Marine evolution during global change – establishing new model species for ecogenomic research Human impacts cause rapid changes of marine environments and a burning issue is if populations and species can adapt to these changes. With 10-year research council funding we study rapid evolution, involving population adaptation and speciation of marine Amcomprehensive genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics methodology and developing multi-generation culturing for a set of model species is urgent to support research on the molecular mechanisms involved. Draft executive summary Today human activities impact all environments. The oceans, earlier protected by their enormous sizes, are undergoing dramatic changes that fundamentally impact on marine ecosystems and the diversity of species found there. Following environmental change, organisms will either survive through adaptation or disappear (move or become extinct). Today we are not able to predict under what circumstances a population is able to adapt to an environmental change, or what genetic and metabolic features of organisms make them more or less likely to adapt. The main goals of the Linnaeus Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology at the University of Gothenburg ( are to study mechanisms of adaptation and rapid evolutionary change in marine species. We do this by investigating the adaptation of marine organisms to a young and perturbed marine environment (the Baltic Sea), by experimental studies of larval development in distorted conditions, and by analysing recent and ongoing processes of rapid evolution. We use advanced molecular tools along with population genetic, ecological and physiological approaches and focus on ecologically relevant organisms. For the majority of these, however, the complete genomes sequence and gene maps are lacking, and gene-expression patterns and gene functions have not yet been characterized and this currently limits our research, as well as the marine research world-wide. The lack of genome and transcriptome information seriously impedes our possibilities to understand evolution at the molecular level and restricts our possibilities to interpret sequence data scattered over the genome. In addition, few noncommercial marine organisms are maintained in culture, with the consequence that inheritance patterns of ecologically and physiologically important traits are lacking. The main goal of this project is to develop six ecologically important marine model species into useful tools for marine evolutionary biology and environmental research by ways of: » Sequencing complete genomes for gene identification, annotation, population genomics and studies of hybridization and introgression » Characterizing gene expression (transcriptomics), protein expression, interaction and localisation (proteomics, GFP tagging and microscopy) and physiological pathways (metabolomics) Establish multiple generation culturing and cross-breed lines and populations for gene mapping and characterization of gene function, establish gene knock-down or knock –in technologies Tentative list of target species (will be reduced to 6 species). General criteria for choice of target species should be: ecologically important, possible to culture and manipulate in the laboratory, not (to our knowledge) targeted in any other ongoing genome sequencing initiative world-wide.... Amphiura filiformis (brittlestar) can reach high densities with several thousand in just a few square meters. It lives burrowed in mud, a habit that makes it a keystone species in bioturbation. It suspension feeds with usually 2-3 arms emerging into the water column. It thus experiences frequent sub lethal predation (it is as a major food source for flatfish and crayfish). Regeneration of lost arms is essential for survival and A. filiformis possesses exceptional regenerative abilities and is also employed as a model for regeneration research. It is easy to culture larval stages to settlement and we have an expanding EST collection and many other molecular tools. Balanus improvisus (barnacle). Main fouling organism and potential source for biotechnological research (superglue). Distributed over salinities from 5-35‰. Culturing technology already established that provide larvae all year round. Important test-organism for antifouling research and as useful for ecological research. Debaryomyces hansenii (The marine fungus) (genome size 13 Mb) Yeasts are unicellular basidiomycetous and ascomycetous fungi that have been isolated from different marine sources, e.g. seawater, marine deposits, seaweeds, fish, marine mammals and sea birds. Ecological studies provide evidence for the contribution of these marine mycota to productivity and transformation activities in the sea. The yeast species Debaryomyces hansenii has been isolated from most types of marine niches. This yeast exhibits an exceptionally wide stress tolerance, and it can thrive in environments of 4M NaCl. D. hansenii is also highly tolerant to daily and seasonal changes in conditions and can be presumed to have efficient regulatory circuits that handle environmental challenges. The study of D. hansenii will yield fascinating insights into evolutionary adaptation for growth and survival under extreme and varying conditions and provides a unique window into the molecular biology of response-physiologies for stress tolerance in marine waters. The genome of D. hansenii has been sequenced (finished in 2004), and efficient transformations systems have recently been developed. This species is thus a great system for transferring/testing molecular information on salt-tolerance from the well-studied non-marine S. cerevisiae. The information on gene-by-salt interactions of D. hansenii genes opens up for highly resolved population genomics studies on local populations of this marine fungus along the Swedish salinity gradient. Fucus vesiculosus (bladderwrak) and F. radicans. Foundation species in northern Atlantic (F. radicans endemic to the Baltic Sea) providing shelter and food for fish-larvae and invertebrate grazers (Råberg et al. 2007 Est Coast Shelf Sci). Population genetic data showing substantial population genetic structuring with genetic differentiation down to a scale of tens of meters. Generation time 2 years or more, but robust to treatment and easy to cross-breed and culture, tolerant to salinities between 5-35‰. Baltic populations show varying degrees of clonality (else separate sexes). The two