Finalists Named in - University of Utah News

For Immediate Release
April 28, 2004
Kevin Laurence: 801-578-6932
Lisa Badger: 801-715-6657
SALT LAKE CITY – Eighteen high-tech innovations and the Utah companies that created them
have been selected as finalists in the second annual Stoel Rives UTAH INNOVATION AWARDS. This
statewide program was developed jointly by the business law firm Stoel Rives LLP and Wasatch Digital iQ
magazine, in conjunction with the Utah Engineering Experiment Station and with support from
MountainWest Venture Group, Utah Information Technology Association and Utah Life Science
Six winners—one from each category—will be announced at an awards lunch on May 20, 2004 at
noon in the University of Utah Olpin Union Ballroom. A committee of 35 experts from private industry,
government and higher education selected the award finalists, three in each of the program’s six
categories: biotechnology; chemicals, pharmaceuticals & nutraceuticals; medical devices; computer
software & Web services; electrical devices; and mechanical devices. Votes were tallied by the
accounting firm KPMG. More details about the awards program are available at
“This year’s submissions were quite impressive,” said State Science Advisor Dr. Michael A.
Keene, who served on the selection committee both this year and last. “Utah inventors are developing
innovations that can not only boost economic growth but also significantly improve our quality of life. The
Utah Innovation Awards program shines the spotlight on promising innovations that we believe merit
interest from venture capitalists and from businesses in and outside of Utah.”
Finalists, listed alphabetically (by innovating entity) within each category, are as follows:
In the biotechnology category, finalists include the MAUI Microarray Hybridization System
(created by BioMicro Systems, Inc.), Real-Time PCR Mutation Scanning (Idaho Technology Inc. and
University of Utah), and Targeted Gene Manipulation (University of Utah). These innovations,
respectively, are designed to monitor thousands of genes at the same time, more easily detect diseasecausing mutations in DNA, and efficiently bind DNA and incorporate genetic material for genetic
manipulation of any target organism.
Finalists in the chemicals, pharmaceuticals & nutraceuticals category are Flurizan (Myriad
Genetics, Inc.), Isovaleramide (NPS Pharmaceuticals), and SoilSET (Sequoia Pacific Research
Company, LLC). These innovations, respectively, include a drug for the treatment and prevention of
prostate cancer, a small organic molecule compound being developed to treat migraine headaches and
other central nervous system disorders, and a nanotechnology product that binds soil particles to control
erosion, suppress dust and revegetate soil.
Finalists in the medical devices category include Improved Disease Diagnostics Based on
Simplified Molecular Separation and Identification (ARUP Laboratories), HeartQuest™ Ventricular Assist
Device (MedQuest Products, Inc.), and CHADD or Controlled Heat-Assisted Drug Delivery (Zars, Inc.).
These innovations, respectively, include a technique that can help hospitals, blood banks and bio-warfare
analysts recognize diseases by their genetic identity, a long-term implantable blood pump used as an
alternative to heart transplant for patients with end-stage congestive heart failure, and a proprietary
heating patch that enhances the delivery of drugs across the skin.
Finalists in the computer software & Web services category include Engage ThoughtTree™
(Engage ThoughtWare™ LLC), Forum Systems Web Services Security Solutions (Forum Systems), and
RESIDENT WORKS™ (Property Solutions International, Inc.). These innovations, respectively, include a
technology that promotes collaborative knowledge-sharing in organizations through the first behavioral
software for thinking, communicating and accelerating new ideas, a Web services security technology
that protects against information theft and new, hidden online threats, and a technology that allows
residents and property managers to make payments, maintenance requests and other transactions
Finalists in the electrical devices category include Kestrel Autopilot (Brigham Young University),
CodecSys™ (Broadcast International), and Hypercomputers® (Star Bridge Systems, Inc.). These
innovations, respectively, provide flight control of miniature unmanned aerial vehicles, enable the creation
of high-quality video and audio transmission at lower bandwidth, and use field programmable gate arrays
to create reconfigurable supercomputers that are used in scientific research and development and in the
life sciences, geosciences and other high-performance computing applications.
Finalists in the mechanical devices category include CERCANAM® (Ceramatec, Inc.), HighPurity Conductive Quartz Heater (Trebor – a unit of IDEX), and Novel Titanium Boride Surface-Hardening
Technology (University of Utah). These innovations, respectively, include a nano-ceramic that can be
used in a broad range of applications such as optical connectors and fire-retardant building materials, a
single-piece heating element with a low thermal mass for use in semiconductor manufacturing, and a
technology that enables the outer layer of articles made of titanium to become harder and more wearresistant.
Finalists will be recognized and the six winners announced at the awards lunch held in
conjunction with the Edison Conference on Thursday, May 20, 2004 at noon in the University of Utah
Olpin Union Ballroom. Dr. Rex Spendlove, founder of HyClone Laboratories and this year’s winner of the
Experiment Station’s Pathfinder Award, will also be honored. The awards lunch will be the centerpiece
event of the Edison Conference, a day-long event that includes presentations by industry leaders, a
showcase of Utah innovations, and one-on-one meetings with potential funding sources. This year’s lunch
will include opening remarks from Utah Governor Olene S. Walker and will feature Ed Catmull, co-founder
of entertainment giant Pixar, as guest speaker.
The cost to attend the awards lunch only is $40 per person or $320 for a table that seats eight.
