? Nerve fibers, which connect different areas of same hemisphere are: +Association fibers -Commissural fibers -Efferent fibers -Afferent fibers ? Nerve fibers, which associate neighboring gyri of same hemisphere are: +Short association fibers -Long association fibers -Commissural fibers -Projection fibers ? Nerve fibers, which associate different lobes of same hemisphere are: +Long association fibers -Short association fibers -Commissural fibers -Projection fibers ? Fasciculus, which associates the cortex of frontal lobe with parietal and occipital lobes is: +Superior longitudinal fasciculus -Inferior longitudinal fasciculus -Uncinate fasciculus -Frontal (minor) forceps ? Fasciculus, which associates the temporal and occipital lobes is: +Inferior longitudinal fasciculus -Superior longitudinal fasciculus -Uncinate fasciculus -Frontal (major) forceps ? Fasciculus, which associates the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes is: +Uncinate fasciculus -Superior longitudinal fasciculus -Inferior longitudinal fasciculus -Frontal (minor) forceps ? The fibers of the genu and rostrum of corpus callosum associate following lobes: +Frontal -Parietal -Occipital -Insular ? Frontal (minor) forceps is formed by fibers of the: +Genu and rostrum of corpus callosum -Splenium of corpus callosum -Anterior cerebral commissure -Posterior cerebral commissure ? The fibers of the trunk of corpus callosum associate following lobes: +Parietal and temporal -Frontal -Occipital -Insula ? Fibers, which associate cortex of thr occipital lobes pass through: +Splenium of corpus callosum -Trunk of corpus callosum -Genu of corpus callosum -Posterior cerebral commissure ? Occipital (major) forceps is formed by fibers of the: +Splenium of corpus callosum -Rostrum of corpus callosum -Commissure of fornix -Epithalamical commissure ? Name pathways, which transmit the impulses from the skin receptors and sense organs: +Exteroceptive -Proprioceptive -Interoceptive -Pyramidal ? Name pathways, which transmit the signals from the locomotor apparatus: +Proprioceptive -Exteroceptive -Interoceptive -Extrapyramidal ? Name pathways, which transmit the impulses from the internal organs and vessels: +Interoceptive -Proprioceptive -Exteroceptive -Pyramidal ? Name pathways, which transmit the impulses from the cortex of the brain to nuclei of the brainstem and motor nuclei of spinal cord: +Efferent -Exteroceptive -Interoceptive -Proprioceptive ? Which pathways conduct impulses for well-coordination targeted voluntary movements? +Pyramidal -Extrapyramidal -Exteroceptive -Interoceptive ? Which pathways conduct impulses from subcortical centers to motor nuclei of the cranial and spinal nerves? +Extrapyramidal -Pyramidal -Interoceptive -Proprioceptive ? What is the name of pathways for pain and temperature sensitivity? +Lateral spinothalamic tract -Anterior spinothalamic tract -Anterior spinocerebellar tract -Bulbothalamic tract ? How many neurons has the pathway for pain and temperature sensitivity? +3 -2 -5 -6 ? Where is the first neuron of the lateral spinothalamic tract located? +In the spinal ganglion -In proper nucleus of spinal cord -In gracile and cuneate nuclei -In cortex of postcentral gyrus ? Where are receptors of the first neuron of the lateral spinothalamic tract located? +In the skin and mucosa -In muscles, tendons, ligaments, capsule of joints -In the retina -In the precentral gyrus ? Where is the second neuron of the lateral spinothalamic tract located? +In proper nucleus of spinal cord -In the spinal ganglion -In anterior horn of the spinal cord -In lateral intermediate nucleus of the spinal cord ? Where is axon of the third neuron of the lateral spinothalamic tract ended? +In cortex of postcentral gyrus -In cortex of precentral gyrus -In thalamus -In cortex of vermis ? The central process of the first neuron of the lateral spinothalamic tract runs to: +Posterior horn of spinal cord -Receptors in skin and mucosa -Thalamus -Postcentral gyrus ? The axon of the second neuron of the lateral spinothalamic tract runs to: +Lateral funiculus of opposite side -Lateral funiculus of same side -Spinal ganglion -Cortex of vermis ? Where is the axon of the second neuron of the lateral spinothalamic tract ended? +On nuclei of thalamus -Within cortex of postcentral gyrus -In cortex of vermis -In gracile and cuneate nuclei ? Where is the third neuron