SVSD Highly Capable Program 2014-2015 Fifth Grade Overview EXPLORATION First Trimester- Caravans Simulation-integrates world geographical activities, critical thinking, research, and a creative historical fiction presentation, “Invent an Explorer”! Math Quest-Integrating math computation and problem solving Math League Contest Mental Math Quizmo Competition SVSD 5th Grade High-C Math Team Competition-Trophies awarded Extension Trip-Pacific Science Center-View IMAX and Outer Limits Planetarium Show December 8-FCES December 10-OES/NBES December 11-SES/CVES Second Trimester- Robotics- integrates the Scientific Method, critical thinking, hands-on exploration, technology, and teamwork. Dancing Robot Challenge! Extension Trip-Museum of Flight-Robotics Garage Return to the Moon- takes the students through the entire process of astronaut training. Skills in language arts, social studies, mathematics, critical thinking, and science/technology are applied. Extension Trip-Museum of Flight Challenger Learning Center- “Return to the Moon Mission” March 23-OES/NBES March 24-FCES March 26-SES/CVES Third Trimester- Science Fair Mystery Simulation- integrates scientific inquiry, hands-on science experimentation, application of critical thinking, and teamwork. Imagination Celebration-Students prepare a hands-on math, science, technology or problem solving project for the event scheduled at the end of the third trimester. Dates-TBA The Highly Capable Program instructor presents the curriculum ninety minutes per week. Each student is required to keep a notebook for reflection and evaluation of their work in High-C. There are no grades or homework but make-up work may be assigned by the classroom teacher. The culminating activity each year is the Imagination Celebration!! Every elementary High-C program will present a Celebration at their school. It is our way of giving back to the school and providing a unique learning experience for all students. The Highly Capable students create a hands-on math, science, technology or problem-solving game or activity to share at the thinking carnival held in the spring. All third, fourth, and fifth grade classrooms are invited to attend. Everyone has a fantastic time while applying their critical thinking skills.