LESSON PLAN Teacher: Christian Sonier Lesson Date: Lesson Title: Periods: 6 Subject: Research in IT Solutions Week of November 10th LabSim Security Pro (Security Appliances) Required Materials: 1. Computers 2. Test-Out Labsim software Objectives Student Objectives: The student will be able to configure and install security appliances within a computer system. TEKS: 130.280(c), 1(E)(H), 5(A) Lead-in Skills/Concepts: The students will become familiar with security appliances used within a computer system. The students will be able to install and configure these security appliances. Instructional Component Guided Practice: The students will be briefed over the Test-Out module software. We will discuss and learn about security appliances. We will learn about what they are used for and why they are so important to the proper use and functionalities of the computer. Independent Practice The students will work on the Test-Out Networking modules. Students will complete the required modules related to the lesson for this week. Summary Wrap-up Discussion: We will discuss and review the content being learned during this chapter. Evaluation Students will be evaluated on the assignments that are required for this week. Analysis Students will be expected to score at least 75% on the assignments given.