of the lateral spinothalamic tract located? +In the dorsolateral nuclei of thalamus -In the cortex of postcentral gyrus -In gracile and cuneate nuclei -In cortex of vermis ? The axons of the third neuron of the lateral spinothalamic tract pass through: +Posterior limb of internal capsule -Anterior limb of internal capsule -Anterior cerebellar peduncle -Posterior cerebellar peduncle ? What is the name of pathways for tactile sensitivity? +Anterior spinothalamic tract -Lateral spinothalamic tract -Bulbothalamic tract -Anterior spinocerebellar tract ? Where are the receptors of the first neuron of anterior spinothalamic tract located? +In skin -In muscles and tendons -In capsule of joints -In postcentral gyrus ? Where is the axon of the third neuron of pathways for tactile sensitivity ended? +In postcentral gyrus -In precentral gyrus -In cortex of vermis -In cortex of cerebellar hemisphere ? The body of the first neuron of anterior spinothalamic tract is: +In spinal ganglion -In proper nucleus of spinal cord -In thoracic column -In gracile and cuneate nuclei ? Where is the second neuron of pathways for tactile sensitivity located? +In gelatinous substance -In proper nucleus of spinal cord -In thoracic nucleus of spinal cord -In spinal ganglion ? The axon of the second neuron of pathways for tactile sensitivity runs to: +In anterior funiculus of spinal cord of opposite side -In lateral funiculus of spinal cord same side -In posterior funiculus of same side -In spinal ganglion ? Where is the axon of the second neuron of pathways for tactile sensitivity ended? +In thalamus -In spinal ganglion -In thoracic nucleus of spinal cord -In postcentral gyrus ? The body of the third neuron of anterior spinothalamic tract is: +In dorsolateral nuclei of thalamus -In cortex of vermis -In gracile and cuneate nuclei -In postcentral gyrus ? The axons of the third neuron of the anterior spinothalamic tract pass through: +Posterior limb of internal capsule -Anterior limb of internal capsule -Inferior cerebellar peduncle -Superior cerebellar peduncle ? What is the name of proprioceptive pathway of the cortical direction? +Bulbothalamic tract -Posterior spinocerebellar tract -Anterior spinocerebellar tract -Anterior spinothalamic tract ? The recepters of the first neuron of proprioceptive pathway of the cortical direction are: +In muscles, tendons, ligaments, capsule of joints -In skin and mucosa -In spinal ganglia -In thoracic nuclei ? The body of the first neuron of proprioceptive pathway of the cortical direction is: +In spinal ganglion -In postcentral gyrus -In proper nuclei of spinal cord -In gracile and cuneate nuclei ? The axon of the first neuron of proprioceptive pathway of the cortical direction runs to: +Posterior funiculus of spinal cord of same side -Lateral funiculus of spinal cord of opposite side -Anterior funiculus of spinal cord of same side -Posterior funiculus of spinal cord of opposite side ? Where is the second neuron of proprioceptive pathway of the cortical direction located? +In gracile and cuneate nuclei -In thoracic nucleus -In spongious zone -In intermediomedial nucleus ? The gracile fasciculus (Goll's tract) carries the impulses from the: +Lower limbs and lower portion of the body -Upper limbs -Upper thoracic and cervical parts of the body -Head ? The cuneate fasciculus (Burdach's tract) carries the impulses from the: +Upper portion of the body, upper limbs and neck -Lower limbs -Lower portion of the body -Head ? What is the initial part of medial lemniscus? +Internal arcuate fibers -Dorsal external arcuate fibers -Ventral external arcuate fibers -Fibers of the trapezoid body ? The external arcuate fibers runs to: +Cortex of vermis -Thalamus -Postcentral gyrus -Precentral gyrus ? Where are fibers of medial lemniscus ended? +In dorsolateral nuclei of thalamus -In cortex of vermis -In postcentral gyrus -In gracile and cuneate nuclei ? The bodies of the third neurons of proprioceptive pathway of the cortical direction are: +In dorsolateral nuclei of thalamus -In cortex of vermis -In postcentral gyrus -In gracile and cuneate nuclei ? What is the name of posterior spinocerebellar tract? +Flechsig's tract -Gower's tract -Goll's tract -Burdach's tract ? The bodies of the first neurons of posterior spinocerebellar tract are: +In spinal ganglion -In cortex of vermis -In postcentral gyrus -In thoracic nucleus ? Where