STAFFORD & STONE YOUTH & COMMUNITY COUNCIL NETBALL LEAGUE RULES 1) The League shall be called the “Stafford and Stone Youth and Community Council Netball League’, or “Stafford & District YLC Netball League” which shall comprise of two sections: (a) (b) ‘Y’ – Bona-fide club members between the ages of 12 and 16 years. ‘A’ – All players over 14 years of age. PLEASE NOTE: In the following rules any passages marked ‘Y’ applies to the youth section and any passage marked ‘A’ applies to the adult section. Passages unmarked apply to both. 2) League Management 1. The Officers of the League shall be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Umpiring Secretary. 2. The Executive Committee, which shall consist of the Officers plus four representatives of the League, two from each division, shall be responsible for the Management of the League with powers to co-opt as necessary. 3. The General Committee shall consist of the officers plus a representative of each team in the League. 4. Members of the Executive Committee reserve the right to decide on any matters concerning the League during the season. 3) Applications 1. Applications will be received at any time and shall be dependent upon representation at the Annual General Meeting. 2. Applications will be considered from organisations within the area covered by the Stafford and District catchment area. 3. Applications will be considered from organisations outside this area at the discretion of the Executive committee. 4) Fees 1. An annual fee shall be paid to the League to cover the running costs of the League and hire of halls, the amount to be decided yearly by the Executive Committee. 2. All fees must be paid in full by first matches of the current League season or participation in League fixtures will be suspended until all monies have been received. No missed matches may be played. 3. All teams must be affiliated to England Netball, the affiliation covers the players’ insurance when playing. 4. Teams must provide the League Secretary with a list of players’ names and affiliation numbers. Every player must be affiliated before the start of the season or participation in the League fixtures will be suspended and no missed matches may be played. 5) Registrations With The League 1. All players must be affiliated with England Netball and registered with the League Secretary. 2. Players must be affiliated with All England and registration details passed onto the League Secretary before the player is eligible to play. 3. Affiliation numbers and names of players joining during the season, must be given to the League Secretary on the Sunday prior to playing. 4. If players compete without being registered then both teams insurance is invalid. 5. ‘Y’ only bona-fide club members are allowed to compete. A bone-fide club member is a person between the ages of 12 and 16 years who has elected to play for a given club and been registered for that club before the commencement of the League. 6. Registered players, having played in one match for a club, cannot play for any other club in the League during the season, except by written permission of the League Executive Committee. The Youth and Community Council ruling on transfers shall apply. In the event of two or more teams being entered from one club the regular team members shall be registered separately but the reserves en bloc. However, once a reserve has played twice for one of these teams she must then be considered a member of that team. 6) Matches 1. ‘Y’ players shall be 12 year of age before playing in the League and under 16 years on the 1st September prior to the date of commencement of the League. 2. The League shall comprise of as many divisions as is deemed necessary at the AGM. 3. All matches shall be played in accordance with the England Netball Association Rules. 4. All matches shall be played at the times and on the dates stated. 5. ‘Y’ and ‘A’ All timings shall be at the discretion of the League Secretary. The interval between matches shall be no longer than 5 minutes. 6. ‘Y’ and ‘A’ A minimum of 5 players shall be considered eligible for match play. Teams of less than 5 players, or teams which are more than 5 minutes late, shall forfeit the match. 7. If a team arrives with 5 or more players the game must commence on time. If a player arrives late they may enter the court after a goal in the available position 8. Any person disclosing a pregnancy will not be permitted to play. All players who continue to play knowing they are pregnant DO SO ENTIRELY AT THEIR OWN RISK WITH INVALID INSURANCE 9. Matches are 4 x 12 minutes with 1 minute at end of each quarter and 2 minutes at half time. The bell is to be rung 30 seconds prior to the start of each quarter for players to get onto court. The timer starts on the second bell regardless. 7) Cancellations 1. If for any reason a team cannot fulfil a fixture, the team must contact the League Secretary by Sunday evening so that the opposing team and umpires can be informed. 2. If a team’s game is cancelled the League will try to arrange a friendly. 3. The League Secretary needs to be informed of any cancelled games by Sunday evening to enable a friendly to be arranged. 4. If a team has 4 or less players, these players are able to go along to the fixture and play a friendly. 8) Stoppages 1. After a call for time by an on court player, play may be stopped for injury or illness, although the decision to stop play shall be at the discretion of the umpire – unless there is a head or blood injury where the umpire has the right to call time. 2. When a player is ill or injured a stoppage of up to 2 minutes is allowed to decide whether the injured player is fit to continue to play. 3. Where possible the injured players should be removed from the court within the stoppage time to let play resume. However, where the injured player or team or League officials feel the player should not be moved the following actions should be taken. (a) (b) (c) (d) court. 