Corporate Procedures - Roads and Maritime Services

Information for Applicants
Roads and Maritime Services reserves the right to refuse an Application to Purchase land owned by Roads
and Maritime Services if the applicant has not complied with all conditions of any relevant lease or other land
tenure agreement over the subject reclaimed land.
The applicant must be the owner of the freehold land adjoining the subject reclaimed land.
Acceptance of this form by Roads and Maritime Services should not be taken to imply that Roads and
Maritime Services will agree to the sale of the subject reclaimed land to the applicant.
Depending on the circumstances, your attendance at a meeting may be required to enable Roads and
Maritime Services to determine your application.
Applications must be accompanied by Proof of Identity (POI). A certified copy of your current Motor Vehicle
Drivers' Licence or Passport will satisfy POI requirements. For other acceptable POI documents phone 13 12
56 or use this link to Roads and Maritime Services's brochure entitled “Proof of Identity and the Use
of Personal Information under the Privacy Act 1998”.
For further information and assistance telephone the Domestic Property Manager on 02 9563 8766.
Please return completed form, fee and POI to the Domestic Property Manager, Roads and Maritime Services,
Locked Bag 5100, Camperdown NSW 1450.
Applicants Details
Given Names:
Address of Property Adjoining Roads and Maritime Services’ Reclaimed Land:
Lot & DP of Property Adjoining Roads and Maritime Services’ Reclaimed Land:
Postal Address:
Contact details:
Type of POI being provided:
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Applicants Acknowledgement
I acknowledge that by making this application I agree to the following essential terms of the sale process:
I understand that my application will be returned to me without being processed by Roads
and Maritime Services unless it is accompanied by a deposit of $5,500 (includes
GST)(cheque/money order only).
I agree to pay all costs involved in determining my application, irrespective of whether or not
the sale proceeds and I agree to pay all costs involved in the processing and finalising of
any sale.
I agree to Roads and Maritime Services obtaining an independent valuation of the subject
reclamation at my cost. Should I wish to obtain further valuation advice this will also be at
my cost.
I agree to lodge, with the Land and Property Management Authority and together with the
Transfer, a Plan of Consolidation to consolidate the new allotment created upon the sale of
the reclamation with my existing freehold title should that be required under the relevant
planning controls.
I acknowledge that:
I have read and understood Roads and Maritime Services’ brochure entitled “Proof of
Identity and the Use of Personal Information under the Privacy Act 1998” and agree that my
personal information may be disclosed to the persons/agencies listed in the brochure; and
I have read and understood Roads and Maritime Services’ “Disposal of Reclamations
I hereby declare that the above information is true and correct.
Applicant’s signature
Witness’s signature
Witness’s title/position1 and provider
number/stamp if applicable
The witness must be an acceptable signatory for witnessing POI documents as set out in Roads and
Maritime Services’ brochure entitled “Proof of Identity and the Use of Personal Information under
the Privacy Act 1998”.
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