THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT by Stuart A. Umpleby Department of Management Science The George Washington University Washington, DC 20052 September 9, 1993 A keynote address prepared for the Western Regional Government Total Quality Management Conference Los Angeles, CA, September 8-10, 1993 THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT by Stuart A. Umpleby ABSTRACT The quality movement is a step in the direction of putting management on a scientific and professional foundation, somewhat similar to what has already happened with medicine and engineering. All three cases -- medicine, engineering, and management -- have followed a three stage process. In the first stage an art is learned through apprenticeship. At this stage fads and quackery are common, because there are no widely accepted procedures or institutions to test the claims of talented salesmen. In the second stage scientific studies use controlled experiments to separate what is genuinely valuable from what is merely traditional or fashionable. In the third stage a profession is characterized by a widely accepted understanding of fundamentals, a process for generating new knowledge, and continuous improvement in advanced practice. INTRODUCTION Good morning. It is a pleasure to address this group of managers involved directly in the practice and application of Total Quality Management. As you heard from my introduction, I am a professor of management science and systems theory at The George Washington University. Although I have worked on continuous improvement programs with corporations and government agencies, most of the time I deal with Total Quality Management in an academic setting. My impression is that the quality movement is more well-established in business and government than it is within universities, at least on the East Coast. So I came to this conference in part to learn from you. You are on the front lines of the movement, trying to put its ideas into practice to improve the performance of your organizations. I have learned a great deal from you during the sessions yesterday. Also, the planning and organization of this conference is itself an excellent example of quality management. This meeting has set a new standard in my mind for how a conference should be managed. As participants in the quality movement, you no doubt have encountered people who believe that TQM is a fad, a passing trend, or just another buzz word. There are those who say that TQM has had its run and that it is now time for the next movement, perhaps reengineering. If you are like me, you occasionally wonder whether they are right, and you and I are wrong. When doubts arise in my mind, I look to the context of the quality movement to get a sense of perspective. This reflection makes me more certain that those who are advocating TQM are on the leading edge of important change. When I become discouraged, it helps me to remember that we are involved in a serious and substantial effort to remake society, that we are not just advocating 2 a particular method that will be seldom discussed a few years in the future. Perhaps an historical perspective will also give you the confidence and the courage you need to go the extra mile in your efforts. Why am I so sure that the ideas underlying TQM are here to stay? Because, based on my review of the history of other fields, like medicine and engineering, I believe strongly that Total Quality Management is not just another fad, but, rather, it is the alternative to a series of fads in management. THREE STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PROFESSIONAL FIELD As I read the history of medicine, the history of engineering, and the history of management, it seems to me that each professional field has passed through three stages in its development. In the first stage, successful practices are passed down from generation to generation. An art or craft is learned through apprenticeship, on the job. During the craft stage, without a mechanism for testing claims, people are often swayed by talented sales persons. Fads and quackery flourish because there are no widely accepted procedures or institutions to test the various claims. Only with the beginning of the second stage of scientific testing do people begin to ask what practices really are effective and what practices are merely traditional. At the third stage of development, scientific knowledge is incorporated into standard practice. MEDICINE Let's look first at medicine. First Stage When medicine was a craft, doctors had only a small number of treatments they could prescribe. Most medical practice consisted of delivering babies, setting broken bones, bandaging wounds and amputating infected limbs. Before they had an understanding of the causes of disease, doctors had no choice but merely to treat symptoms. Second Stage Science arose during the enlightenment, from about 1650 to 1750, as an alternative to superstition -- as an alternative to the belief in the Middle Ages in spells, ghosts, and witchcraft. As science became more well-established, it became more common for claims to be subjected to experimental tests. However, the results of tests were often disregarded. The story of scurvy and Vitamin C illustrates the three stages I have just mentioned. As early as the sixteenth century there were reports that oranges and lemons could prevent scurvy among sailors. A couple of hundred years later in 1753 James Lind, a British naval surgeon, published a book showing how scurvy could be eliminated by supplying sailors with lemon juice. In his book, he cited the case of a scurvy-stricken sailor in 1734 who was in such a bad way that his 3 shipmates marooned him to die. He had almost lost the use of his limbs, but when he was put ashore he managed to crawl to a clump of grass on which, it was said, he "grazed like a beast of the field." The herb acted like a charm. In a short time he had fully recovered. (Calder, 1958, p. 23) Lind performed experiments which proved the value of simple things like mustard cress, tamarinds, oranges and lemons (in fact, anything, as we now know, which contains Vitamin C). He was, however, frustrated and remarked, "Some people cannot believe that a disease so fatal and so dreadful can be cured or