___C____Chemical fertilizers were introduced in _____________ A. 1930’s B. 1940’s C. 1950’s D. 1960’s 5.) Scientists use _COMPUTER MODELS___ Zones change over time?” to answer questions like, “How will Dead 6.) How many reported hypoxic sites were there between 1981-1990 (Figure 1-1)? __100__ 7.) Discuss one interesting fact you learned through the video. Use several sentences. __________ANSWERS VARY______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ From Dead Zone select Learn about 1.) __A____ Hypoxia is A. The lack of oxygen B. A chemical pollutant C. Species of bacteria D. A type of fish 2.) __C_____Which of the following is a main producer in open water habitats? A. Grass B. Plankton C. Phytoplankton D. Herbivores 3.) __1, 3, 3__How many milligrams of Oxygen per liter is needed for worms, Bay anchovy, and blue crabs to survive? True or False 4.)___F____ ALL “dead zones” are caused by humans. 5.)___T____ The season changes affects the “Dead Zones” 6.)___T____ River Flow affects the “Dead Zones” 7.)___T____ Dead Zones can be caused by an increase in fertilizing minerals 8.)___F____ In Dead Zones, no life is possible. 9.) Dead Zones have rapidly increased in size and number since 1959 due to what? _____________INTRODUCTION OF CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS _______________________ 10.) List and give a brief description of the 4 types of dead zones PERMANENT__found in very deep water where oxygen seldom rises above 2 mg/L TEMPORARY_exists for hours or days____________________________________________ SEASONAL occurs every year but only during the warm months ______ DIEL CYCLE_occurs only during warm months but only at night______________________ From Dead Zone select Explore trends 1.) What is a watershed? (you may need another resource to define this concept) _____________the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries_____ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2.) Hypoxia has occurred naturally in most of these systems, but overtime what has increased in many marine waters? ___NUTRIENTS AND TEMPERATURE_____________________ 3.) Observe the 3 graphs under Seasonal Trends. What is the graphical relationship between oxygen and photosynthesis? __IN THE SUMMER _LESS OXYGEN IN THE WATER WHEN PHOTOSYNTHESIS IS HIGH ______ This seems odd since photosynthesis makes oxygen. Provide 2 reasons that might explain why the oxygen levels are low in the summer. ____LESS OXYGEN CAN BE DISSOLVED IN WARM WATER____ and ______AEROBIC RESPIRATION IN BACTERIA IS HIGH _______________ 4.) How many more hypoxic zones were present in the 2000-2006 compared to 1951-1960. _175_ 5.) Look at the images and their corresponding graphs. Which source of excess nutrients has actually decreased over time? _____POWER PLANTS __________ What are the other 3 sources of nutrient inputs? ___AGRICULTURE, URBANIZATION, SEWAGE __________ 6.) ___C____ Which type of dead zone occurs every year, but only during the warm months? A. permanent B. temporary C. seasonal D. Diel Cycling From Dead Zone select Investigate Current Research 1.) What are the 2 main questions researchers are asking about the Dead Zones? ___________________(1) How do natural and human factors contribute to dead zones? (2) How are ecosystem processes and animal population dynamics altered by dead zones? 2.) Professionals in which disciplines are researching the Dead Zones? __biologists, chemists, and physicists eg. physical oceanographers _Biogeochemists_____ 3.) The types of research programs scientists use to study dead zones can be categorized into what four major areas? ____monitoring, field experiments, lab experiments, and modeling. ____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4) Years with the (highest or lowest) river flow shows the most extensive Dead Zones (Circle one) 5. Other than increased nutrient loads, what are scientists investigating as impacting the size and duration of Dead Zones? _____CLIMATE CHANGE___________________________ 6.) Explain why you think there are more dead zones around America and Europe than around Africa. ______________ANSWERS WILL VARY__but reference should be made to the greater population density and industrialization in Europe and America_________ ________________________________________________________________________________