STMM PSO BOARD MEETING - St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School

Tuesday September 10,2013
7pm Media Center
Call To Order:
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Anne Burge
In Attendance:
Bob Cadran, Principal; Anne Burge, President PSO; Heidi Donohue, Recording
Secretary; Jane Zeurich, Treasurer; Laura Aiken, Enrichment Coordinator; Chantal
Ayers, Service Coordinator; Tanya Occhipinti, Fundraising Coordinator, Amanda
Laborde,Beth Klatt, Deborah Riley, Alana Malechuck, Drew McDonald, Vince Beese,
Caroline Renaux, Andrzej Wordaszka, Paula Hils, Chasidy Welty
Bob Cadran
• Tonight's PSO meeting was supposed to be a joint meeting with the PSO Executive Board
and SAC. However, only the new SAC members were present.
• Enrollment – Above projections
• SAC vs PSO
PSO – Parent organization that provides enrichment to students and staff.
Historically has also had a fundraising function.
SAC – Advisors to Principal. Not a board that is elected. Cannot authorize
changes but can provide input.
For example – Principal will submit New School Calendar to SAC in Dec.
SAC will review and make recommendations.
Then calendar will be approved with the Faculty Board.
• Important Dates:
Oct 16/17 – Advanced Ed Committee at StMM
Observe,Recommend and Accreditation
Christa Iozzo – Lead for StMM
Advanced Ed Committee will assess everything at StMM including campus,
instructional program, observe classrooms.
Meet with parents from 11:15 – 1pm in the Adult Room. Not just long term
families, new families as well.
Ask questions about the school of Students in Grades 3-8 and Support Staff
Provide report – with Recommendations, Immediate Actions and
Chair of Accreditation Committee has experience with Catholic schools.
• SAC exploring the use of endowments vs. fundraising to raise monies for school
Anne Burge
• Anne began the meeting with introductions.
• As president Anne stated a goal of identifying our 2013 fundraising goal - “what will we
fundraise for this year?” - early in the year as opposed to waiting until the end of the
year to choose how the funds raised are spent.
• Anne asked all present to solicit input from the other parents and bring these ideas
back to the next meeting. By the next meeting will vote on 5 ideas and share these
ideas with the families via various forms of communication (Monday Mail, Principals
• Teachers will also be asked for their input on identifying areas for us to contribute
funds, possibly reinstating the teacher grant concept.
• Anne will ask the name of the new teacher representative for 2013/14.
• Current ideas for PSO to support with funds raised include more Smart Boards,
Elmos, computers for the library, curtains and sound system upgrades for theater and
gymnasium, updated curriculum materials.
• Anne also stated a goal of her term is to “re energize” the sense of community,
comradery and volunteerism amongst the families of STMM.
• Jane present the Committee Expense Summary as of 8/31/13.
• There is a current cash balance of $12,481.
• Jane made a motion to approve the report. A second of the motion by Amanda
Laborde. The report was approved.
Communications Report: Anne Burge on behalf of Elizabeth Cruickshank
• If there is something to be posted on the PSO bulletin board please contact Elizabeth
• Claudia Clavon working closely to update PSO website and streamline the calendar
• Current forms of communcation include PSO website, Bulletin Board, Principals
Report, Monday Mail, Tuesday Folders, Ren Web Announcements
Social Coordinator Report: Anne for Kim DeGeorge
• Tentative Date set for Oktoberfest event is 10/11. There will be beer vendors, food
trucks and a corn hole tournament. Insurance and liability issues to work out. This
event is social and for adults only.
• Tentative Date set for Halloween event on 10/27 5-8pm. Ideas for evening include
pumpkin walk along cross country trail, haunted trail for older kids, adult Halloween
costume contest and family dance in parking lot. Knights of Columbus have agreed to
sell hot dogs.
• Pictures and Pancakes with Santa on December 7. Knights of Columbus will work
together on this with us. Chasidy Welty has offered her photography services.
Enrichment Coordinator Report:
Anne Burge for Laura Aiken
• Anne gave an overview of the many successful events this committee takes on
including the walk a thon and the various wellness initiatives.
• It was suggested that the cafeteria committee communicates that lunch is free for the
children of those who serve that day when requesting volunteers.
• Chess Club is starting and will occur every other Friday.
• For cultural events, the teachers are helping to pick the events this year. There will be
an artist in residency, a writer in residency, a dance workshop and various other
Service Coordinator Report:
Chantal Ayers
• Teachers Back to School Lunch was successful
• Room Parent meeting Thursday September 12
Volunteer Coordinator:
Anne Burge for Martha Conrad
• Volunteer Interest Form will be put on PSO website
• It was suggested that the room parents help to encourage the parents in their classes
to complete the form and also that the form be available at Back to School Night.
• A vote was taken for Volunteer of the Month - October Nominees - April and Sean
Michaels for their efforts to improve the PSO website. The vote was unanimous.
Fundraising Report:
Tonya Occhipinta
• Carolina Hurricanes Family Night to be held on 10/13. Ticket prices are discounted
and for every ticket sold there will be a donation to STMM.
• Tonya is planning a campaign to encourage families to relink their Target Cards,
Harris Teeter cards etc.
• 3 Bears Park event in the works for later in the fall.
Adjournment: Anne led a closing prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.