prevented by such simple means. They would have more faith in an elaborate composition dignified with the title of 'a golden elixir.' The people Lind was complaining about were the Lords of the Admiralty, who ignored his advice for forty years. (Calder, p. 24) But not everyone ignored Lind's advice. Captain James Cook, on his expedition towards the South Pole and around the world, followed Lind's advice and took fresh fruit. There was no scurvy on Cook's ship. Nevertheless, it was not until 18 years after Cook's expedition that the first naval squadron was supplied with lemon juice for a twenty-three-week voyage and, despite the complete absence of scurvy, it took another ten years for regulations enforcing consumption of daily rations of lemon juice to be applied to the entire fleet. Then, and only then, did scurvy disappear from the British Navy. However, it was only after the lapse of another sixty years that the Board of Trade applied the same ordinances to all merchant ships. (Calder, p. 24) So, referring to our three stages, in the early days of medicine people felt more confident of medicines for which some magical powers were claimed. There was a strong element of wishful thinking. But gradually over time more and more experiments were made to test various claims. And, finally, those in positions of authority acted upon the available knowledge. Tradition and habit are major barriers to new ideas. The battle between art and science can last for decades, if not centuries. In the nineteenth century the art of medicine and the science of medicine were in conflict. During the previous century, knowledge of the working of the human body increased greatly. Organic chemistry, anesthetics, bacteriology, and antiseptics were developed, and many diseases were identified. The nineteenth century saw the invention of new instruments such as the stethoscope and, at the end of the century, that great leap forward, X-rays. There were also major advances in public health, for example the development of sanitation and those highly important instruments of medical discovery -- vital statistics and epidemiology. The science of nutrition grew rapidly at the end of the century. And psychology and psychiatry brought a new approach to mental illness. (Calder, p. 34) But the nineteenth century was also a time of fantastic fads in medicine. Phrenology, or the study of character and mental capacity based on the shape of the skull, became the playground of quacks and charlatans. Patent remedy salesmen hawked the "elixir of life" and cure-alls at carnival side-shows. A half dozen men living in London at that time had become multimillionaires from the sale of their patent medicines -- including one, a soothing syrup, which is reputed to have killed 15,000 children a year. (Calder, p. 35) Doctors rightly deplored the quacks. But their concern with being responsible made them distrustful of innovations, even when the innovations were scientifically based. A well-known example is Oliver Wendell Holmes's 1843 conclusion that childbed fever, which he called the 4 "black-death" of mothers, was contagious. He insisted that women about to deliver should not be attended by physicians who had been handling corpses or other cases of fever. He suggested that doctors should wash and sterilize their hands. This caused an uproar in a profession which maintained that doctors, to be respectable, should attend their cases in frock coats and cuffs. Holmes was right, but at least 10 years passed before the leaders of the profession awoke to these ideas, and tens of thousands of mothers were sacrificed to tradition, vanity, and stubbornness. Holmes was relying on observation and common sense. Only later did Pasteur's studies reveal that germs, or bacteria, were the underlying cause. (Calder p. 35) So we see that it is not uncommon for evidence to be rejected in favor of custom or tradition. But adoption of new ideas becomes easier as the scientific foundation of a field becomes more developed. When people understand the underlying causes or principles involved, it is easier not only to design remedies or devise solutions but also to win acceptance for them. Third Stage The third stage in the development of a professional field is the enforced incorporation of scientific knowledge into standard operating procedures. In this third stage, a profession is characterized by 1) a widely accepted understanding of basic knowledge, 2) the institutionalized testing of innovations accompanied by the reporting of results, and 3) the design of advanced products and procedures based on current knowledge. In medicine, we are clearly at the third stage. There is a large amount of accepted knowledge about the body and the processes of disease. New medicines are subjected to rigorous testing before being put on the market. And we conduct continuing research to improve products and procedures to prevent or cure disease. ENGINEERING First Stage The field of engineering is similar to but somewhat different from the field of medicine. Like medicine, engineering was for most of its history learned through apprenticeship. Instances of quackery would include claims of perpetual motion machines and early chess-playing computers that actually contained a midget hidden inside. Engineering also went through a long process of separating art from science. Indeed it was not just a matter of separating art from science but of separating magic, science, philosophy, and religion. In ancient times rulers had their court advisers. These men not only built canals and roads, but also constructed calendars and advised on administrative and religious matters. In previous centuries there was less specialization than today. Down to the time of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, artists usually were valued more for their skills in military engineering, surveying and architecture than for their talents in painting and sculpture. (Forbes, pp. 42-43) 5 In the early days of engineering there was occasional inspired innovation, but no research. A fundamental breakthrough was the idea of standardized components or replaceable parts. Throughout most of the history of engineering all of the parts of a machine were made at one location. Today manufacturers routinely buy parts such as