EMOTIONAL BODY LANGUAGE Angry/Aggressive Contracted

Contracted brows, chin up, chest out, clenched teeth/fist/jaw, tight lips, frown, clasped
hands behind head, tense mouth, flaring nostrils, high pitched voice, facial/neck flush,
tense jaw, hands on hips, staring, sneering, loud voice, rapid voice, brow muscles move
inward and downward, furrowed brows, leaning forward, snarling, invasion of body
space, abusiveness, shouting, silence, throw things, slam things, bares teeth, flared
nostrils, legs apart, finger pointing
Rubbing hands, licking lips
Sweating, pale face, dry mouth/lips, little/no eye contact, change in voice pitch, speech
errors, fidgeting, clearing throat, fiddling, bite lip, grind teeth, foot tapping, stutters, tense
chest, locked ankles, jiggling money/keys in pocket, tugging on ear, clutching object
tightly, pacing
Nostril flare, fast blink, big pupils
Forward lean
Legs crossed with foot kicking slightly, head resting on hand, eyes downcast, yawning,
hand supporting chin or side of face, hands in pockets, consistently looking around,
doodling, tapping toes, repeatedly looking at clock/watch, slouching, leaning against wall
Legs apart, crossed ankles with legs stretched forward, laughing
Brisk direct walk, direct eye contact, palms down, stand tall, hands clasped behind head,
legs crossed, controlled voice, head held high, chest forward, shoulders back, hands
behind back, feet apart, chin up
Cocked head, eyebrows together as one
massaging a hand, pursed lips, increased breathing and heart rate, self touching,
scratching, rubbing, pinching skin, gaze down, sweaty palms, sweating, hand/fingers in
front of mouth, body turned away, little/no eye contact, twitches around eyes and mouth,
forced smile, shifts in seat
Deep Thought
Finger earlobe or chin, hand to cheek, stroking chin, looking upwards, interlinked fingers,
steepled fingers, eyes seem far away, staring into space, pursed lips
Lowered head, hands in pockets, shoulders hunched, eyes downward
Crossed or folded arms, shoulder shrug, head tilt, palms up, elbows bent, open hand,
fingers spread, eyebrows raised, little or no direct eye contact, arm/hand gestures close to
the body, minimal facial expression, pulled back chest, ankles locked while sitting
Hands on hips, hard stare, frown
Silent, seek isolation, appearance, irritable, disinterested, fatigued, no control
Lip purse, narrowed eyes, cut off gaze, hand behind head, rolling of eyes, arms folded
across chest, head shaking, constantly pushing glasses up nose, turns body away
Yuck face, curled upper lip, narrowed eyes, frown, visible tongue, lip purse
Hair twisting, head down, glazed eyes, fiddling, doodling, slumped in chair
Both hands behind head, firm handshake, swagger, walks in front of others, standing
while others are sitting
Facial/neck flush, bowed head, false smile, changing the topic
Rubbing hands, frequent blinks, foot tapping, shifting weight, laughing
Broken eye contact, stiff tiny muscles stand hairs on end, grimace, sweaty palms,
involuntary movements, shift of body weight, accelerated heart beat, squirmy, freeze
reaction, trembling, fast breathing, white or red face, lip and jaw tension, varying speech
tone, speech errors, voice tremors, cold sweat, dry mouth, clenched hands, fidgeting,
lowering eyes, broken eye contact, playing with hair, foot tapping, laughing
Looking at a person head to toe, continual glancing, running hands through hair, eye
catch and then look away, eyelash flicker, shoulder glance, moistening lips, parted lips,
flicking hair, head tilt, self-touching, leaning forward, chest out, shoulders back, stomach
in, cowboy stance (thumbs in belt loops, fingers pointed to genitals), room scanning,
mutual smiling, smiling with tilted/cocked head, foot touching, preening, leaning in
Twisting hair, hand behind head, pacing, eye roll, bottom lip out, hand clasping wrist
Touching/scratching nose while speaking, eyes downcast, touching/tugging ear, lowered
head, looking to the sides, folding hands in lap
Talking with hands, dancing, clapping, laughter, crows feet eyes, weeping, brow raising,
grin, open mouth smile, relaxed muscles, jumping up and down, skipping, relaxed smile,
hums, sings, head held high
Tapping/drumming fingers, rubbing hands, hands on hips, tapping feet, fidgeting, shifting
Touching, tugging ear, biting lip, pacing
Patting/fondling hair, biting nails, clearing throat, twitching, gripping own upper arms,
legs crossed while standing, failure to look into eyes, folded arms, looking down at floor,
foot tapping, shifting weight, laughing, biting nails
Head tilt, leaning forward, nodding, wide eyes
Quick glance sideways
Visual focus on each other’s eyes and lips, increased heart and breathing rates, full face
gaze, facial flush, head tilt, hugs, kisses, touches, snuggling, smaller private distance,
tone of voice, dewy eyed, twinkle-eyed, listless, daydreaming, anxious
Pinch bridge of nose
Crossed arms, Adam’s apple jump, biting nails, increased blinking, forced laugh, one arm
across body clasping other arm by side (females), handbag held in front of body
(females), adjusting things, looking to sides, clenched hands, stuttering, fidgeting,
fumbling, locked ankles, jiggling money/keys in pocket, tugging on ear, clutching object
tightly, pacing
Folded arms, looking away from the person, pursed lips, clenched teeth
Fingertips to lips
Arms/legs uncrossed, good eye contact, open jacket/coat
Lip pout, cry, gaze down, slumped body, droopy shoulders, audible sigh, frowning
eyebrows, tears, tense mouth, hands in pockets, trembling lip, flat speech, hiding face
with hands, head bowed, arms crossed, trembling lips, flat/weak tone of voice, slumped
in seat, shuffles
Tight-lipped smile
Open palms
Touching the mouth or masking the mouth with fingers or hand, tense mouth, narrowed
or slitted eyes, lip pout, lowering eyebrows, hand behind head, throat clear, shoulder
shrug, head shake, self touching, “uh,” tense mouth, rubbing nose/eye, Rubbing bridge of
nose, twisted smile, neck scratching, locked ankles, wringing hands, pacing, throat clear,
rubbing eyes, rubbing nose
Body shift, bowing, facial blush, gaze down, palms up, pigeon toes, angular distance,
yawning, head tilt, hunched body, arms held in, chin down, small gestures
Flashbulb eyes, widened eyes, raised (curved up) eyebrows, open mouth, sudden
backward movement (jump), backward head tilt, head jerk, hand clasped over mouth,
dropped jaw, steps back, tense muscles, wrinkled forehead, shrieking, screaming
Overly tilts head
Tense, no eye contact, hands in pockets, touching back of arms/nose/ear/mouth/neck,
crossed ankles, crossed arms