Lecture Test 1 Spring 2013

1. A ? is a submerged continental margin. A.continental shelf B.mid-oceanic ridge C.guyot
D.continental slope E.turbidite
2. Ga represents ? of years in the radioisotopic time scale. A.thousands B.millions C.billions
3. A depositional body of sand, silt and clay formed where a river discharges into a body of standing
water is a A.barrier island B.tombolo C.delta D.estuary E.melange
4. The degree of curvature of the corners of the particles is A.sphericity B.sorting C.roundness
D.maturity E.size
5. Invertebrate feces may form limestone particles termed A.oolites B.pellets C.fossils D.intraclasts
6. The basic geological mapping unit is the A.group B.supergroup C.member D.bed E.formation
7. An irregular, round, flat structure formed by filling voids in sediment is a A.geode B.concretion
8. A "key bed" or "marker bed" is one that is useful for A.mapping or correlation B.fossil identification
C.all of the above D.none of the above
9. ? rivers have high sinuosity. A.meandering B.braided
10. The Earth's magnetic field is probably due to motions of the A.crust B.mantle C.core D.all of the
above E.none of the above
11. In an angular unconformity, deformation ? occurred to at least one of the beds. A.has not B.may
have C.has
12. Within north-central Texas, a series of rocks have been referred to as the Trinity Group, Thorp
Spring Member, or Glen Rose Formation. The smallest of these units is the A.Trinity Group
B.Thorp Spring Member C.Glen Rose Formation D.you cannot determine which of these is the
largest or smallest geologic unit
13. Which of the following would probably be diagnostic of beach facies? A.good sorting B.quartz-rich
C.cross-bedded D.all of the above are diagnostic of beach facies E.none of the above is diagnostic
of beach facies
14. Sand-size concentrically-ringed particles in limestones are termed A.oolites B.pellets C.fossils
15. Which of the following is not true concerning index fossils? A.should have existed for a long time
span B.should have a broad geographic range C.should be independent as possible of facies
D.should be abundant
16. Physical Load forms A.clastic/detrital rocks B.chemical rocks C.all of the above D.none of the
17. The smallest rock-stratigraphic unit is the A.group B.supergroup C.member D.bed E.formation
18. Primary sedimentary structures form A.as sediment is being deposited B.after sediment deposition
C.primary sedimentary structures may form as the sediment is being deposited or after sediment
19. The most important limestone particles are A.oolites B.pellets C.fossils D.intraclasts
20. Physical criteria utilized to interpret sedimentary facies include A.lithology B.texture C.structures
D.fining- or coarsening-upward facies E.all of the above are used to interpret sedimentary facies
21. ? rocks form from pre-existing rocks by solid state transformation in response to changes in the
physical or chemical environment. A.metamorphic B.sedimentary C.igneous
22. Carbonate mud "rip-ups" in limestones are A.oolites B.pellets C.fossils D.intraclasts
23. A conformity is defined as having ? in the rock record. A.gaps B.no gaps
24. Intrusive igneous rocks A.solidify at or near the Earth's surface B.have slow-cooling magma that
forms large crystals C.includes basalt and rhyolite D.all of the above are true concerning intrusive
igneous rocks E.none of the above is true concerning intrusive igneous rocks
25. In general, deltaic facies ? upward in grain size. A.coarsen B.fine
26. ? isotope pairs have a half life of about 1.25 billion years. A.rubidium-strontium B.potassiumargon C.Carbon-14 D.uranium-238/lead-206
27. A terrigenous shelf is composed primarily of ?-derived sediments. A.land B.marine C.terrigenous
shelves have both land- and marine-derived sediments in equal amounts
28. ? defines rock units on the basis of their physical features. A.biostratigraphy B.chronostratigraphy
C.lithostratigraphy D.all of the above E.none of the above
29. A gray, organic-rich soil would be indicative of ? environments. A.wet B.dry
30. The most important rocks for interpreting Earth history are A.sedimentary B.igneous
31. A ? is an unconformity that is unrecognizable in outcrop without the use of fossils or absolute dating
techniques. A.nonconformity B.paraconformity C.angular unconformity D.disconformity
32. Cyclothems are most commonly found associated with ancient ? facies. A.beach B.fluvial
C.lacustrine D.delta E.soil
33. Contact metamorphism A.occurs in country rock bordering igneous intrusions B.is typically
created under relatively low pressure, high temperature C.often forms quartzite and marble D.all
of the above are true concerning contact metamorphism E.none of the above is true concerning
contact metamorphism
34. The ? the number of fission tracks, the older the sample. A.fewer B.greater
35. The Wentworth Scale describes sedimentary particle A.sphericity B.sorting C.roundness
D.maturity E.size
36. Sedimentary rocks may be formed A.from consolidation of sedimentary particles B.by chemical
precipitation C.from secretions or remains of plants and animals D.all of the above form
sedimentary rocks E.none of the above form sedimentary rocks
37. A subdivision of rocks considered solely as the record of a specific interval of geologic time defines
the concept of A.biostratigraphy B.lithostratigraphy C.chronostratigraphy D.all of the above
E.none of the above
38. Meandering rivers A.have substantial base flow B.have fining-upward facies C.often have
nonmarine fossils and considerable sandstone and shale D.all of the above are true concerning