screws and bolts from suppliers and assemble them. But this idea is less than 200 years old. The idea of separating the parts of a machine came after the idea of separating magic from science, science from philosophy, and philosophy from religion. Separation or analysis is fundamental to the growth of science. Second Stage In engineering there was a gradual replacement of the craftsman by the specialized worker, a process that was speeded up towards the end of the eighteenth century by the establishment of numerous technical schools and institutes. During the nineteenth century in France and Germany workers were systematically given scientific training with a view to providing torch-bearers of the new technology and care was given to the training of skilled workers. This example was later followed by the United States. (Forbes, p. 330) Indeed, the idea of a research-oriented university was imported from Germany. Third Stage However, a scientific background for those who would practice engineering was not really required before World War II. In the early decades of this century well-read, experienced technicians could design even airplanes without having formal training in science or engineering. Indeed, many professors in the 1950s still regarded engineering as an art, which was best learned on the job. Before World War II physics and calculus were electives, not prerequisites. But World War II brought a fundamental change. The efforts of the scientific community were enlisted in the war effort, and the results were spectacular -- the atomic bomb, radar, operations research, and computers. These developments were not merely improvements of previous practice but were fundamentally new developments. And understanding them required a background in science. After World War II physics, chemistry, and calculus became the foundation upon which all of the fields of engineering -- civil, mechanical, electrical, aeronautical, etc. -- were based. Many schools of engineering changed their names to School of Engineering and Applied Science to signify the fundamental change in the field. Returning now to the idea of three stages in the development of a professional field, we see that after World War II in engineering there was: 1) Agreement on basic knowledge (namely, the physical sciences); 2) Institutionalized testing of innovations and reporting of results through research-oriented universities; and 3) The design of advanced products and procedures based on current scientific knowledge. MANAGEMENT So how does management fare in our three-stage scheme? 6 First Stage At least since the rise of cities roughly ten thousand years ago, people have been practicing management. But not until the Total Quality Management movement has there been fairly widespread agreement on what training is important for a manager. Much of the early literature on management was written by military officers, for example Sun Tzu and Marcus Aurelius. During the settlement of this country, the leader of a community or a band of pioneers was usually a minister. Ministers, of course, were trained in theology. Those who managed the government were usually trained in the law. Not until this century did large organizations feel a need for managers trained in economics, mathematics, and psychology. Management as a separate academic field taught in universities is a very recent phenomenon, and its rapid growth has occurred only in the last two or three decades. Furthermore, it is not yet universally accepted that training in management is necessary for success as a manager. Many high level managers today do not have management degrees, and no doubt a majority of management professors still would insist that management is an art, not a science. Second Stage But many people are trying to take a more scientific approach to management. The success of Japan in competing with the United States is often cited as a large-scale experiment demonstrating the value of an emphasis on quality. Additional evidence is that there are many stories of how companies have improved their operations and improved their positions relative to competitors by adopting continuous improvement methods. Furthermore, there is a search for the causes of poor organizational performance, for example Deming's "deadly diseases." And new products and processes are being designed to extend basic practice, for example software to assist with quality improvement and the development of new management methods to address concerns such as second order change or reengineering. One of the most hopeful signs, in my view, is the effort to develop an integrated theory of management. Until recently management has been a collection of approaches or points of view. However, the importance of developing a general theory of complex, adaptive systems is still not widely accepted. Nevertheless, TQM has achieved a synthesis of statistics, engineering, psychology, and philosophy that is practical as well as intellectually stimulating. This intellectual integration is not a superfluous achievement. Recall in our study of medicine that an understanding of the biology underlying a procedure made it easier for people to understand its value and to adopt it. And in engineering an understanding of science permitted the design of completely new devices. Third Stage Although we have not yet completed the second stage of management (that is, an emphasis on a scientific approach), I believe there are some signs that the elements of the third stage of 7 management are beginning to be put into place. A growing number of companies are requiring all new employees to learn the methods of quality management. As this conference indicates, there is now widespread agreement on the fundamentals of management, namely the methods of total quality management. Also, the continuing review and improvement of the Baldrige Award and the Presidential Quality Award are one means for institutionalizing the testing of innovations and the reporting of results. The Federal Quality Institute, the Conference Board, and those who conduct conferences and seminars on TQM, especially when they apply their methods to their own operations, both conduct research and report results. CONCLUSION What can we learn from these three examples? Similarities and Differences In each of the three cases -- medicine, engineering, and management -- there were a number of similarities. 