SR 119, SECTION 407

S.R. 286 SECTON 402
Indiana County Conservation District
USDA Service Center
1432 Route 286 Highway East
Indiana, PA 15701
PA Department of Transportation
Engineering District 10-0
2550 Oakland Avenue
P.O. Box 429
Indiana, PA 15701
SR 286 Section 402 Hillsdale North 3-R Project’s initial scope of work included
Resurfacing, Restoration and Rehabilitation of a portion of SR 286 starting 0.6 tenths of a
mile east of Hillsdale proceeding east 2.21 miles, ending 0.3 tenths of a miles east of SR
1032 in Arcadia. However, extra funding has become available for this project and
therefore has caused the scope of this project to change. An existing structure exists at
the area of the stream location. The new scope of the project includes replacing the
existing structure with a precast concrete box culvert. Due to a change in the scope of SR
286 Section 402 Hillsdale North 3-R Project, the sequence on BMP’s installation and
remove has also changed. Item numbers 1-19 and 27 of the sequence of work for stream
relocation and bridge replacement have been added.
This project is scheduled for construction during the 2005 construction season
from March to September. The general sequence of activities is as follows:
1. Installation of traffic control devices
2. Installation of silt barrier fence along proposed constructed fill slopes
3. Installation of sediment filter bags, rock barrier and/or sediment traps at
designated ditches and creek locations.
4. Dam or divert water flow (See figures 33, 34, 35 and 35a).
5. Pump water around work areas (If necessary).
6. Installation of drainage items and R-5 rock outlet protection.
7. Cush Creek channel relocation and bridge replacement.
8. Remove dams/rock barriers if channel and drainage work is complete.
9. Excavation and replacement of existing roadway and shoulders.
10. Pavement patching as required.
11. Roadway resurfacing
12. Seeding and mulching of all disturbed earthen areas.
(See Attachment D…PUB 408 Sections 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 845 & 865)
13. Remove silt fence after at least 70% uniform vegetative cover. Remove filter
barrier traps.
14. Remove traffic control devices.
Sequence of work for stream relocation and bridge replacement.
1. Place R-5 rock as indicated on Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for
scour protection.
2. Install Rock Barrier at downstream side of the existing bridge as indicated
on the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.
3. Construct coffer dam as indicated on the Erosion and Sediment Control
4. Install channel dewatering device and divert the stream by use of a pump
as indicated on Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.
5. Divert traffic onto half of the existing structure.
6. Begin removal of the other half of the existing structure.
7. Excavate and prepare stream bed for placement of precast concrete box.
8. Set precast concrete box culvert and wings.
9. Depress concrete box 1’ into stream bottom to permit fish passage.
10. Place backfill around precast box culvert.
11. Construct roadway approaches to the proposed structure.
12. Transition traffic onto the precast concrete box.
13. Remove other half of existing structure.
14. Excavate and prepare stream bed for placement of precast concrete box.
15. Set precast concrete box culvert and wings.
16. Depress concrete box 1’ into stream bottom to permit fish passage.
17. Place backfill around precast box culvert.
18. Construct roadway approaches to the proposed structure.
19. Place R-6 rock as indicated on Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for
scour protection.
20. Begin excavation at the downstream end, digging through the existing
stream bank in the direction of the new channel.
21. As soon as sufficient area is developed place a properly fixed rock filter at
the new channel outlet.
22. Continue excavation in the new channel in the upstream direction place
the new channel lining as the excavation proceeds.
23. Finish excavation at the upstream end, digging through the existing stream
bank in the direction of the new channel.
24. Finish entirely the lining of the new stream channel.
25. Remove the Rock Filter.
26. Divert the flow into the new stream channel.
27. Remove pump and cofferdam.
28. Backfill the abandoned channel.