Massachusetts General Hospital Project Survey ABCDEF Bundle Dear ICU Nurse Colleague, We have received funding from the American Association of Critical Care Nurses for the purpose of conducting a performance improvement project (PIP). Our aim is to determine the current knowledge and use of the ABCDEF Bundle so that we can identify opportunities for training. We are asking you to complete a survey at the beginning and end of this PIP because you are a critical care or RACU nurse who routinely cares for patients who are mechanically ventilated. The survey contains 5 demographic items, 21 multiple choice items, and 3 open ended questions that you may respond to. It may take up to 15 minutes to complete. Once the last question is completed, you will not be able to re-enter. You will receive a message when you are reaching the end of the survey. The survey is completely anonymous. Your survey responses will not be linked to your name, user name, or email address. Please answer all the questions. Your answers will not be reported to your nursing directors and will not affect your employment. All results will be reported both in the aggregate (for study purposes) and by unit (to the CNS on the unit for educational purposes). There are no known benefits to participating in this project except that the knowledge that is gained may improve practice and guide future staff development. If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact INSERT CONTACT INFORMATION. Demographics: 1. On which unit do you work? o Burn ICU o Cardiac ICU o Cardiac Surgical ICU o Medical ICU o Neuroscience ICU o RACU o PICU o Surgical ICU o Surgical ICU 2. How many years have you been a registered nurse? o 1-3 years o 3-5 years o > 5 years 3. Please indicate the highest level of nursing education that you have completed. o Associate Degree or Diploma o BSN o MSN o Doctorate 4. Are you certified in your nursing specialty (i.e. CCRN)? o Yes o No 5. Do you know or are aware of the ABCDEF bundle? o Yes o No Survey Questions Questions are answered using the flowing scale: Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1. Every nurse on our unit embraces true collaboration as an ongoing process and invests in its development to ensure a sustained culture of collaboration. 2. Every nurse contributes to the achievement of common unit goals. 3. All staff nurses are informed and knowledgeable about patient outcomes and performance improvement data. 4. Our unit has a sedation and analgesia protocol in place. 5. The nurses routinely perform both a pain and sedation assessment on patients using a validated tool. 6. Our nurses currently perform Spontaneous Awakening Trials (SATs, aka “sedation vacations”) daily. 7. Our nurses have a standardized protocol for performing Spontaneous Breathing Trials (SBTs). 8. All patients are assessed daily for the presence of delirium. 9. Our nurses use a validated tool to assess for the presence of delirium (CAM-ICU, ICDSC, pCAM-ICU). 10. Our nurses have a standardized delirium management protocol. 11. Delirium monitoring is included in our daily rounds for ALL patients. 12. Our nurses have a protocol for early exercise and progressive mobility for ALL patients. 13. Immobile patients on our unit receive passive range of motion regularly, if tolerated. 14. Our nurses have the necessary support equipment to safely assist patients' increased mobility. 15. Respiratory therapists and physical therapists are available to assist with implementing early exercise and progressive mobility protocols. 16. Mobility is addressed during daily rounds. 17. Our nurses provide a family-centered philosophy of care that supports visitations. 18. Families are encouraged to give their input and ask questions. 19. Family support and participation in all aspects of patient care are encouraged. 20. Our nurses recognize the importance of updating families daily regarding their loved ones' condition and plan. Open Ended Questions 1. After participation in the Collaborate to Extubate ABCDEF Educational Program, what did you find most helpful for use in practice caring for ventilated patients? 2. Can you give one example of how you will use the information from the Collaborate to Extubate ABCDEF Educational Program that you will use in your practice? 3. Are there any other comments you would like to make about the program or use of the bundle? The comments that I may have entered above: o May be used in the final report o May not be used in the final report