upcns october, newsletter, 2010 - United Parish Christian Nursery

Message from the Director: Welcome Autumn! September just flew right by at our
preschool. The children are all adjusting well to our school routines and rules. It is a joy
to see them learning to stand in a line, what the bell means, where their cubbies are and
how to listen without interruption at circle time. The children’s smiles and giggles upon
arrival each day prove to us that they are enjoying their preschool experience. We hope
you are hearing the same kind of things at home. If not, please do not panic! They have
only been in school 6 to 9 days. Some children take much longer to transition to a new
daily schedule. Please let me or your classroom teachers know if there is anything we
can help you with to make your child’s preschool experience (or yours) brighter!!
I am looking forward to getting to know you and your children much better. Enjoy the
month of October and our school theme which is “Falling 4 Math”. Please consult the
October calendar posted on our website: www.unitedparishschool.org
Sandy Leacu (lay-Q)
We had a surprise visit from an NAEYC assessor on Thursday, September 23rd.
Her purpose was to ensure that we are following all of our accreditation regulations to
maintain our NAEYC accreditation. We passed with flying colors!! You should all be
as proud of your child’s teachers, as I am for running a safe, fun, highly qualified
classroom on the fourth day of school !!!! (Not many preschools could have pulled off
a surprise inspection with such a high rating!)
General information for the whole school:
No School Oct. 11th: Columbus Day.
Hand sanitizer is not recommended for children under age 5 due to its alcohol
content. Please do not send in hand sanitizer in their back packs. The children
wash their hands at school often to minimize the spread of germs. Thank you.
Please send your child’s back pack in with him/her each day of school. The
child’s name needs to be labeled on it somewhere so we can find them easily.
The October Scholastic book flyer is already on line. You may order from it
until October 15th. I have already placed the order for the September Scholastic
flyer and expect delivery within two weeks. I will also give out hard copies of the
October flyer once they arrive. Please do not send in cash with these orders.
Checks need to be made out to Scholastic book club.
 SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, December 4th 10am to 3pm. We will be
holding our annual Holiday Bazaar which is our major fundraiser for the year.
Upcoming events in October:
1. School pictures: Thursday, Oct. 21st for all T/TH classes
and Friday, Oct. 22nd for all MWF classes. We will be
sending home photo order packets prior to these dates.
We will need them returned to us before the above
dates. Each student will receive an individual photo as
well as, a class photo with their teachers unless
otherwise specified. If you only want the class photo
please write that on the form. The cost for this is usually
$10 but I will verify that with Morin Studios. Sibling
photos are available on Thursday, Oct. 21, from 11:00 to
12:00. Sign up for these in the school office with Mrs.
Leacu. The pictures will be delivered back to us by
December 1st.
2. Halloween Parties: will be held at school on Thursday
Oct. 28th and 29th. Sign up sheets for refreshments will be
available in each classroom beginning the week of Oct.
4th. No costumes from home are required. If your child
has a food allergy, you will need to provide him/her with
their own “special” snack for that day.
3. MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY: Is Oct. 23rd all around the
United States. Our preschool will be participating in this
great endeavor. We will be collecting non-perishable
goods for the church’s food pantry the week leading up
to this date: Oct. 18th through Oct. 22nd. This food
pantry serves families, senior citizens and other
individuals from the town of Upton and all surrounding
areas. It is stocked solely by donations and is run by
volunteers from the town. The food pantry will accept
any non-perishable foods that have not expired and/or
health and beauty supplies and laundry supplies. They
cannot accept items that need refrigeration. Currently
their greatest need is for the following items: peanut
butter, jelly, cans of tuna, coffee (regular size can, not
large), juices, toilet paper, paper towels and laundry
detergent. Please feel free to send your child into school
during this week with a donation. We will have collection
boxes in each classroom. Thank you in advance!
Specific items for the Tuesday/Thursday Neighbor’s class:
October 7th will be apple tasting day. This is also our first music lesson with Mr.
Kim from Apple Tree Arts.
Show’n Tell is Oct. 14th.
Halloween party: Thursday, Oct. 28.
We will be collecting coins for our class to investigate during the month of
October: “Falling 4 Math” theme. They will then be donated to UNICEF.
Specific items for all MWF classes:
 Show ‘n Tell Oct. 15th .
 Halloween safety talk with an Upton Police Officer: Oct. 29.
Specific items for Tuesday/Thursday Friends Class:
 Please hand in your child’s family photo ASAP for an upcoming activity and
then for our Family Boards.
1. SCRIP GIFT CARDS: This is an ongoing fund raiser that we participate in
throughout the year, including the summer months. The nursery school has an
agreement with Great Lakes Scrip cards that we will receive a percentage of all
gift cards purchased through our school from their web site. Each Tuesday,
the church and nursery school places an order with Scrip. Our order is received
by Friday of that same week. There are gift cards for all types of services from
retail stores, to restaurants, from grocery stores, gas stations to entertainment
vendors including Disney World. Their full list of vendors can be accessed
through our school website. The link is on our home page in the left hand
column. You may place an order anytime through me or by filling out an order
form (also on our website or in the class rooms). We will also be selling Scrip
gift cards during the month of October at both arrival and pick up times.
Checks should be made out to us: UPCNS. Please consider purchasing your gift
cards for the holidays, birthday gifts etc. through us instead of other retailers.
This is an easy way to support our school which is a non-profit institution that
relies on fundraising to meet our bills. Thank you.
2. Our school needs new signs for outdoors! Our current signs
are looking tired and old. We would like to hold an Avon fund raiser
this fall to begin the process of saving up money to purchase two new
signs for our school. Avon catalogs will go home with each student
the first week of October. Orders will need to be returned to the
school by Oct. 22nd. Delivery to the school will be Nov. 5th. Nancy
Doane, the Avon representative, is donating 25% of the proceeds to
our school!
Quotes of the month:
On the second day of school: Kaitlyn said this to Mrs. Pierce after
putting her tissue in the trash: “Hey, wanna know how to make a tissue
dance? Put a little boogie in it!”
Mrs. Ciantra asked what Bella had in her back pack. She said “It’s a
Lemur. Wait till you feel its head. It’s like VELVET!”
Joseph got very excited when Mrs. McGrath told him she was going to
help him learn. He told her, “That’s why I want to be a teacher when I
grow up!”