4. Take Notes

L.A 3
Period Unit
4/14 to
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this week!
F. Scott Fitzgerald
“Winter Dreams”
p. 744-749
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Winter Dreams
p. 750
Winter Dreams
p. 753
Bernice Bobs Her
Hair Film
1. Finish reading
1. Google the 1920’s
1. Read to the end of
Part III, p. 753
2. Take Notes
2. Take Notes
3. Make a Prediction:
2. Quotation: Answer
Whatever we ain’t got
that’s what you want.”
a. Explain
b. Discuss how the
quotation relates to love.
c. Have you ever loved
someone who was bad for
you? What happened?
d. Visualize someone that
you had affection for when
you were younger. How
have they changed?
e. List “glittery things.”
Think Richard Cory
f. What does the title
Winter Dreams mean?
3. Begin Reading p.744
Section 1 & ½ of
Section 2
3. Winter Dreams
Symbol Activity
What will Dexter do?
Why/Why not?
1. Victorian Period
3. Find three
instances of irony.
A. Pick a Symbol & Color
to represent one of the
following characters:
Dexter, Judy, or Irene.
B. Write a descriptive paragraph justifying your
symbol and its color.
Include specific examples
from Winter Dreams that
explain your character
and his/her actions.
1920’s –it was a risqué
gesture for a woman to
cut her hair. (The Bob)
Teens reflected society the pressures & pain of
growing up. Women
given the right to vote.
1920’s reflected by:
“Beau” = an admirer
gardenia corsage,
names, pearls, bob
haircut, flapper dress &
hats, car, music, dancing
1/4 pg.-Please type
C. Neat, detail, & in color
Be Creative & Original!
(Get handout)
Winter Dreams
Symbol Activity
due Thurs.
Kate Chopin
The Story
of an Hour
p. 634
2. Read the story
4. Take Notes
Winter Dreams
Symbol Activity
Winter Dreams
Symbol Activity
due Thurs.