1) The three stages occur in each case, and the stages overlap in each case. 2) In each case there was a struggle between the art or craft point of view and the scientific point of view. 3) In each case there was resistance to new ideas and procedures. 4) Ways of enforcing the new methods needed to be developed. There are also some differences between medicine and engineering on the one hand and management on the other hand. 1) Medicine and engineering have accepted the importance of a scientific approach. Management has turned to science only recently and incompletely. 2) Medicine and engineering are based on the natural sciences -- physics, chemistry, and biology. Management is based on the social sciences, which, not incidentally, are less well-established than the natural sciences. Why TQM is an alternative to fads There are several reasons why I believe that TQM is not just another fad but rather is an alternative to fads. 1. TQM has a multi-disciplinary scientific foundation. That is, it is not only based on comparisons and experiments, it is also multifaceted. It is not easily pushed aside by an intriguing shift of emphasis, for example from an engineering approach to individual psychology, or from individual psychology to team-building. 2. The Baldrige Award provides a way of doing a management audit. It is a standard which can be used to compare organizations and which organizations can use to assess themselves and to monitor their own improvement. The ability to measure performance improvement is very important. 8 3. TQM is constantly changing to incorporate new findings and new methods. TQM brings together what is valuable in previous fads. Hence, there is now both an acknowledged set of fundamentals and an observable state of the art, which is steadily advancing. 4. By focusing on process improvement and empowerment of workers, TQM identifies what is common to every organization. This is the foundation of a science of management. 5. People can learn TQM by doing it. And TQM provides a common language for sharing experiences. In many of the presentations during this conference you have heard and will hear examples of successful applications of TQM principles in corporations and public agencies. I have pointed to a few examples from medicine and engineering in order to make the point that what is happening in management has happened before and that those who are advocates of the quality revolution are following in the footsteps of pioneers in these other fields. Of course, I could be wrong. Ultimately time will tell whether Total Quality Management will be another business flash in the pan or the real thing. But I am confident that it is of great value. Of course, it is up to all of us to make it happen. REFERENCES Calder, Ritchie. Medicine and Man. New American Library, 1958. De Camp, L. Sprague. The Ancient Engineers. MIT Press, 1960. Forbes, Robert J. Man the Maker. Abelard-Schuman, Ltd., 1958. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Stuart A. Umpleby teaches quality management and systems thinking in the Department of Management Science, at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. He has received research grants from the National Science Foundation, the Charles F. Kettering Foundation, the Open Society Fund, and the American Council of Learned Societies. He has consulted with government agencies in the U.S. and with major corporations in the U.S., Europe, and Japan. 9 JOKES Charles T. Munger, Vice Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, tells of a fishing tackle manufacturer he knew who made flashy green and purple lures. He asked his friend, "Do fish take these?" "Charlie," his friend replied, "I don't sell these lures to fish." (It pays to know who your customer is.) Earnie Deavenport, Chairman and CEO of Eastman Chemical, tells the story of a businesswoman who stopped at a coffee shop and ordered a cup of coffee. The waitress grudgingly delivered it and asked, "Anything else?" "Yes," replied the businesswoman. "I would like some sugar, cream, a spoon, a napkin, and a saucer for the cup." "Well, aren't you the demanding one," snapped the waitress. "Look at it from my point of view," said the businesswoman. "You served a cup of coffee and made five mistakes." Edward Czapor of General Motors tells the story of a woman who showed up at the gates of Heaven. St. Peter informed her that, according to his schedule, she was ten years too early and had to return to earth until her appointed time. She greeted this news with mixed emotions, but since she was already at the Pearly Gates, she asked if she might have a quick peek at Heaven. St. Peter said, "Okay," and let her in. She looked around and saw people sitting on clouds, playing harps. This wasn't exactly her ideal vision of Heaven; it seemed rather boring. Then she asked if she might take a look at Hell before going back. St. Peter buzzed the Devil on the intercom, and the woman descended to the nether regions, where she was met by the Devil. He took her over to a door and let her look. The scene was magnificent. Before her was a tropical island with warm breezes, people surfing in the water and dancing on the beaches, all in front of a beautiful sunset. The woman went back to earth. Sure enough, ten years later she died and found herself back at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter welcomed her, gave her a golden harp and assigned her to cloud number 1368, "Just down the third row there to the left." At this point, the woman asked if she might elect to go to Hell instead of Heaven. While St. Peter was surprised and disappointed by her request, he nevertheless granted it. Upon the woman's arrival in Hell, the Devil escorted her to the door and opened it. This time the scene was very different. There, in full view, was the inferno -- people tied to trees, cries of anguish, animals biting at their legs, snakes slithering everywhere. Our friend turned to the Devil and said, "Wait a minute. Ten years ago, when I was here, this place was an absolute paradise. This is awful now. What happened?" The Devil replied, "Ten years ago you were a prospect. Today you're a customer." 10