Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy

Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy
By: Jane O’Connor
(showing or feeling great delight)
synonyms: happy, overjoyed, thrilled
(easily damaged or broken)
synonyms: fragile, frail, flimsy
(impressive or stunning to look at or watch)
synonyms: great, stunning, amazing
(to use up all your energy)
synonyms: tired, worn out, beat, bushed
unique :
(being the only one of a kind)
synonyms: one of a kind, exclusive, distinctive
Day 1:
Write words on Word Wizard chart. Reread aloud the parts of story containing the
vocabulary word. Use the definitions above to reiterate what each word means.
Word Wizard Chart: Show the students the Word Wizard Chart. Say each word on the
chart. Students repeat the word after you. Give an example and gesture for each word. Let
them know that they will be learning about these words throughout the week. You will
record a tally mark on the chart when you hear students correctly using a vocabulary word.
Word Associations: After presenting explanations for each vocabulary word, ask students
to associate one of their new words or phrase.
Turn and tell your partner….
Which word goes with a baby bird? Why? (delicate)
Which word goes with a won of a kind picture? Why? (unique)
Which word describes how you feel after you have ran out at PE? Why? (exhausted)
Which word goes with a how you feel on Christmas morning? Why? (ecstatic)
Which word goes with Fourth of July fireworks? Why? (spectacular)
Created by Anne Coletti/Bardmoor Elementary/Reading Coach
Day 2:
Making Choices
Point to the word ecstatic on the chart.
Say: If what I say describes ecstatic, wave your hands in the air and say, “ecstatic!” If
not, just remain quiet.
- How you would feel if you won an award
- Getting a new puppy
- Breaking your mother’s favorite vase
- Falling on the ground
Point to the word delicate on the chart
Say: If what I say describes delicate, cup your hands together as if you are carrying
something breakable and say “delicate”. If not, just remain quiet.
- A china plate
- A plastic ball
- Light bulbs
- An egg
Point to the word spectacular on the chart:
Say: If what I say describes spectacular, hold your hands up and wiggle your fingers (like
you are making them sparkle) and say “spectacular!” If not, just remain quiet.
- fireworks
- a sad movie
- watching the Bucs win the Superbowl
- falling off your bed
Point to the word exhausted on the chart:
Say: If what I say describes exhausted, give a great big tired sigh and say “exhausted!” If
not, just remain quiet.
- Running around at PE
- Reading a book
- Working all day long without a break
- Dancing at a birthday party
Point to the word unique on the chart:
Say: If what I say describes unique, put your pointer finger up as if saying #1 and say
“unique!” If not, just remain quiet.
- A piece of your artwork that you have drawn
- A Barbie Doll that you and your friends all have
- You
- Your reading book
More of day two on the next page
Questioning, Reasons, and Examples: students turn and talk with a partner.
A person won an award and walked up to the podium. How might this person be feeling?
(ecstatic) Why?
You are at the roller rink all day skating. What word describes how you might feel after?
You see a one of a kind stuffed animal at the art show. What word describes this animal?
Why? (unique)
You watch the fireworks at the beach. What word connects with this? (spectacular)
You find a nest with tiny blue eggs in it? What word connects with this? (delicate)
Day 3
Word Wizard Chart:
Say each word on the chart. Students repeat the word after you. Review the student
friendly definitions for each word.
Relating Words:
Have students turn and talk with a partner.
You are proud of yourself for winning the student of the week award. Would
you feel exhausted or ecstatic? Why? (ecstatic)
The boy bought the only copy of the Superman Comic ever made. Would that
be an example of unique or delicate? Why? (unique)
Synonym Stretch:
Show the students the Synonym Stretch Chart. Read aloud the words at the top of
the chart. Read one synonym. Students work with a partner to identify the synonym
that matches the vocabulary word.
Put these on index cards and mix them up.
Happy, overjoyed, thrilled, fragile, frail, flimsy, great, stunning, amazing, tired, worn out,
beat, bushed, one of a kind, exclusive, distinctive
Day 4: Vocabulary Graphic Organizers: Hand out paper or have students work
in a spiral vocabulary notebook. Students make a square. Choose two of the words
for the students to use.
Write the word
Read the definition
Write a sentence using the word
Draw a picture
Day 5: Vocabulary Check:
Review the words on the Word Wizard Chart. Reread the sentences from the text
to the students.
Show the pictures one at a time to the students. Ask the students to match the
words (put words on index cards) with the picture. Have students turn to their
partner and create a sentence using the vocabulary word.
Created by Anne Coletti/Bardmoor Elementary/Reading Coach