KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT - ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT 2013-2014 VOLUNTEER COACHING APPLICATION FORM _____________________________________________________ Sport School Persons desiring to participate as a volunteer coach must complete this form for each sport for which they wish to volunteer. The form must be completed whether or not the person is a current Kent School District employee. All information on this application form must be fully completed or processing will be rejected. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Home Ph: _____________________ Work Ph: ___________________ Address: City: E-mail address: ______________________________________________ Zip: ______________ Cell Ph: ___________________________________ EXPERIENCE Indicate total years of participation in this sport: Indicate years of participation in this sport during: High School: List years coaching experience in this sport: Number of Years College: Other: Level (Jr. High/Sr. High/College) Location/Employer MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR VOLUNTEER COACHES Persons applying for volunteer coaching positions must meet district requirements including a valid background check. Current district employees have received prior clearance. If the applicant is not a current district employee, a background check is required. This requirement extends to those in student teaching positions. Please refer to the specific procedures listed on the back of this application. Please check appropriate category: Current employee in Kent School District. *Kent School District parent or community member Current student teacher in Kent School District. I am over the age of 19. *Current student teacher in School District. *Each person in this category must complete a disclosure form and be processed for fingerprinting. RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL (To be completed by building administration) The person listed above meets the requirements for volunteer coaching. If the person is not a current certificated or substitute employee of the Kent School District, the following items must be on file at this building: Disclosure Form Fingerprint Card Valid First Aid Card Must Be Attached * Indicate Expiration Date * Volunteer Coaches are not allowed to coach until a valid FA/CPR card is on file. There is a definite need for an assistant in this sport and I verify this person is appropriately qualified. HEAD COACH’S SIGNATURE BUILDING CHAIRPERSON’S SIGNATURE KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT VOLUNTEER COACH DISCLOSURE/FINGERPRINT PROCEDURES The following procedures must be followed for volunteer coaching positions: 1. The applicant must complete all volunteer application information on the reverse side of this form. 2. If the applicant is a current certificated or classified employee or substitute in the Kent School District, s/he has already been fingerprinted and the following disclosure form and fingerprinting process is not required. 3. The building athletic chairperson will instruct all other applicants to go to Human Resources in the Kent School District Administration Building to complete the following: A. Kent School District Disclosure Form for Prospective Volunteers Each applicant is required to complete this form certifying that they have not been convicted of any major felonies. It should be noted that a “yes” answer to any of the three questions does not automatically bar an applicant from coaching in the Kent School District. Any “yes” answer, however, must be reviewed by the legal department before coaching duties may begin. Once cleared by the legal department, the building chairperson will be notified. Returning coaches must complete a new disclosure form each year. B. Fingerprinting Process Human Resources will roll fingerprints and send them to the building athletic chairperson who, in turn, will forward the fingerprint card to the Washington State Patrol in Olympia for processing. Since the processing of volunteer fingerprint cards can take several weeks to complete, Human Resources will run a WATCH (Washington Access To Criminal History) report. This is a quick check of Washington State Patrol records to ensure there are no felonies present. Hiring is contingent upon the receipt of a clear WATCH report or clearance by the legal department for any findings. Each applicant is entitled to a copy of this report. 4. Completed and approved disclosure forms, fingerprint records, WATCH report, and certification of status records are to be kept on file at the building level. 5. The building administrator verifies and signs the Recommendation and Approval section of the Volunteer Application Form confirming that the applicant has met all requirements for volunteer coaching in the Kent School District. 6. The Volunteer Application Form is submitted to the district athletic director for final approval.