nz researchers - The University of the South Pacific

Name of Researcher
Collaborating Institutions
Proposal/ Area of Research
Prof. John Langley
Injury Prevention Research Unit
Department of Preventative and Social Science
University of Otago Medical School
Looking for collaboration
Injuries and their prevention – accidental, self-inflicted
and assaultive injury
Dr. Simon Hatcher
Head Of Department of Psychiatry
Faculty Of Medical and Health Science
University of Auckland
Looking for collaboration
Research interests in Mental Health Services Research,
Suicide, Evidence based medicine, Child Psychiatry and
Forensic Psychiatry.
Team New Zealand
Margaret Southwick
Tuvaluan Director of the Pacific Health Research Centre
Whitireia Community Polytechnic
Further collaboration with
Pacific partners
Community-based Environmental to Exercise and
Nutrition in the Pacific
Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences
University of Otago
Lehina Pene
Research Assistant
Tokelau Housing and Health Project
Philippa Howden-Chapman
Associate Professor of Public Health
Director of He Kainga Oranga
Housing and Health Research Programme
Julian Crane
Director of the Wellington Asthma Research Group
Alistair Woodward
Professor of Public Health
Tony Blakely
Public Health Medicine Specialist and Social
George Thomson
History and Public Policy
Anna Matheson
Programme Manager of He Kainga Oranga
Housing and Health Research Programme
Team Australia
National Center for Epidemiology and Population
Prof. Tony McMichael
Director of National Centre for Epidemiology and
Population Health
Prof. Tord Kjellstrom
Environmental Epidemiologist
Dr. Jane Dixon
Rural Sociologist
Dr. Cathy Banwell
Dr. Lynette Lim
Prof. Graham Mellsop
Head – South Auckland Clinical School
University of Auckland
Preliminary planning with
University Clinical academic staff
who work for the South Auckland
Clinical School
Diabetes and Cardio-Vascular studies; Child Health with
particular emphasis on infectious disease prevention and
management; Mental Health, Orthopaedic Surgery;
General Surgery with particular expertise relevant to
gastro intestinal cancers and people of Polynesian origin;
chronic obstructive airways disease.
Available for collaborative
projects in the Pacific
Project 1: “Free from Abuse: What Women say and what
can be done”. Investigation into Domestic Violence
(1997-2001) Dissemination and policy 2002
Auckland Regional Public Health Service
Dr. Jennifer Hand
Senior Public Health Advisor
Public Health Promotion
Auckland District Health Board
Luisa Falanitule (Niue), Lanuola Asiasiga, Yvette
Sione Tuitahi
Project 2: Gambling Issues amongst Tongans (20022003) Phase 2 to follow.
Yvette Guttenbeil, Tin Htay, Sione Tuitahi, Jennifer
Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medical and
Health Sciences
University of Auckland
Dr. Inner Asher
Associate Professor
Paediatric Respiratory of Medicine
Do not yet have new
collaborations started for the
Wellcome proposals – welcome
opportunity for collaboration with
Pacific researchers
Fields of respiratory disease and nutrition in infants and
children. Our special areas of expertise include nutrition
of infants, children and adolescents, asthma, pneumonia,
bronchiectasis and bronchiolitis.
Dr. Cass Brynes
Senior Lecturer
Paediatric Respiratory of Medicine
Dr. Carolyn Dakin
Clinical Senior Lecturer
Paediatric Respiratory of Medicine
Philippa Ellwood
Research Manager
International Study of Asthma and Allergies in
Dr. Cameron Grant
Associate Professor
General Paediatrics
Helen Mavoa
Postgraduate Researcher
Jacob Twiss
Paediatric Respiratory Research Fellow
Prof. Peter Davis
Department of Public Health and General Practice
Christchurch School of Medicine and Health Sciences
University of Otago
University of Canterbury
University of Auckland
Dr. Ray Kirk
Director, Health Technology Assessment Centre
University of Otago
Collaboration with other Pacific
Consortium for Pacific Health Services, Management and
Policy Research
1. Theme project – to describe and evaluate the
delivery of primary health care in Pacific
communities by applying an adopted version of a
well-established methodology for studying
representative samples of patient visits.
Dr. Karen Nero
Director-Designate, MacMillan Brown Centre of Pacific
University of Canterbury
2. To establish around the theme project a longerterm programme of health services, management
and policy research both to address more
specialized topic and to build capacity in Pacific
The programme proposes to approach these issues with a
theme project in primary health care that will provide the
foundation both for further (potentially more specialized)
investigation and for development initiatives (such as
capacity building)
Dr. Kathy Mountjoy
Department of Physiology
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
University of Auckland
Not listed
To determine whether variations in melanocortin peptide
signaling underly the development of obesity and type 2
diabetes in Pacific Peoples.
