August 21st 2015

21st August 2015
Principal’s Report
Reading is an important way to make the link from spoken words to written words. Reading to
your child is a valuable thing to do. Here are some tips:
 Encourage your child to select the books, magazines, catalogues, multimedia stories or
 Discuss the pictures in a book and encourage your child to talk about the pictures.
 Share wordless picture books to develop imagination, ideas and vocabulary by naming
things in the pictures.
 Re-read your child’s favourite books and stories.
 Look for rhyme, rhythm, or repetition in books.
 Support your child to make their own books with pictures and then ‘read’ the story to
Reading with your child will begin when your child becomes familiar with the story and can
take over some of the reading. When your child reads to you, allow time for working out words
and ask questions to see if he or she understands what they have read.
If your child is trying to read a long or tricky word, give your child time and ask questions like
 Look at the picture, what can you see that might start with that letter?
 Look at the picture, what word makes sense?
 What letter does it start with? What sound does the letter make? What does it end with?
It’s also important for you to show your child how you read every day for different purposes, for
example: recipes, greeting cards, calendars, shopping lists, food labels, instructions, maps,
newspapers, emails, signs and websites.
Book talk is an important part of reading. Chat about the book before, during and after reading
and really encourage your child to talk about their ideas and ask questions about the book. Here
are some questions you can ask at different times before, during and after reading the book:
 What would you like to read about?
 Would you like to choose a book you know?
 Look at the cover – what do you think this book is about?
 What is happening in the pictures?
 How could we work out these tricky words?
 What do you think is going to happen next?
 What was your favourite part of the book?
 What was your favourite character in the story? Why did you like that character?
 If you could change the ending of this book, what would it be?
Prep Enrolments for 2016
Prep enrolments for next year are now being taken for children who reach the age
of five on or before 30th April 2016. Please help us with planning for next year by
enrolling your child as soon as possible. You will need to bring your child’s birth
certificate and certificate of immunisation with you.
Diary Dates
District Athletics Carnival
Professor Maths - Numeracy Incursion
Visiting Artist - Myths and Legends
State School Spectacular Rehearsal - 8.30am – 6.30pm
State School Spectacular Rehearsal - 8.30am – 6.30pm
Performance Day for State School’s Spectacular
P/1A & P/1B visit to Collingwood Farm
3/4A and 3/4B Hands on Science Visiting Artist 9.45 to 10.45am
Final Day Term Three. Early Dismissal at 2.30pm.
First Day Term Four
Merit Certificates
Congratulations to the following students who received Merit Certificates:
Jana P/1B
Tyson 3/4B
Hamael 4/5A
Ernest 1/2A
Tina P/1A
Yasemin 3/4A
Quynh 5/6A
Troy 5/6A
Tahnee 5/6B
Kaylin 1/2B
Elijah 1/2B
Cathy 5/6A
Vanessa 5/6A
Jacom 1/2A
Ivan 1/2B
Amir 3/4B
Cindy 5/6B
Thomas P/1B
Sarah 3/4B
Josephone 1/2A
Kenan 5/6A
Samel 3/4A
Harvey 3/4A
Adina 5/6A
Kenan 5/6A
Moses 5/6B
Posi 1/2B
Ava P/1B
Damian 5/6A
Amy 5/6A
Christian 1/2A
Levi 1/2B
Shelley 3/4B
Lewisa P/1B
Cedeze 4/5A
Sujanthan 1/2A
Joe 5/6A
Tahlia 3/4A
Sila 5/6A
Blair 5/6A
Wendy 5/6B
Blake 5/6B
Jaezia 1/2B
Izabella P/1B
Brya 5/6A
Junior 1/2A
Emre 1/2B
Melody 1/2B
Haylee 5/6B