GW Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement Award – 2015-16 Program Description / Student Application Form The GW Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement (SURE) Award seeks to promote and provide support to undergraduate students in their scientific, scholarly, and artistic endeavors. Any current GW student – from freshmen to senior year – who is engaged in research may compete for an individual grant of up to $500 to support his or her research activities. This fund is made possible by a generous endowment from GW professors Carol and Lee Sigelman. There are two deadlines for the 2015-16 academic year. Friday, October 2, 2015, for projects undertaken during the late fall/winter 2015 and spring 2016. Friday, January 29, 2016, for projects undertaken during the spring, summer and fall of 2016. Announcements of awards will be made by November 2, 2015 for first round of awards, and February 29, 2016 for the second round. Eligibility: Student applicants must be enrolled GW students. Faculty mentors who support this application must be GW faculty. Uses of the Awards: The GW SURE Awards are available to students for a variety of purposes related to scientific, scholarly, and artistic activity. They include (but are not limited to) the purchase of equipment or supplies necessary for a research project; support of conference presentation through coverage of registration or associated travel costs; support of travel to libraries or archives; and videography costs associated with the documentation of performances. Application: This application package contains the required form and guidance on how to complete the application. Use a 12-point font throughout. Margins should be no narrower than one inch. 1. Student and Faculty Mentor information 2. Statement of Purpose (500 words) 3. Budget 4. Statement of Faculty Support 5. Unofficial Transcript from Colonial Central (no GWeb transcripts please!) Required Reports: A brief report describing how this award was used is required. For Fall 2015 awards, the report must be submitted by January 15, 2016; for Spring 2016 awards, reports must be submitted by May 15, 2016, for Summer 2016 awards, reports must be submitted by Sept. 1, 2016. NOTE: Applications are accepted only via email attachment to no later than 11:59PM for each respective deadline; required unofficial GW transcripts which must be submitted beforehand to the Center for Undergraduate Fellowships and Research, Marvin Center, Suite 505. Unofficial transcripts from the Colonial Central are acceptable; web-transcripts (GWeb) are not acceptable. Students are not eligible to apply for both the GW SURE Award and the UHP SURE Award in the same award year. Questions? Contact the Center for Undergraduate Fellowships and Research at Completed application forms must be submitted to GW Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement Award – 2015-16 Student Application Form Student Applicant Information Page Name (Last, First): Email: Address: Phone: Expected Date of Graduation: GWID: Major(s): Title of Research Project: Summer or Academic Year Proposal: Signature/Date: Faculty Information Faculty Name: Title: School: Department: Office Address: Email: Office Phone: Completed application forms must be submitted to GW Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement Award – 2015-16 Student Application Form GW SURE Statement of Purpose and Budget Page GW SURE AWARD STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: Provide a description of the purpose for which you applying and its relation to your previous undergraduate research experiences. Please describe also likely outcomes and products that this award may make possible. GW SURE AWARD BUDGET Include a detailed budget. You may request up to $500 for expenses essential to the research-related activity. They include (but are not limited to) the purchase of equipment or supplies necessary for a research project; support of conference presentation through coverage of registration or associated travel costs; support of travel to libraries or archives; and videography costs associated with the documentation of performances. Provide cost estimates for each item. Completed application forms must be submitted to