P. Henrotay Polar axis misalignment V1.0 16-Mar-2008 Polar misalignment When the polar axis of an equatorial mount - the "instrumental pole" - is misaligned, the following occurs: a drift in declination (declination error) a drift in right ascension (hour angle error), as if the drive rate were wrong a field rotation. The present document focuses on deriving mathematical approximations for the hour angle and declination errors, the misalignment being considered as small. The field rotation is not addressed. Observing the hour angle and declination errors (such as the difference between these at different times or more) allows to determine the elevation and azimuth error. The link between the maths and some polar alignment methods (Bigourdan, Challis, King, Rambaut) is also made. Note that this is only a partial picture for the generalized modeling of mount pointing errors, ignoring all further aspects of geometric/flexure/refraction-induced errors. Notations used h da di DX DY H MA ME declination latitude of observation site polar coordinate, equivalent to declination in instrument referential polar coordinate, equivalent to hour angle in instrument referential amount of polar alignment error (the distance between the true and instrumental pole) instrumental pole coordinate, in relation with instrumental pole hour angle declination error due to polar misalignment hour angle/right ascension error due to polar misalignment azimuth error, equals MA sec elevation error, equals ME drift in hour angle (eastward drift) drift in declination (northward drift) hour angle misalignment of the polar axis to the left or right of the true pole; for northern hemisphere, positive if right of due north vertical misalignment of the polar axis; for northern hemisphere, positive if below true pole All angles in radians (180°= radians). Page 1 of 10 P. Henrotay Polar axis misalignment V1.0 16-Mar-2008 Geometry The misalignment can be characterized by: a rotation of the equatorial system clockwise around the polar axis with angle a rotation of this new coordinate system around the X axis by where is a measure of the hour angle of the instrumental pole (add 90° to obtain hour angle for instrumental pole) is the amount of polar alignment error (the distance between the true and instrumental pole) (graphics from reference R1) As a result, the transformation matrix is a product of rotations: 0 1 0 cos 0 sin cos sin sin cos 0 0 sin cos 0 0 0 1 and finally we have: cos cos cos cos sin cos sin sin sin sin sin cos cos sin cos cos cos( H ) sin cos sin( H ) cos sin 0 (Eq. 1) Page 2 of 10 P. Henrotay Polar axis misalignment V1.0 16-Mar-2008 Declination drift The last row of the above matrix equality (Eq. 1) is: sin sin cos cos( H ) sin cos cos sin( H ) cos sin which simplifies as: sin sin cos sin( H ) cos sin As we are dealing with small deviations, we have 1 , and we may thus use as approximations: sin cos 1 and introducing (the declination error) as with 1 being the (small) declination error induced by the polar misalignment, we have: sin sin cos We obtain that: northwarderror sin( H ) (Eq. 2) Introducing: u sin ME di v cos MA da cos (Eq. 3) we have, expressed in function of di/ME and da/MA: northwarderror u cos H v sin H ME cos H MA sin H di cos H da cos sin H (Eq. 4) The northward error depends on H, the hour angle, which itself is dependent on time. So if one measures the drift DY of a star in declination between two distinct times a and b, this provides one relation between di and da: DY b a b ( a ) b a di(cos H b cos H a ) da cos (sin H b sin H a ) (the suffix is used to designate time a and time b). Page 3 of 10 P. Henrotay Polar axis misalignment V1.0 16-Mar-2008 The (instantaneous) northward drift speed is obtained by taking the derivative of the northward error expression (Eq. 4) and so: northwarddrift _ speed u sin H v cos H MA cos H ME sin H da cos cos H di sin H (Eq. 5) Right ascension drift Dividing the first row of the matrix equality (Eq. 1) by the second row, we obtain: tan cos cos sin( H ) sin sin sin cos tan( H ) tan cos cos( H ) cos( H ) As we are dealing with small deviations 1 , we may thus use as approximations: sin cos 1 and introducing h as H h with h 1 being the (small) hour angle error induced by the polar misalignment, we have: tan tan( H ) h cos ( H ) 2 And we obtain that: h tan cos( H ) When measuring angular distances, we need to apply the cosine of the latitude, which means that (dealing with small angular separations): h cos eastwarderror sin cos( H ) (Eq. 6) And so, expressed in function of da/MA and di/ME: eastwarderror sin (u sin H v cos H ) sin ( ME sin H MA cos H ) sin (di sin H da cos cos H ) (Eq. 7) Page 4 of 10 P. Henrotay Polar axis misalignment V1.0 16-Mar-2008 The eastward error depends on H, the hour angle, which itself is dependent on time. So if one monitors the drift DX of a star in right ascension between two distinct times a and b, this provides one relation between di and da: DX sin (di(sin H b sin H a ) da cos (cos H b cos H a )) (the suffix is used to designate time a and time b). The (instantaneous) eastward drift speed is obtained by taking the derivative of the eastward error expression (Eq. 7): eastwarddrift _ speed sin (u cos H v sin H ) sin ( ME cos H MA sin H ) sin (di cos H da cos sin H ) Application 1 - Bigourdan's method Consider the northward (declination) drift speed above (Eq. 5). At the meridian, we have H=0, the sine is 0 so the drift rate is solely related to MA, the error in azimuth. At H=-6 hours (East) or H=6 hours(West), that is H= or 2 so the drift rate is solely related to ME, the error in