The registration fee for the Edison Conference is $95. The conference cost includes a May 19 pre-event
reception and the May 20 day-long event, including the awards lunch. To register for the awards lunch
and the Edison Conference, visit For more
information, contact Dr. Terrence Chatwin at 801-581-6348,
“Utah’s high-tech and life science industries are developing wonderful innovations that have an
immediate, positive impact on Utah and will stimulate the economy into the future,” said Chatwin. “We
hope that by highlighting these successes we can help educate businesses about the available funding
and at the same time draw more venture capital to Utah to ensure continued growth.”
Program organizer and Stoel Rives LLP attorney Kevin Laurence said his firm helped create the
Utah Innovation Awards program with the ultimate aim of fostering further growth in Utah’s high-tech
sector. “Anything we can do to boost visibility and respect for Utah’s high-tech industry benefits the
community as a whole,” he said. Stoel Rives LLP is a business law firm with significant experience in
several practice areas, including intellectual property law. The firm’s Salt Lake City office has 53
attorneys, including 11 attorneys who help clients obtain patents and trademarks, arrange licensing
agreements, and defend and protect intellectual property assets. The firm has attorneys with degrees in
electrical engineering, computer science, biology, chemistry and physics.
# # #
Included with this press release is a table providing more detailed information about each of the 18
BioMicro Systems, Inc.
MAUI Microarray Hybridization System
This system simplifies and optimizes the hybridization step in microarray
technology for cancer research, genetic studies and other applications. The
innovation expedites the simultaneous monitoring of the expression of many
thousands of genes.
Idaho Technology Inc. and
University of Utah
Real-Time PCR Mutation Scanning.
The outgrowth of a strategic technology development partnership between
Idaho Technology and The University of Utah’s Center for Homogeneous DNA
Analysis, this innovation provides a novel system for mutation scanning and
discovery, with a high-resolution detector of disease-causing mutations in
University of Utah
Targeted Gene Manipulation
With this technology, Zinc finger nucleases can be engineered to bind to
specific DNA sequences and to stimulate the production of targeted changes
in the genes of essentially any organism.
Myriad Genetics, Inc.
Flurizan is a drug being developed for the treatment and prevention of prostate
cancer. With Flurizan, Myriad seeks to create a treatment without the harmful
side effects found in current treatment options.
NPS Pharmaceuticals
Isovaleramide is a proprietary small organic molecule compound currently
under development for treatment of central nervous system disorders,
including therapy for migraine headaches, epilepsy and other disorders.
Sequoia Pacific Research
Company, LLC
SoilSET is a nanotechnology product structured from organic, food-grade,
biodegradable materials. It binds with nano, micro and macro soil particles for
use in erosion control, dust suppression and revegetation of soil.
ARUP Laboratories
Improved Disease Diagnostics Based on Simplified Molecular Separation
and Identification
This innovative technique enables rapid concentration of genetic material from
pathogens and cells, followed by molecular identification. The innovation was
developed to improve medical diagnostics but has potential for broad
application in food, environmental and biodefense testing.
MedQuest Products, Inc.
HeartQuest™ Ventricular Assist Device
This innovation is a long-term, implantable blood pump designed as an
alternative to heart transplant for end-stage congestive heart failure patients.
The device uses magnetic levitation instead of mechanical bearings, allowing
an impellor to gently sweep blood through the pump without damaging the
blood or creating wear and tear on the pump.
Zars, Inc.
CHADD (Controlled Heat-Assisted Drug Delivery)
CHADD is a proprietary heating patch that enhances the delivery of drugs
across the skin.
Engage ThoughtWare™ LLC
Engage ThoughtTree™
Engage ThoughtTree is software that allows for anonymous contribution,
exploration, collaboration and evaluation of ideas from anyone in an
organization. The technology creates a safe and rewarding environment where
individuals can say what they truly think, without fear of reprisal.
Forum Systems
Forum Systems Web Services Security Solutions
This comprehensive suite of security appliances, software and embedded
products and services for the automated Web provides protection against
information theft, impersonation, eavesdropping and a new breed of hidden
online threats. Forum systems’ suite of Web solutions includes XWall™,
Forum Sentry™ and Forum Presidio™.
Property Solutions International,
RESIDENT WORKS™ is a property management system that enables Webbased circular dataflow between residents and managers, including portals
that allow online payments, maintenance requests and other transactions.
Brigham Young University
Kestrel Autopilot
Kestrel Autopilot provides flight control of miniature unmanned aerial vehicles.
The technology reduces costs and removes human pilots from danger in
surveillance, reconnaissance and other military applications, search and
rescue, traffic monitoring, aerial mapping and other situations.
Broadcast International
CodecSys is a multi-codec system that enables the creation of high-quality
video and audio transmissions at lower bandwidth requirements than those
required by other streaming technologies. The technology can be used in
storage, video conferencing, compression/decompression streaming media
systems and other applications.
Star Bridge Systems, Inc.
In conjunction with the company’s Viva® hardware programming
language/development environment, Starbridge’s Hypercomputers utilize field
programmable gate arrays to create reconfigurable supercomputers that are
used in scientific research and development and in the life sciences,
geosciences and other high-performance computing applications.
Hypercomputers allow biologists, for example, to unlock vital information
contained in the human genome.
Ceramatec, Inc.
CERCANAM is an inexpensive, castable nano-ceramic that can be used in a
broad range of applications such as optical connectors, on-board reformers for
automobile fuel cells, insulation for fuel cells and fire-retardant building
material coatings.
Trebor – a unit of IDEX
High-Purity, Conductive Quartz Heater
This innovation is a simple, reliable, noncontaminating, single-piece heating
element with a low thermal mass for use in semiconductor manufacturing.
University of Utah
Novel Titanium Boride Surface-Hardening Technology
This surface-hardening technology forms titanium boride crystals on the outer
layer of titanium articles for applications that require high surface hardness and
wear resistance.