are the bodies of the second neurons of posterior spinocerebellar tract located? +In thoracic nucleus -In proper nucleus of spinal cord -In thalamus -In postcentral gyrus ? The axon of the second neuron of posterior spinocerebellar tract runs to: +Lateral funiculus of same side -Lateral funiculus of opposite side -Anterior funiculus of same side -Posterior funiculus of opposite side ? Where does Flechsig's tract end? +In cortex of vermis -In postcentral gyrus -In dorsal nucleus of thalamus -In cortex of cerebellar hemisphere ? What is the name of anterior spinocerebellar tract? +Gower's tract -Flechsig's tract -Goll's tract -Burdach's tract ? The bodies of the first neurons of anterior spinocerebellar tract are: +In spinal ganglion -In medial intermediate nucleus -In postcentral gyrus -In thoracic nucleus ? Where are the bodies of the second neurons of anterior spinocerebellar tract located? +In intermediomedial nucleus -In thoracic nucleus -In proper nucleus of spinal cord -In thalamus ? The axon of the second neuron of anterior spinocerebellar tract runs to: +Lateral funiculus of opposite side -Lateral funiculus of same side -Anterior funiculus of same side -Posterior funiculus of opposite side ? Where does Gower's tract end? +In cortex of vermis of same side -In postcentral gyrus -In dorsal nucleus of thalamus -In cortex of vermis of opposite side ? The pyramidal tracts start from cortex of: +Precentral gyrus -Postcentral gyrus -Cerebellar vermis -Inferior frontal gyrus ? The part of pyramidal tracts, which stretching between the precentral gyrus and motor nuclei of cranial nerves is called: +Corticonuclear tract -Anterior corticospinal tract -Lateral corticospinal tract -Reticulospinal tract ? The pyramidal tract, which ends in motor nuclei of cranial nerve, starts from: +Precentral gyrus -Postcentral gyrus -Red nucleus -Thalamus ? The corticonuclear tract originates from cortex of: +Inferior third of precentral gyrus -Upper third of precentral gyrus -Postcentral gyrus -Cortex of cerebellar vermis ? The corticonuclear tract passes through following part of internal capsule: +Genu -Anterior limb -Inferior third of posterior limb -Superior third of posterior limb ? Through genu of internal capsule passes: +Corticonuclear tract -Anterior spinothalamic tract -Anterior corticonuclear tract -Rubrospinal tract ? Where does the corticonuclear tract end in midbrain? +On motor nuclei of III and IV cranial nerves -On motor nuclei of XI and XII cranial nerves -On motor nuclei of V, VI and VII cranial nerves -On motor nuclei of IX, X and XI cranial nerves ? Where does the corticonuclear tract end in pons? +On motor nuclei of V-VII cranial nerves -On motor nuclei of III and IV cranial nerves -On motor nuclei of V-XII cranial nerves -On motor nuclei of IX-XII cranial nerves ? Where does the corticonuclear tract end in medulla oblongata? +On motor nuclei of IX-XII cranial nerves -On motor nuclei of III and IV cranial nerves -On motor nuclei of III-V cranial nerves -On motor nuclei of X cranial nerve ? Processes of motor cells originate from nuclei as a component of corresponding cranial nerves and reach: +Skeletal muscles of head and neck -Skeletal muscles of upper limb -Skeletal muscles of trunk -Skeletal muscles of lower limb ? Where are the first neurons of corticonuclear tract located? +Gigantic pyramidal cells (cells of Betz) -Motor nuclear of cranial nerves -Cortex of postcentral gyrus -Nuclei of anterior horn of spinal nerves ? Where are the second neurons of corticonuclear tract located? +Motor nuclei of cranial nerves -Nuclei of anterior horn of spinal nerves -Gigantic pyramidal cells (cells of Betz) -Spinal ganglion ? Where are the first neurons of lateral corticospinal tract located? +In upper 2/3 of precentral gyrus -In inferior 1/3 of precentral gyrus -In postcentral gyrus -In spinal ganglion ? Where are the first neurons of lateral corticospinal tract located? +Gigantic pyramidal cells (cells of Betz) -Motor nuclear of cranial nerves -Cortex of postcentral gyrus -Nuclei of anterior horn of spinal nerves ? The lateral corticospinal tract passes through following part of internal capsule: +Anterior part of posterior limb -Genu -Anterior limb -Posterior part of posterior limb ? Where does the lateral corticospinal tract decussate? +In inferior part of medulla oblongata -In upper part of pons -In midbrain -In