Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School Oxford Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 8PE T: 01296 424781 F: 01296 424783 e-mail: Headteacher: Stephen Box 28 January 2015 Dear Parent/Carer 2015 Preventing Bullying Conference 18 March 2015 Your son/daughter has the opportunity to attend the third ‘Preventing Bullying Conference for Secondary School Students’, which will take place on the 18th March, at The Oculus, A.V.D.C, between 9.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. This means that students will not be in lessons all day and must therefore ensure that any missed work is subsequently caught up on. In addition, there is an expectation that students will use their experiences at the conference to lead on activities within the school. How this happens will be decided, depending on the nature and exact content of the day, when the group returns to do the follow-up work. Following last year’s conference, the group ran a series of general antibullying assemblies across all year groups on ‘stopping bullying for all’, with a focus on the differently-abled, which was in line with the Anti-bullying Alliance’s national campaign. The group ran a successful anti-bullying writing competition for Lower School students and the winners and runners up from each year were awarded prizes at these assemblies and their work is now on permanent display. This year’s conference is particularly special because the SHFGS Anti-bullying Group have been invited to attend and present all the good work we have been promoting in school. This will be a fantastic opportunity for your child to broaden their skills and in addition, attendance at the conference will lead to an AQA accreditation. I will be accompanying the group to and from the venue. We will walk to the event, leaving school at 08:45. Therefore, can all students meet at Reception at 08:35. In the event of illness, please contact Reception before 08:45, so that our departure is not delayed. Normal school uniform requirements apply, but can I suggest that your son or daughter brings an umbrella and suitable outdoor clothing, in case of rain. Lunch will be provided and last year the food was excellent! I would be grateful if you could let me know of any allergies/food requirements that your son/daughter may have, so that we can let the venue know in advance. Students are welcome to bring their own packed lunch if they wish. Return to school is scheduled to be prior to the departure of the school buses. If as a result of unavoidable delays this is not possible your child will contact you to agree alternative arrangements. Please ensure they have an appropriate contact number for this purpose. I do require your permission for your son/daughter to attend this event and to agree to your child possibly being photographed or filmed, as the media were at last year’s event. There is also a voluntary contribution for our attendance at this year’s event of £16.00 per student. W o r k i n g To g e t h e r t o I n s p i r e , C h a l l e n g e a n d A c h i e v e If, due to personal circumstances, you are unable to contribute in full, but would still like your child to benefit from this opportunity, please send your request in writing to the Head Teacher for consideration, noting the amount you believe you can contribute. He will then contact you directly with a decision on whether your request can be supported, in full or partially. Payments should be made by the online payment system – please log in to your ParentMail2 account and select ‘2015 Preventing Bullying Conference’ under the Payments section. If payment causes any difficulty please contact the Finance Office before the payment due date. Please can you return the reply slip to me as soon as you are able, preferably by Thursday 12th February, so that I can confirm the names and numbers of students with the venue and enable me to open the opportunity up to one of the reserves, should you not wish for your son/daughter to attend. Thank you, Yours sincerely Mrs Danielle Tolner Associate Teacher ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please return to Mrs D Tolner, Associate Teacher, by Thursday 12th February ‘Anti-Bullying Conference for Secondary School Students – Wednesday 18th March 2015 Name ................................................... Tutor group .............................. I give permission for my son/daughter to attend the above event and agree to them possibly being photographed or filmed by the media during this event. Dietary requirements or allergies: …………………………………………………………………………. Signature ........................................................ Parent/Carer Date ............................... In signing this reply slip or I confirm that I have read the letter and noted the information within it. W o r k i n g To g e t h e r t o I n s p i r e , C h a l l e n g e a n d A c h i e v e