species are extremely closely related - separate a few thousand years ago inside the Baltic Sea (Pereyra et al. 2008 BMC Evol Biol) - hence opportunities for studying mechanisms and rate of evolution of species-specific traits (such as temperature tolerance Lago-Leston et al. 2010 Mar Biol) over short periods of time. Candidate for pair-genome comparisons. Idothea spp. The isopod genus Idotea contains about 25 species of small, littoral crustaceans, mainly from temperate marine waters. In many areas, e.g. northern Europe, Idotea spp. are important herbivores and are also important as food for many fish species. In the Baltic Sea Idotea balthica is regarded as a key species and forms an important link between primary production and higher trophic levels. Species within Idotea have short generation times (ca 2 months) and are very easy to culture. The natural environment of most Idotea spp. is easily reproduced in laboratory experiments and even field manipulations are possible. Idotea species have dimorphic sexes and the brooded offspring have direct development with no planktonic stages. This makes Idotea species ideal marine model organisms for evolutionary studies where phenotypic plasticity and response to selection can be estimated using common-garden and breeding experiments. The recent and dramatic history of the Baltic Sea offers a unique testbed for studies of evolution to environmental change. The three species of Idotea that have invaded the Baltic Sea may offer key information about evolutionary history, evolutionary potential for environmental change, and the role of phenotypic plasticity. No genetic resources yet available. Littorina saxatilis (periwinkle snail). Rocky-shore key-species in N Atlantic. Repeated development of local adaptation to different shore environments over spatial scales of tens of meters (Johannesson et al. 1995 PNAS). Comprehensively assessed for population genetic structure, ecology and behaviour (eg. Panova et al 2006 Mol Ecol). Nuclear and mitochondrial based species phylogeny including well-defined ecotypes is in pipeline. One of the most promising marine models for studies of micro-evolution, including mechanisms of speciation (Quesada et al. 2006 Evolution; Butlin et al. 2009 Phil. Trans. R. Soc.; Johannesson et al. 2010 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B.). Generation time 6 months and a direct development. Some in-house knowledge of multiple generation culturing and cross-breeding. Pomatoceros lamarckii /triqueter are widespread biofouling organisms on both man-made marine structures and biological structures such as shellfish carapaces and shells. They have economic impacts such as requiring regular removal from oil rigs, vent pipes, boats, and marine-based renewable energy producing structures, as well as reducing the economic value of commercial shellfish produce or even its viability and survival (e.g. mussel fouling in aquaculture. They are widespread, easily accessible, and intertidal, and so tolerate a wide array of conditions (temperature, salinity) permitting the examination of the biological effects of such treatments in live material. Their natural spawning time is supposed to be around July/August/September. With a culture facility they could be kept at optimal light and temperature settings plus food so that they think they are in permanent early summer, so that the proportion of worms with ripe gametes is maximized. Polychaetes increasingly used in Evo-Devo and some genomic tools are already available (e.g. Takahashi et al. 2009 BMC Evolutionary Biology; McDougall C, et al. 2008 Parasite) Pomatoschistus minutus (sand goby) A small marine fish with male care of the offspring. Important model in evolutionary behavioural ecology, in particular mating and reproduction systems are extensively studied. It is common along all the coasts of northern Europe. Adult fish are easy to catch, easy keep in the lab and they breed willingly in aquaria. It is yet unknown how easy or difficult they are to culture, but initial lab breeding attempts will soon commence. They most challenging step will no doubt be to raise fish fry into juvenile fish. The first aim is to establish a common garden experiment to compare fish from the Swedish west coast to fish from the Baltic Sea. Given that their behaviour is particularly well-studied in these two parts of their distribution, a further aim is to link behavioural differences to particular genes as well as gene expression, thus allowing us to study genotypic and phenotypic adaptations to the lower salinity of the Baltic Sea. Several fish genomes already available, which will be useful in this work. Shipworm – important commercial for underwater wood constructions (ships, pilings and dykes). There is also a considerable interest in this species amongst marine archaeologists who wish to protect ancient wrecks from being attacked and damaged. It’s unique feature is being able to utilize cellulose and decompose it into glucose, (with symbiotic bacteria) and for this reason interesting in a biotechnological aspect. Relatively large mollusc with extremely short generation time (weeks) and easy to culture (in pieces of wood). We have 3 options here: Teredo navalis a short-term brooder, so larval feeding is needed. Generation time? Nototeredo norvagica a broadcast spawner so larval feeding needed. Generation time? Both are around Sweden. Lyrodus pedicellatus is starting to turn up in the UK but not in Sweden yet (as far as we know). It is wide-spread in warmer waters further south. It has a short breeding cycle and is a batch brooder so might be able to get several generations/year. Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis is common throughout the region and has the added advantage of also having a “circum-arctic” distribution, which means it is also found along the eastern seaboard of North America. We already have a large EST collection in collaboration with our colleagues in Kiel. S. droebachiensis is used widely for population genetic studies and is also an important commercial species being “ranched” in Norway and is some areas of North America. We have easy access to two contrasting populations and it is easy to keep and culture in the lab. The sister species S. pupuratus has the genome available. Zoarces viviparous (eelpout). Interesting model in ecotoxicological studies (cf Lars Förlin’s project) of selection from antropogenic contamination. Direct development – probably easy to culture.