spinal cord ? The decussation of pyramids is formed by: +Lateral corticospinal tract -Anterior corticospinal tract -Rubrospinal tract -Tectospinal tract ? Where are the second neurons of lateral corticospinal tract located? +In nuclei of anterior horns of spinal cord -In gracile and cuneate nuclei -In motor nuclei of cranial nerves -Gigantic pyramidal cells ? Where are the first neurons of anterior corticospinal tract located? +In upper 2/3 of precentral gyrus -In inferior 1/3 of precentral gyrus -In postcentral gyrus -In spinal ganglion ? Where are the first neurons of anterior corticospinal tract located? +Gigantic pyramidal cells (cells of Betz) -Motor nuclear of cranial nerves -Cortex of postcentral gyrus -Nuclei of anterior horn of spinal nerves ? The anterior corticospinal tract passes through following part of internal capsule: +Anterior part of posterior limb -Genu -Anterior limb -Posterior part of posterior limb ? Where does the anterior corticospinal tract decussate? +In spinal cord -In inferior part of medulla oblongata -In upper part of pons -In cerebral peduncle ? Where are The second neurons of anterior corticospinal tract located? +In nuclei of anterior horns of spinal cord -In red (ruber) nucleus -In motor nuclei of cranial nerves -Gigantic pyramidal cells ? Where does the rubrospinal tract start? +From red nucleus -From nuclei of colliculi -From cells of Betz -From motor nuclei of cranial nerves ? The Forel's decussation is formed by: +Rubrospinal tracts -Tectospinal tracts -Lateral corticospinal tract -Reticulospinal tract ? The rubrospinal tract goes to opposite side and forms: +Forel's decussation -Monakov's decussation -Pyramidal decussation -Medial lemniscus ? Axons of nucleus ruber (red nucleus) end by synapses on: +Motor nuclei of spinal cord -Cells of Betz -Motor nuclei of cranial nerves -Proper nuclei of pons ? The vestibulo-spinal tract starts from: +Deiters' nucleus -Nucleus ruber -Motor nuclei of spinal cord -Cells of Betz ? Which tract originates from lateral vestibular nucleus (Deiters' nucleus)? +Vestibulospinal tract -Reticulospinal tract -Tectospinal tract -Corticopontocerebellar tract ? Axons of nucleus of vestibulospinal tract end by synapses on: +Motor nuclei of spinal cord -Motor nuclei of cranial nerves -Proper nuclei of pons -Gigantic pyramidal cells (cells of Betz) ? From subcortical visual and auditory centers originates following descending tract: +Tectospinal tract -Reticulospinal tract -Corticopontocerebellar tract -Vestibulospinal tract ? From nuclei of reticular formation originates following descending tract: +Reticulospinal tract -Tectospinal tract -Vestibulospinal tract -Rubrospinal tract ? Where are the second neurons of tectospinal tract located? +In anterior horn of spinal cord -In spinal ganglion -In posterior horn of spinal cord -In reticular formation ? Where are the second neurons of reticulospinal tract located? +In motor nuclei of spinal cord -In proper nuclei of pons -In motor nuclei of cranial nerves -In reticular formation ? Where are the first neurons of corticopontocerbellar tract located? +In cortex of frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes -In cortex of precentral gyrus -In proper nuclei of pons -In cortex of cerebellar hemispheres ? The fibers of corticopontocerebellar tract, which originate from the cortex of frontal lobe pass though following part of internal capsule: +Anterior limb -Genu -Anterior part of posterior limb -Posterior part of posterior limb ? The fibers of corticopontocerebellar tract, which originate from cortex of parietal, temporal and occipital lobes pass through following part of internal capsule: +Posterior part of posterior limb -Genu -Anterior part of posterior limb -Anterior limb ? The axons of the first neurons of corticopontocerebellar tract end by synapse on: +Proper nuclei of pons -Motor nuclei of spinal cord -Cells of cortex of cerebellar hemispheres -Cells of cerebellar vermis ? Where are the second neurons of corticopontocerebellar tract located? +Proper nuclei of pons -Motor nuclei of spinal cord -Cells of cortex of cerebellar hemispheres -Cells of cortex of cerebral hemispheres ? The axons of proper nuclei of pons go to cerebellar hemisphere through: +Middle cerebellar peduncle -Anterior limb of internal capsule -Anterior grey commissure of spinal cord -Medial part of base of cerebral peduncle