meandering rivers E.none of the above is true concerning meandering rivers
39. In a regressive sequence, terrigenous shelves ?-upward in grain size. A.fine B.coarsen
C.terrigenous shelves may fine- or coarsen-upward in regressive sequences
40. The fundamental unit of world-wide Time-Stratigraphic classification is the A.stage B.series
C.system D.erathem E.eonothem
41. A ? is an unconformity between essentially parallel strata that may be recognized in outcrop.
A.nonconformity B.paraconformity C.angular unconformity D.disconformity
42. Hollow, subspherical structures formed around water-filled pocket by inward-growing crystals are
A.geodes B.concretions C.nodules
43. The time-stratigraphic equivalent of an age is the A.stage B.series C.system D.erathem
44. Elongate structures built by large waves and composed of sand, gravel, shell debris are A.lagoons
B.bays C.barrier islands D.estuaries E.fjords
45. Glacial facies include ? environments. A.shallow marine B.fluvial C.eolian D.lacustrine E.all of
the above
46. Which of the following is not a clastic rock? A.sandstone B.siltstone C.gypsum D.conglomerate
47. The first great geology textbook, Principles of Geology, was written by A.Hutton B.Smith C.Lyell
D.Darwin E.Werner
48. ? has a half-life of about 4.47 billion years. A.rubidium-strontium B.potassium-argon C.Carbon-14
49. Massive beds A.are thick and with uniform grain size B. form under constant conditions or where
bedding is destroyed by organisms or dissolution C.all of the following are true concerning massive
beds D.none of the above is true concerning massive beds
50. Limestone is a ? rock. A.clastic B.carbonate C.evaporate D.all of the above E.none of the above
51. Striations are most commonly associated with ? facies. A.lacustrine B.fluvial C.eolian D.deltaic
52. Red soils with shrink-swell clays and duricrusts are typical of ? environments. A.wet B.dry
53. Lacustrine environments A.are landlocked bodies of water occupying some kind of basin A.are
formed within depressions due to faulting, crustal warping, or glaciers C.are controlled by water
circulation, salinity, temperature, biological factors and provenance D.all of the above are
characteristic of lacustrine environments E.none of the above is characteristic of lacustrine
54. Cement forms A.during deposition of sediment B.after sediment deposition C.cement may be
formed either during or after sediment deposition
55. Carbonate shelves A.create limestones B.form in tropical and subtropical climates C.all of the
above are true concerning carbonate shelves D.none of the above is true concerning carbonate
56. Size, shape and arrangement of grains refers to A.texture B.structure C.all of the above D.none of
the above
57. Cross-beds A.have inclined layers, termed foresets B.are used to determine ancient current
direction C.all of the above are true concerning cross-beds D.none of the above is true concerning
58. ? sedimentary structures are usually formed due to groundwater interaction with sediment or rock.
A.primary B.secondary C.both primary and secondary structures are formed primarily due to
groundwater interactions
59. "Dry Washes" in desert areas are termed A.alluvial fans B.eolian deposits C.eskers D.drumlins
60. Mineral segregations that replace or force aside the surrounding sediment are A.geodes
B.concretions C.nodules
61. Clastic particles include A.quartz B.feldspar C.rock particles D.all of the above E.none of the
62. Which of the following is true concerning matrix? A.is typically clay in clastic rocks B.is typically
micrite in limestones C.all of the above are true D.none of the above is true
63. A ? is an erosion surface between sedimentary and plutonic igneous or regional metamorphic rocks.
A.nonconformity B.paraconformity C.angular unconformity D.disconformity
64. The doctrine of uniformitarianism was formulated by A.Hutton B.Steno C.William Smith D.Hess
and Dietz E.Wegener
65. Ancient sedimentary environments are interpreted by means of ? criteria. A.physical
B.geochemical C.biological D.all of the above E.none of the above
66. Soils A.are largely a product of biological weathering B.are composed of rock debris and humus
C.all of the above are true concerning soils D.none of the above is true concerning soils
67. The best-sorted particles would probably be transported by A.water B.gravity C.glaciers D.wind
68. Which of the following lithologies would be most diagnostic of backbarrier facies? A.organic-rich
muds B.poorly-sorted gravels C.well-sorted quartz sands D.arkoses E.alternating sands and clays
in turbidite sequences
69. Cones radiating downslope from the point where streams emerge from rocky highlands in semiarid
and arid environments are A.alluvial fans B.eolian deposits C.eskers D.drumlins E.wadis
70. Emplacement of magmas may be due to all of the following except A.facies B.lithostatic pressure
C.tectonism D.stoping E.increased gas volume
71. Diagenesis includes effects of A.recrystallization B.cementation C.compaction D.all of the above
E.none of the above
72. Which of the following time-stratigraphic units is of the lowest rank? A.stage B.series C.system
D.erathem E.eonothem
73. Bauxites and laterites are formed in ? environments. A.tropical B.temperate C.arctic
74. Which of the following may be formed from the "chemical load" suspended in water? A.halite
B.limestone C.gypsum D.dolomite E.all of the above may be formed from the chemical load
75. The range of particle sizes in a sediment is the A.sphericity B.sorting C.roundness
76. Multigrained features formed during or after accumulation of sediment and before lithification are
sedimentary A.textures B.structures C.all of the above D.none of the above
77. Limestone "cement" is termed A.micrite B.oolite C.intraclast D.sparite E.arkose
78. Clastic lake deposits A.have sand and gravel in the middle and mud on the shoreline of the lake
B.have non-cyclical sedimentation C.have a circular morphology D.all of the above are true
E.none of the above is true
79. Rocks that solidify from magma are A.metamorphic B.igneous C.sedimentary
80. The concept that the vertical sequence of rocks may reflect the horizontal succession of
environments or facies was formulated by A.Wegener B.Werner C.Dietz D.Hess E.Walther
81. Sedimentary rocks are made of A.pores B.cement C.matrix D.grains E.all of the above
82. This test number is A. Please answer "A" for question # 82.