First Trimester

SVSD Highly Capable Program
Fifth Grade Overview
First Trimester-
Caravans Simulation-integrates world geographical activities, critical thinking, research,
and a creative historical fiction presentation, “Invent an Explorer”!
Math Quest-Integrating math computation and problem solving
Math League Contest
Mental Math Quizmo Competition
SVSD 5th Grade High-C Math Team Competition-Trophies awarded
Extension Trip-Pacific Science Center-View IMAX and Outer Limits Planetarium Show
December 8-FCES
December 10-OES/NBES
December 11-SES/CVES
Second Trimester-
Robotics- integrates the Scientific Method, critical thinking, hands-on exploration,
technology, and teamwork. Dancing Robot Challenge!
Extension Trip-Museum of Flight-Robotics Garage
Return to the Moon- takes the students through the entire process of astronaut training.
Skills in language arts, social studies, mathematics, critical thinking, and
science/technology are applied.
Extension Trip-Museum of Flight Challenger Learning Center- “Return to the Moon Mission”
March 23-OES/NBES
March 24-FCES
March 26-SES/CVES
Third Trimester-
Science Fair Mystery Simulation- integrates scientific inquiry, hands-on science
experimentation, application of critical thinking, and teamwork.
Imagination Celebration-Students prepare a hands-on math, science, technology or
problem solving project for the event scheduled at the end of the third trimester.
The Highly Capable Program instructor presents the curriculum ninety minutes per
week. Each student is required to keep a notebook for reflection and evaluation of their
work in High-C. There are no grades or homework but make-up work may be assigned
by the classroom teacher.
The culminating activity each year is the Imagination Celebration!! Every elementary
High-C program will present a Celebration at their school. It is our way of giving back to
the school and providing a unique learning experience for all students. The Highly
Capable students create a hands-on math, science, technology or problem-solving
game or activity to share at the thinking carnival held in the spring. All third, fourth, and
fifth grade classrooms are invited to attend. Everyone has a fantastic time while
applying their critical thinking skills.