CRM/SOCL 560 & WGST 560: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Dr Paul Leighton, Worksheet on BJS, Family Violence Statistics and National Network to End Domestic Violence 2012 Census NAME: _______________________________ Student #: _________________ Information to complete this section of the worksheet is available from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Family Violence Statistics – see class webpage for direct link. From the section on Reported and Unreported Family Violence 1. Crimes by strangers make up what percent of the 32 million violent crimes reported in Table 2.1? ___________ 2. Females were ______% of the U.S. population age 12 and older between 1998 and 2002 but _______% of the Nation’s victims of family violence. Females were about 50% of all spouses and romantic partners but were _______% of spouse abuse victims and ______% of the victims of violence between boyfriends and girlfriends. 3. Males accounted for ______% of family violence offenders and ______% of nonfamily violence offenders. Among violent crimes against a spouse, ______% of the offenders were male; against a boyfriend or girlfriend, ________%; and against a stranger, _______% of the offenders were male. From the section on Fatal Family Violence 4. Wives were about half of all spouses in the population in 2002 but _____% of all persons killed by their spouse. From the section on Family Violence Reported to Police 5. Police learned of ______% of the 3.2 million cases of robbery and ______% of the 6.4 million cases of aggravated assault. Sexual assault (_______%) was the ________________________ type of crime to be reported to police. Overall, between 1998 and 2002, fewer than ___________ sex offenses – either rape or sexual assault – came to the attention of law enforcement. Family Violence Statistics worksheet, p 1 of 3 6. The top reason for not reporting violence by a family member was: _______________________________. What percent thought that the incident was “not important enough” ______ and what percent thought it would be “not important to police” _________________ 7. Among family violence reported to police, _________% resulted in an arrest. From the section on Family Violence Offenders in Prison 8. Of the 458,148 men and women in State prisons nationwide for violent crime in 1997, ______% were there for a violent crime against a member of their family. 9. Among inmates in prison for a violent crime against their offspring, ______% victimized their daughters. Information to complete this section of the worksheet is available from National Network to End Domestic Violence 2012 Census. (Download the full report) From the census on Sept 15, 2012 1. How many victims were served nationwide ________ 2. How many were in emergency shelters or transitional housing nationwide: total = ________ # of adults = __________ and # of children ____________ 3. How many hotline calls were answered nationwide _____ 4. How many unmet requests for services were there nationwide _____ how many of these involved requests for emergency shelter ______? What was the top reason for organizations having to deny services____________________________? 5. Without transitional housing, survivors would face what choice? From the summary data, find the line for Michigan. 6. How many people were served by domestic violence organizations on census day ___________ Family Violence Statistics worksheet, p 2 of 3 7. How many unmet requests for services were there in this state that day _________ 8. How many people in the state were in shelters that day? _________ 9. What is one quote from the report that caught your attention? Why? Family Violence Statistics worksheet, p 3 of 3