Ontario Reliability Compliance Program - Certification Form

Ontario Reliability Compliance Program
Requirements Form
NERC Reliability Standard: IRO-005-3.1a
Reliability Coordination - Current Day Operations
NOTICE TO MARKET PARTICIPANTS: The market rules require market participants to provide to
the IESO such data as may be required and within the time prescribed by the IESO for reliability purposes
and to enable the IESO to satisfy a request by a standards authority (ref Chapter 5, sections 14.1.2 and
14.1.4). The IESO has developed the Ontario Reliability Compliance Program (ORCP) to assist market
participants in meeting these obligations. As part of the ORCP, market participants are required to
submit to the IESO electronic certification forms using the IESO Reliability Compliance Tool accessed
via the IESO Web Portal.
This requirements form does not replace the electronic certification forms. Rather, it is primarily
intended for use by the IESO when the Reliability Compliance Tool becomes unavailable for use.
Terms and acronyms used in this Form that are italicized have the meanings ascribed thereto in Chapter
11 of the “Market Rules”.
Market Participant Information
Market Participant Name:
Market Participant ID:
Compliance Information
Compliance Year:
Reporting Period:
IESO_FORM_1749 v4.0
REV 15-03
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As an authorized representative of the market participant, I certify that the market participant was:
COMPLIANT with requirements of IESO-FORM-1749 stated below for the entire Reporting
NON-COMPLIANT for a portion of or the entire Reporting Period with some or all
requirement(s) of IESO-FORM-1749, but in compliance with all other applicable requirements of
IESO-FORM-1749 for the entire Reporting Period, as indicated below.
R5. Each Reliability Coordinator shall monitor system frequency and its Balancing
Authorities’ performance and direct any necessary rebalancing to return to CPS and
DCS compliance. The Transmission Operators and Balancing Authorities shall utilize
all resources, including firm load shedding, as directed by its Reliability Coordinator
to relieve the emergent condition.
R9. Whenever a Special Protection System that may have an inter-Balancing Authority, or
inter-Transmission Operator impact (e.g., could potentially affect transmission flows
resulting in a SOL or IROL violation) is armed, the Reliability Coordinators shall be
aware of the impact of the operation of that Special Protection System on inter-area
flows. The Transmission Operator shall immediately inform the Reliability
Coordinator of the status of the Special Protection System including any degradation
or potential failure to operate as expected.
R10. In instances where there is a difference in derived limits, the Transmission Operators,
Balancing Authorities, Generator Operators, Transmission Service Providers, LoadServing Entities, and Purchasing-Selling Entities shall always operate the Bulk
Electric System to the most limiting parameter.
N/A - the requirements of IESO-FORM-1749 do not apply to the market participant.
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NERC Reliability Standard – IRO-005-3.1a – Reliability Coordination — Current Day Operations
I have full authority to bind the market participant. I certify that all information set out or referred to in
this form is true, accurate and complete as at the date of this certification. I further understand that this
information is provided in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 5, Section 14.1.1 of the market
rules. I understand that this information is subject to verification by the IESO and that such a review or
audit will require all information set out or referred to in this form be verified by appropriate
Certified by MPCC1:
Please Print Name
Date of Certification:
market participant compliance contact
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REV 15-03
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