International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standards Service Product Code Number: ES820 Application Publications issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) are used by exporters and importers in both government and industry involved in engineering, designing, production and construction. IEC Standards are also frequently referenced in national standardization and metrication programs and in the comparison of standards, products and systems. Types of Data The IEC Standards Service contains English translations of all current IEC Standards, Recommended Standards and publications of the International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR). The complete service is subdivided into the five sections outlined below which may be ordered separately or in any combination. Terminology Product No. ES821 Includes documents concerning documentation and graphical symbols; equipment for electrical energy measurement and load control; measuring equipment for basic electrical quantities; quantities and units, and their letter symbols; standard voltages, current ratings and frequencies; terminal markings and other identifications; and terminology. Microelectronics/Components/Switchgear Product No. ES82B Includes documents concerning bare aluminum conductors; cables, wires, waveguides, R.F. connectors, and accessories for communication and signalling such as coaxial cable, wire and symmetric cables, connectors for R.F. cables, waveguides and their accessories; capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment; degrees of protection by enclosures; electric cables and their characteristics; electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy conditions, including open-cast mines and quarries; electrical and electronic test and measuring instruments, systems and accessories; electrical relays; electromechanical components for electronic equipment such as connectors, switches, and mechanical structures for electronic equipment; electronic tubes; fibre optics for interconnecting devices and passive components, fibre optic systems specifications, and fibres and cables; high-voltage, low-voltage, and miniature fuses; high-voltage testing techniques; instrument transformers; interference from overhead power lines, high voltage equipment, and electric traction systems; magnetic alloys and steels; magnetic components and ferrite materials; piezo electric devices for frequency control and selection; power capacitors; printed circuits; recommendations for overhead lines; secondary cells and batteries including those with alkaline; semiconductor devices and integrated -1- circuits; and switchgear and controlgear. Insulation Product No. ES823 Includes documents covering fluids for electrotechnical applications; insulating materials (short-time tests, endurance tests, and specifications); insulation systems; insulation coordination for low voltage equipment; insulators for insulated bushings, overhead lines, and substations; and surge arresters (lowvoltage surge protective devices). Applications/Machines and Motors/Turbines, Generators Product No. ES82C Includes topics such as classification of environmental conditions; electric road vehicles and electric industrial trucks; electric traction equipment; electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units (cables and cable installations); electrical installations of buildings; electrical equipment of industrial machines; electrical apparatus of explosive atmospheres (flameproof enclosures, sand-filled apparatus, increased safety apparatus, pressurization and associated techniques, intrinsically safe apparatus for use in the presence of ignitable dust, encapsulation, electrical apparatus for the detection of flammable gases, and classification of hazardous areas and installation requirements); environmental testing (shock and vibration tests, and climatic tests); fire hazard testing; hydraulic turbines; industrial process measurement and control (system considerations, elements of systems, digital data communications for measurement and control systems); interference relating to motor vehicles and internal combustion engines; navigational instruments; nuclear instrumentation; power electronics (semiconductor convertors, and electronic power convertors for rolling stock, stabilized power supplies, convertors for high-voltage D.C. power transmission, and semiconductor power convertors for adjustable speed electric drive systems); power transformers (on-load tap changers, small power transformers and reactors, and special transformers and reactors); reliability and maintainability; rotating machinery (turbine-type generators, mounting dimensions and output series; test methods and procedures; degrees of protection, methods of cooling and mounting arrangements; and classification of insulation systems for rotating machinery); solar photovoltaic energy systems; steam turbines; and winding wires. Appliances (Electrical and Electronic) Product No. ES829 Covers information on items such as alarm systems; automatic controls for household use; electric welding; electric fans for household and similar purposes; electrical accessories (conduits for electrical purposes; plugs, socket-outlets, and switches; circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use; connecting devices; appliance couplers, industrial plugs and socket-outlets; worldwide plug and socket-outlet systems; and switches for appliances); electrical equipment in medical practice (common aspects of electrical equipment used in medical practice; x-ray equipment up to 400 KV and accessories; high-energy radiation es820.doc 11/00 -2- equipment and equipment for nuclear medicine; and electromedical equipment); electroacoustics; electromagnetic compatibility between electrical equipment including networks (equipment for connection to the public low-voltage supply system, industrial, and other nonpublic networks, and equipment connected thereto); equipment and systems in the field of audio, video, and audiovisual engineering; industrial electroheating equipment; interference characteristics of radio receivers and information technology equipment; interference from motors, household appliances, lighting apparatus, and the like; interference from industrial, scientific, and medical radio frequency apparatus; lamps and related equipment (lamp caps and holders, auxiliaries for discharge lamps, and luminaries); laser equipment; lightening protection; performance of household electrical appliances (electric dishwashers; cooking ranges, working tables, ovens, and similar appliances; heating appliances; home laundry appliances; ironing and pressing appliances; microwave appliances; hand-held electric tools; floor treatment appliances; and small kitchen appliances); primary cells and batteries; radio interference measurements and statistical methods; radiocommunications (receiving and transmitting equipment, safety, radio relay and fixed satellite communications systems, equipment used in the mobile services, and cabled distribution systems); sound and video recording; safety of information technology equipment including electrical business and telecommunications equipment; safety of household microwave ovens, appliances for refrigeration, air-conditioning, electrical commercial catering equipment, hand-held motor-operated electric tools, electrically operated farm appliances, and electrical motor-operated cleaning appliances for industrial use; short-circuit currents; telecontrol, teleprotection and associated telecommunications for electric power systems; and tools. Indexing If you subscribe to IEC, you also receive access to a comprehensive bibliographic index containing over 325,000 standards records from 450 organizations. The index allows electronic searching of the entire standards listing for the societies, document numbers, or subjects you specify. Organization Complete IEC documents are scanned cover-to-cover. Updating Every 60 days CD-ROM Every 7 days Internet Format CD-ROM (as part of the Worldwide Standards Service Plus) Internet (as part of Specs & Standards) Intranet Extranet Related Services Auto Engineering Society (AES) Electronic Industries Association (EIA) European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) International Commission of Illumination (CIE) International Organization for Standardization (ISO) International Telecommunications Union (ITU) es820.doc 11/00 -3- Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) U.S. Industry Standards U.S. Military/Federal Standardization Services es820.doc 11/00 -4-