Associate Professor Keith J. Petrie
Health Psychology
Faculty of Medicine and Health Science
University of Auckland
Collaborate with a Pacific
researcher/ s on this project.
Examining the relationship between Pacific Islanders
perceptions on Diabetes (personal views of cause,
treatment effectiveness, consequences and timeline of the
illness) and adherence to treatment and control of illness.
Dr Tim Cundy
University of Otago
Dr. Brian Cox
Hugh Adam Cancer Epidemiology Unit
University of Otago
Collaborate with other individuals
or organizations in the Pacific
Bring together current information about the state of
cancer among Pacific people, the relevant causes of cancer
for Pacific people, provide appropriate information for the
planning of cancer control activities and further develop
epidemiological research about the causes of cancer
among Pacific people.
Not Listed
Pacific peoples injury in Aotearoa/ New Zealand
University of Auckland
Ms. Jemaima Tiatia
HRC Pacific Research Fellow
Injury Prevention Research Centre
University of Auckland
Dr. Carolyn Coggan
Director- Injury Prevention Research Centre
Department of Community Health
University of Auckland
University of Otago
Prof. Jim Mann
Prof. in Human Nutrition and Medicine
Director of WHO Collaborating Centre and Centre for
Diabetes Research
Prof. Rosalind Gibson
Prof. in Human Nutrition and CO-Director of WHO
Collaborating Centre
Dr. Kirsten Coppell
Research Fellow in Preventative and Social Medicine
Dr. Elaine Ferguson
Senior Lecturer in Human Nutrition
Research issues to which we believe we can contribute:
Our main contributions are likely to be in the following
1. Nutritional surveys of all age groups including
assessments of physical activity, dietary intakes
and biochemical assessments. This would be
possible across different ethnic groups.
2. Lifestyle interventions (diet and physical activity)
in the chronic disease field: obesity, diabetes,
cardiovascular disease.
3. Nutritional issues in infants, children and
adolescents with special but not exclusive interest
in complementary feeding practices
Dr. Kirsten McAuley
Research Fellow in Human Nutrition
Mrs Winsome Parnell
Senior Lecturer in Human Nutrition
Nutrition Director of the National Children’s Nutrition
Prof. David Russell
Emeritus Professor on Kinesiology
Mrs Sheila Williams
Biostatistician, Department of Preventative and Social
Dr. Neola Wilson
Director, Life in New Zealand Activity and Research
Massey University/Malaghan Institute of Medical
Centre for Public Health Research (CPHR)
Sunia Foliaki
Wellcome Trust Research Fellow
Continuing dialogue with
Auckland University and other
researchers concerning
Non-communicable disease in the Pacific including
respiratory disease, cancer and diabetes
Ongoing research projects in the
Ate Moala
HRC Pacific Health Research Training Fellow
Neil Pearce
Professor and Director, CPHR
Te Pümanawa Hauora
Chris Cunningham
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Graham Le Gros
Edward Gane MB ChB, MD, FRACP
Associate Professor in Medicine
New Zealand Liver Transplant Unit
Penehuro Lefale, NIWA, National Institute for Water
and Atmospheric Research
Dr Nigel Dickson AIDS Epidemiology Group,
University of Otago
Looking for collaboration
Hepatitis B
Looking to assist and collaborate
This group is focused on both basic and clinical research
into pathogenesis and management of chronic hepatitis B,
which affects 50,000 New Zealanders and 100,000 Pacific
Island people. The aims of current research proposals
include identification of host, viral, dietary and
environmental factors which may be responsible for
progressive liver injury in Pacific people with hepatitis B
and which may determine nonresponse to
current antivviral therapies.
Water and Atmosphere research relating to health
Looking for collaboration
HIV/AIDS in the Pacific Region
Dr Mark Thomas, Infectious Disease Unit, Auckland
Name of Researcher
** Professor Garry Egger
Scientific Director,
Adjunct Professor of Health Sciences
Deakin University Melbourne
Professor Boyd Swinburn
Physical Activity & Nutrition Research Unit
School of Health Sciences
Deakin University
Mr David Schaaf
Department of Community Health/Division of
Maori and Pacific Health
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
University of Auckland
Collaborating Institutions
Deakin University
University of Auckland
Auckland University of Technology
Fiji School of Medicine
? University of Sydney
Collaboration with FSM and Fiji MoH
Proposal/ Area of Research
Obesity in Fiji: a combined population
intervention & cohort study.
NCDs – Diabetes, Hypertension,
Cross Sectional Survey - Comparative Study
(Fiji / NZ) To determine the prevalence of
selected health behaviours and associated risk
and protective factors in a representative
population of Fiji youth who attend secondary
Dr Ingrid Winship, Associate Dean for Research, School of Medical Sciences, University of Auckland