Community Connections` Lunch Time

The Men’s Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model (M-TREM) is similar in many
respects to the women’s approach (TREM). Designed to help group members develop
and strengthen the skills necessary to effective coping with the impact of traumatic
experiences, it draws primarily on psychoeducational, cognitive-behavioral, and skillbuilding techniques in an actively supportive group context. The men’s 24-session group
is structured in three sections. Part I addresses key experiences of male trauma survivors
and places these experiences in the context of cultural expectations of men. It explores
both central emotions (anger, fear, hope, shame) and relationship characteristics
(friendship, intimacy, trust, loss). In Part II, attention focuses more directly on trauma
and its connections to emotional, addictive, and relationship difficulties. Part III adopts
an explicitly skill-building emphasis with sessions on communication, problem-solving,
and self-soothing, among others. This workshop will begin with an overview of men’s
trauma, including brief discussions of prevalence and impact. After an introduction to
the overall rationale and structure of M-TREM, the instructors will provide a session-bysession review of the model with emphasis on goals, process, and suggestions for
effective group leadership. Time will be reserved for questions and discussion.
Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will learn basic prevalence data about men’s trauma.
2. Participants will learn about gender similarities and differences in the impact of
trauma and in coping styles.
3. Participants will learn the key differences between TREM and M-TREM approaches.
4. Participants will review the content and core skill-based objectives of M-TREM.
Trainers: Roger D. Fallot, Ph.D., Lori Beyer, LICSW, Michael Dehart,
Dates: February 18th and 19th, 2014
Time: 9:00am-5:00pm
Location: Community Connections, 801 Pennsylvania Ave SE, 4th floor
conference room, Washington, DC 20003
Cost: $200 plus $15 for SW CEUs, manuals are included, lunch on your own
CEUs: 13 Social Work CEUs will be given, $15 check to "NASW-Metro"
Registration forms and payment are due by Feb. 12th, and should be
mailed to: Rebecca Wolfson Berley (address on following page)
Community Connections
Training Registration Form
Men’s Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model
February 18th and 19th, 2014, 9:00am-5:00pm
Training Location: Community Connections
801 Pennsylvania Ave. SE #201
4th floor conference room
Washington, DC 20003
Main # (202) 546-1512
Training Fee:
CEU Fee:
$200 total ($185.00 plus $15.00 for M-TREM Leaders’ Manual)
$15.00 check to NASW-Metro
Participant Information
Date: __________
Full Name _________________________
SSN or License #_____________________
(only required to receive Social Work CEUs*)
Job Title___________________________ Highest Degree______________________
Agency Name ______________________
Address ___________________________ Work Phone ________________________
___________________________ Work Fax # _________________________
Email address ______________________
Please return this registration form and $200 payment to:
Rebecca Wolfson Berley, LICSW
Director of Trauma Education
Community Connections
801 Pennsylvania Ave. SE #201
Washington, DC 20003
Make check payable to Community Connections.
*Community Connections has been granted approval by the DC Metro Chapter of NASW to award 13
Social Work CEUs for participation in this training.
For additional information please contact Rebecca Wolfson Berley, LICSW, Director of Trauma Education
at (202) 608-4735 or