

THE JESUS WAY 8 transformed lives one of the greatest ballerina’s of all time after one of her performances was asked, what the dance meant, she said …..

If I could have said it, I wouldn’t have needed to dance it

When Jesus was in the desert the devil tempted him to jump off the highest temple point to prove God would catch him through a spectacular sign

My response was, don’t try this at home.

Jesus’ response was ‘do not put the Lord your God to the test’

Faced with a mission to reveal God to the world this would seem a really good promotional crowd winning exercise

Although earlier God had said to Jesus ‘you are my son who I love’ ….

The problem is did anyone else hear it… because that’s important isn’t it!

The temptation to press God for a spectacular sign works in two ways


to prove to ourself that God is real


to prove to those around us that God is real.

Jesus resisted the temptation to press God for a sign by following a way already set out for him in the old testament when the phrase ‘do not tempt the Lord your God, was used.

Exodus 17 Israelites on their way to the new life, through a desert

They camped at Rephidim, but there was no water for the people to drink. 2

So they quarrelled with Moses and said, “Give us water to drink.” Moses replied, “Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you put the LORD to the test?”

Testing God They had seen the parting of the red sea, the sweetening of the poisoned waters at Marah. They have another water problem and their life with God was based on spectacular signs.

Goading God


But the people were thirsty for water there, and they grumbled against Moses. They said, “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst?”

Now they are goading God through Moses by saying they were better off without God in Egypt, in their old life.

The old life Their whole life experience in Egypt represents the old life.

In this type of life they were subject to what was being done to them.

What ever the world threw at them they were subject to it.

They had no other perspective than to fight, cope or suffer.

The only hope they had was in what they could do for themselves.

So the issues of their lives tyrannised them and crushed them.

They felt as though they were completely without hope.

Interestingly their old life in Egypt was a self inflicted exile, they went there of there own accord.

This old kind of life is called Slavery ….. and now they were goading God through Moses by saying they were better off back in it in Egypt.

The new life They were supposed to be on their way to a new kind of life, not based on what was being done to them but on what was being done for them by God. A life filled with hope for the future.

But like us, under pressure we can’t immediately see what God is doing for us in our circumstances. If we like them, fail to look to God to see what God

5 is doing for us then we will fall subject to our circumstances and we are left to fight through on our own, cope or suffer.

The calling is to trust God to make good of all things that come to us and we must fix our attentions on Him in order to see what he is doing so we can play our part in the fulfilment of our lives

New hope This is our foundation for new hope even though the circumstances are still the same.

I have found in such difficult circumstances that other Christians have enabled me to trust God and set my attention on him when I’ve been too troubled to cope.

To be honest this rule applies whether life is going well or badly our calling is to trust God by fixing our attention on him in order to see what God is doing and play our part and receive new hope.

This is exactly what Moses does


“What am I to do with these people? They are almost ready to stone me.”

The LORD answered Moses, “Go out in front of the people. Take with you some of the elders of Israel and take in your hand the staff with which you struck the Nile, and go.


I will stand there before you by the rock at

Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.” So Moses did this in the sight of the elders of Israel. 7

And he called the place Massah

[ a ]

and Meribah

[ b ]

because the Israelites quarrelled and because they tested the LORD saying, “Is the LORD among us or not?”

Moses’ trust and attention

Then Moses cried out to the LORD,

is on what God will do for him.

He discerns what God says and is obedient to it like a sail is obedient to the wind.

He has a real hope for the future

Moses isn’t subject to what he can cobble together, fight for or cope with

And he doesn’t run away from the issue, he looks for God in it.

The people are not prepared to trust God

Their life with God is based on the spectacular on demand

They have not set their attentions on God, so they can’t see him or his way through life for them so they have no hope for the future their lives are not being transformed their telling words indicate their perspective they tested the Lord saying, “is the Lord among us or not” when our eyes are fixed on the outcomes we desperately need there is no trusting relationship and we are blind to what God is doing.

And when God gives a way through, we are looking the other way how do we trust God for our lives and fix our attentions on him so we can play our part in the fulfilment of our lives

Jesus tells us later in Matthew’s account 11:28

Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

We keep company with Jesus and he pours into us a life that empowers us to live freely and lightly in all circumstances where we are not subject to what the world throws at us or tempts us with how do you walk with him? how do you talk with him? how do you watch how he does life? how do you learn the unforced rhythms of grace? how do you keep company with him? and what does it look like and feel like in your life to live freely and lightly in all circumstances?

God has chosen not spectacular signs but transformed lives to reveal himself to us and to the world around us our lives are like a song or a dance that reveals God’s power to transform our life experience and the lives of those around us. one of the greatest ballerina’s of all time after one of her performances was asked what the dance meant, she said …..

if I could have said it I wouldn’t have needed to dance it
