2nd International Conference on Membranes and Applications (ICMA 2015), Kolkata, December 10th-12th 2015 Guidelines for Preparing the Extended Abstract First author (Initial. Last name) 1,*, Second Author2, Third Author1, 1 Position, Institution, City, Country, email id Institution, City, Country, email id * Corresponding author. Tel: +xx 12 34567890, Fax: + xx 98 76543210, E-mail: firstauthor@icma2015.in Keywords: membrane, microfiltration, polymeric, bioreactor, grey water 2Position, 5 1 Introduction The abstract must be prepared in A4 format (297x210 mm) with 25 mm margins. The abstract file 10 must be in an editable format, preferably Microsoft Word (MS-OFFICE 2013 version). The submission of pdf files is not allowed1. Times New Roman should be used for the entire document. The title of the paper should be mentioned at the top of the page. The title should be written in Times New Roman font of 18 pt size, bold faced, sentence case, single spacing and center justified. After the last line of the title, a space of 6 pt should to 20 be provided. 15 65 The abstract should be written in Times New Roman regular font of 10 pt size, single spacing and two columns with justified. The corresponding author 25 should be marked by an asterisk (*). At least e-mail and telephone number for the corresponding author must be given. Headings or subheadings should be used in the paper2. Each of the 30 Headings or subheadings will have 12 pt space before and after with 10 pt bold head lines with numbering and sub numbering stating from 1.0, 1,1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.2, 3.0 so on. 3. Results The outcomes of the study or experiments should be presented here. If the data may be provide in plot or tabulated as annexure separately. 3 4. Discussion 70 General discussion should be presented based on the study conducted. Conculsion of the study should be provided in the last paragraph of the discussion. Table 1. Application of ceramic membrane in MBR1 Membrame type (Ceramic ) Ultrafiltration Ultrafiltration Ultrafiltration Ultrafiltration We expect all texts to be written in good English and that grammar and spelling have been checked before submission. Abbreviations and acronyms must be clearly defined. Photographs / Tables / Graphs are to be numbered separately serially each with the cap40 tion below in 9 pt bold letter with 6 pt space before and after the figure. 35 The abstract should be 1000 words in maximum3. The abstract should clearly state the introduction 45 (with literature survey), Experimental work (approach and methodology), significant results and discussion with concise conclusions or recommendations if any and future scope of work, Acknoledgement (if any in not more than three lines) and references. 50 The reference provided in the introduction section must be indicated with superscript i.e. xxx1 and same must be present in reference section with details. Fig. 1. Highlights of achievements in ceramic membranes Technology. capacity performance country -- -- India -- -- Japan -- -- France -- -- USA Configuration Tubular external Plate & frame external Tubular external Tubular external 75 2 Experimental Work 55 60 Provide the deatials of experimental work and methodology followed. Brief details of chemicals, software tools, source of supply etc. must be provided. Schematic diagram are recommended for better explanations for experimental protocol. Case studies Duration and how study was conducted should be mentioned. Fig. 2. Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI) 80 2nd International Conference on Membranes and Applications (ICMA 2015), Kolkata, December 10th-12th 2015 5. References There should be references to be put in international style as below. 95 100 105 Fig.3. Institute (CGCRI) building in fifties. 85 Fig.4. Ground breaking ceremony with Dr. Atma Ram. 90 1 N. Cicek, J.P. Franco, M.T. Suidan, V.Urbain, J. Manem, Effectiveness of the membrane bioreactor in the biodegradation of high molecular weight compound, Water Research 32(5): 1553-1563 2 N. Cicek, A review of membrane bioreactors and their potential application in the treatment of agricultural wastewater, Canadian biosystem Engineering, Vol 45(2003) 3 P.P. Lalkrishna, Book of Abstracts, Key role of Aluminium Zirconium Membrane in the Bulk Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment Plant, 8th International Conference on Catalysis in Membrane Reactors, CGCRI, Kolkata, Dec 18-21, 2008.