9) Ambulance/paramedics be called First aid assistance is offered where appropriate. Accident report to be completed by responsibility team The game is suspended until the player has been safely removed from Suspended Matches Suspended matches may subsequently be abandoned due to serious illness. 10) Abandoned Matches 1. Abandoned winter League matches shall be cancelled and re-arranged at a later date at the discretion of the League and the teams involved. 2. Abandoned Summer League matches will be re-arranged if possible. 3. Matches, which cannot be re-arranged, will be declared void and 3 points and 5 goals awarded to each team. 11) Umpires 1. ‘Y’ Each team should, if possible, provide an umpire who may be connected with the team. 2. ‘A’ For League fixtures only recognised umpires will be used. They will be paid a fee of £10 by either of the teams participating in the match. 12) Ball 1. The League shall supply the match ball 13) Uniform 1. Each team to declare its strip of skirt/skorts and top or dress, and bibs lettered on both sides at the beginning of each season. 2. Club to ensure that players wear appropriate footwear and only their strip during matches (the colour of long socks should also be in keeping with kit colours). 3. Jewellery – no item of jewellery except a wedding band and / or a medical bracelet shall be worn, if either are worn they shall be taped or covered appropriately. 4. Fingernails – shall be short and smooth – which will then be checked by the umpire prior to the start of the game. If a players nails are deemed too long, they will not be allowed to enter the court until they are deemed short enough by the umpire and a goal has been scored – to ensure that games are not delayed starting. 5. Fitted cycling shorts/fitted gym knickers under skirts are allowed, however they will worn above the knee, and no tracksuits are to be worn. 6. The wearing of long sleeved tops under a kit top may only be worn for medical or religious reason, however they must be fitted and in keeping with the team’s colour scheme. 14) Results 1. Result forms, shall be signed by the umpires and team captains at the end of each match. Both team captains are also signing a declaration stating that all players have been affiliated. 2. Points will be awarded as follows: Win - 5, draw – 3, lose by one goal - 2, losing team scoring half or more of their opponents total – 1, lose – 0, walk over – 4, team cancels – 5 points and 20 goals to opponents, cancellation of whole nights fixtures, games will be declared void – 3 points and 5 goals to each team. 3. The team gaining the most points after the completion of the fixtures will be deemed the Divisional Champions. In the event of teams scoring the same number of points the championship shall be decided on goal difference. If goal difference is the same for both teams the championship shall be decided by a play-off. 4. Where a team fails to arrive within 5 minutes of the starting time or with less than 5 players, a walk over will be declared. The team that arrived on time and has more than 5 players will be awarded 5 points and a score of 20 – 0 to compensate for the goals lost from the match play. 5. If a team is found to field an ineligible player (i.e. not affiliated to England netball). The game will be forfeited and the opposition team will be awarded 5 points and 20 goals. 6. Any team that fails to complete a season’s fixtures will have their points allocated as follows: If they have played all teams in their division once and some teams twice, points and goals gained will remain in the divisional table. The teams not played will be awarded walkovers. Should one round be incomplete, all goals and points gained for that round will be removed from the table and the team will automatically finish bottom and be relegated. 7. Where there is more than 1 division in the League a system of promotion and relegation will apply. In 2 divisions, the bottom 2 teams in Division 1 will be relegated and the top 2 teams in Division 2 will be promoted. In 3 divisions, only 1 team from divisions 1 and 2 will be relegated and one team from divisions 2 and 3 will be promoted. In exceptional circumstances a winning team may apply to the League and withdraw from being promoted. In this event the second placed team will be promoted. The circumstances will be considered and a decision made by the Executive committee. 15) Objections and Grievances Notice of an objection to be made to the League Chair within 24 hours of the match being played (either via phone or email). The formal letter of complaint outlining all the details must be received by the League Chair within 7 days – Incident Report Forms can be found in the kit bag. 16) Disciplinary Code 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly apparent that some players do not behave in a disciplined and responsible manner on court. We will not allow such behaviour within the Leagues and in response to this the Executive Committee has decided to set up a disciplinary code. 1.2 The code is not intended to interfere with the existing powers that umpires have under Section V of England netball Rules to deal with misconduct on court. However, when necessary the following procedures can be used in addition to these powers. 2. THE CODE 2.1 This code applies to all players, registered with Stafford & District YLC Netball League. 3. STATEMENT OF DISCIPLINARY POLICY 3.1 The purpose of the code is to make players aware of the standard of conduct required by the Executive Committee and to indicate the likely consequences of a breach of these rules. Where an initial breach of discipline is sufficiently serious or where progressively more severe disciplinary action fails to effect the required improvement, a panel of 2 Executive Committee members will have the power to recommend to the full Executive Committee that they ban a player from playing within the Stafford & District YLC Netball League for a specified period. 4. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE 4.1 All complaints should be notified to the League Chair by phone or email within 24 hours of the incident. 4.2 An incident report should be completed and sent to the Chair by email or post by the Sunday following the incident (these can be found in the responsibility folder in the kit bag). 4.3 The Chair will pass the complaint to the relevant committee members to be investigated. These are as follows: Division 1 complaints – to be dealt with by Division 2 representatives, Division 2 complaints – to be dealt with by Division 1 representatives If either of the representatives has personal links to the team/player being investigated alternative arrangements will be made. 4.4 The reps will contact the team captain/player concerned to inform them of the complaint and ask them for their opinion on the incident which is in question. 4.5 The reps will then contact umpires/witnesses/responsibility team as necessary to investigate the complaint. 4.6 When sufficient evidence has been sought the reps will report back to the committee with their findings and decision. 4.7 The Chair will contact the team/captain involved with the outcome of the complaint 5. SERIOUS MISCONDUCT - DISCIPLINARY RULES 5.1 Serious misconduct is defined as misconduct for which the penalty of a playing ban may be justified as the first offence. Players should be clear that the actions listed from 5.1.1 to 5.1.6 below, will be considered as serious misconduct. 5.1.1 Intentionally hitting a player or official during a match. 5.1.2 Intentionally hitting a player or official before, after or during any breaks in a match. 5.1.3 Serious verbal abuse of an umpire, other official, or player. 5.1.4 Refusal to obey legitimate instructions given by an umpire or other official. 5.1.5 Endangering other player(s) by deliberately indulging in dangerous play. 5.1.6 Any other misconduct of a similar gravity not listed above. 5.2. Other Misconduct 5.2.1 Some instances of misconduct reported to the Executive Committee will not be sufficiently serious to warrant action under Section 5.1 of the code. However, disciplinary action of a lesser nature may be warranted. 5.2.2. Although it may not be necessary or relevant to call a disciplinary interview, some action may need to be taken. In these circumstances a formal record of the incident will be kept by the League Secretary, who will notify the person concerned of the action taken. After three such reports a disciplinary interview will be called. 6. EXTENSION OF POLICY 6.1 The Executive may from time to time amend the list at 5.1 above. The membership will be informed of any such changes. 7. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES 7.1 The Executive consider that any breach of discipline under section 5.1 will be serious enough to merit the holding of a disciplinary interview. 7.2 The interview will be held because the Executive believe that players should be given the opportunity to explain in person the alleged breach of discipline. It will be used to establish the facts of the incident and where appropriate to determine an appropriate penalty. 7.3 In order to establish the facts of the incident the panel will have the authority to request written statements and/or the personal attendance of any relevant witnesses. 8 CONDUCT OF THE DISCIPLINARY INTERVIEW 8.1 Where a disciplinary interview is required by the Executive the player will be instructed in writing to attend. The notification must give a minimum of 7 days notice from the date of the letter and specify the allegation(s) made against the player. If the interview is postponed for any reason a further 7 days' written notice of the reconvened interview must be given. 8.2 If the player fails to attend the interview the case may be heard in her absence. 8.3 The panel will open the proceedings with a brief summary of the alleged misconduct and will ask the player if she admits or denies it. 8.4 Where the player admits the alleged misconduct she will be asked for an explanation. 8.5 Where the player denies the alleged misconduct the panel will read any written statements it may have in its possession, and where witnesses attend in person the panel will question them. 8.6 The player may question the witness(es) through the Chairman and examine any written statements produced. 8.7. The player may present any written statements and call witness(es) in her support. The panel will consider this information and may question the player and her witness(es). 8.8 The panel will ask the player to leave and will consider what recommendation to make to the Executive. The panel will consider any mitigating circumstance and any previous disciplinary record before deciding on the appropriate recommendation. 8.9 The decision of the Executive will be confirmed to the player in writing and where formal disciplinary action is taken, a record will be held by the League Secretary. If no action is taken by the Executive this will be confirmed to the player in writing and a record of the decision held by the League Secretary. 9. TYPES OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION TO BE TAKEN 9.1 Written reprimand. 9.2 Playing ban for a specified period. N.B. Disciplinary action need not be progressive: either of the above actions can be applied. There is no right of appeal against the decision taken by the Executive. 10. USE OF THE CODE 10.1 The Executive reserve the right to use this disciplinary code in response to any formal complaint made to them. 10.2 Any formal complaint should be addressed to the League Chair. Revised by Deborah Bagnall – (Chair Person) And Sarah Lakin – (League Secretary) August 2014