elevation. , the cosine is 0 and 2 This justifies the Bigourdan method, where the declination drift is observed and corrections are in turn applied to azimuth then elevation: step1: watching a star drifting at meridian and correcting in azimuth till no further declination drift is observed, then step2: watching a star at + or -6 Hours (so East or West) and adjusting elevation till no further declination drift is observed. Application 2 - Challis' method (1879) In this method, one measures the northward (declination) drift only. Two measurements are required to determine the polar misalignment: two stars over a certain time interval or one star over two time intervals (illustrated below). From the equation above for (Eq. 2), one can write, for star at times a and b: drift a to b b a u (cos( H b ) cos( H a )) v(sin( H b ) sin( H a )) Page 5 of 10 P. Henrotay Polar axis misalignment V1.0 16-Mar-2008 and similarly for the same star at times c and d: drift c to d d c u (cos( H d ) cos( H c )) v(sin( H d ) sin( H c )) (subscript denotes the time). Measuring the drifts over the time intervals allows thus to determine u and v (2 linear equations with 2 unknowns) and hence MA/da/ME/di using (Eq. 3. Note that the same principle may be used by monitoring two star over one time interval. Example (matching Reference R1) star: alpha Boo RA:14h15m49s DEC:19°10'29" time a: 2001-May-24, 21H00 time b: 21H50 drift a to b: -34.52 arcsec time c: 21H50 time d: 22H23 drift c to d: -65.88 arcsec latitude: 52°09'20.32"N longitude: 0°0'38.36"E One obtains: u=1614 arcsec, hence di=1614 arcsec (the instrumental pole is below the pole; it must be raised) v=449 arcsec, hence da=-732 arcsec (the instrumental pole is west of the pole; it must be rotated east) Application 3 - King's method (1902) In this method, one measures the northward (declination) and eastward (hour angle) drifts of a star near the Pole. One measurement suffices to derive the polar misalignment. As we are close to the Pole, we have 2 and so its sine is close to 1; the eastward error (Eq. 6) simplifies to: eastwarderror cos( H ) while the northward error (Eq. 2) remains: northwarderror sin( H ) When deriving each expression to obtain the respective drift speeds, one notes that the amplitude of the drift speed is constant, being . Page 6 of 10 P. Henrotay Polar axis misalignment V1.0 16-Mar-2008 Let us designate by DX and DY the drift respectively in hour angle and declination, over a time interval (from time a to time b): we have thus: DY sin( H b ) sin( H a ) DX cos( H b ) cos( H a ) (subscript denotes the time, b after a) From these, it is easily deduced that: Ha Hb H Ha DX DX arctg Ha b arctg 2 DY 2 DY and, as we have H b H a <<1, implying sin Hb Ha Hb Ha : 2 2 DX 2 DY 2 Hb Ha From here, da/MA and di/ME remain easily be computed from (Eq. 3. H Hb H Hb 1 u di ( DX cos a DY sin a ) Hb Ha 2 2 v da cos H Hb H Hb 1 ( DX sin a DY cos a ) Hb Ha 2 2 Application 4 - Rambaut's method (1893) In this method, one measures the northward (declination) and eastward (hour angle) drifts of a star. One measurement suffices to derive the polar misalignment. The method will fail at the celestial equator, as the sine of the declination is zero. It can be considered as a generalization of King's method to declination further away from the pole. The eastward error (Eq. 6) is: eastwarderror sin cos( H ) while the northward error (Eq. 2) is: northwarderror sin( H ) Page 7 of 10 P. Henrotay Polar axis misalignment V1.0 16-Mar-2008 Let us designate by DX and DY the drift respectively in hour angle and declination, over a time interval (from time a to time b): we have thus: DY sin( H b ) sin( H a ) DX sin cos( H b ) cos( H a ) (subscript denotes the time, b after a) This can be re-expressed as : Ha Hb H Ha ) sin( b ) 2 2 H Hb H Ha DX 2 sin sin( a ) sin( b ) 2 2 DY 2 cos( From these we obtain, as we have H b H a <<1, implying sin Hb Ha Hb Ha : 2 2 DX 2 / sin 2 DY 2 Hb Ha From here, da/MA and di/ME are easily computed via (Eq. 3: u di H Hb H Hb 1 DX ( cos a DY sin a ) H b H a sin 2 2 v da cos H Hb H Hb 1 DX ( sin a DY cos a ) H b H a sin 2 2 This corresponds to the original article (Reference R10) where di corresponds to -k and da to -A. Example (matching Reference R4) Latitude: +47° Longitude: -7.601° Date: 2001:09:30 Time: 22:04:21 Time zone: cest Observing period: 1371s Rightascension: 279.23458° Declination: 38.783° DX: -2.65 arcsec DY: +14.10 arcsec One obtains: di=-126 arcsec (the instrumental pole is above the pole by 126 arscec - it must be lowered) Page 8 of 10 P. Henrotay Polar axis misalignment V1.0 16-Mar-2008 da=113 arcsec (the instrumental pole is east of the pole - it must be rotated west) Useful readings and links R1. Matrix method for coordinate transformation - Toshimi Taki http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~zs3t-tk/matrix/matrix.htm (the reference for this document) R2. TPoint - Telescope Pointing - Patrick Wallace http://www.tpsoft.demon.co.uk/pointing.htm (table 1 in link above and equations above for and h are fully in agreement) R3. MESXI - la théorie, les équations - Jean-Claude Durand http://pagesperso-orange.fr/mesxxi.durand/theorie.html (drift rate equations are identical except for sign convention) R4. The atmosphere as a prism - Markus Wildi http://leq.one-arcsec.org/ R5. Publications of the Brayebrook observatory http://www.brayebrookobservatory.org/BrayObsWebSite/HOMEPAGE/BRAYOBS% 20PUBLICATIONS.html#treediag (in particular a description of the Challis method - unfortunately with some minor typos) R6. Polar axis alignment requirements for astronomical photography - R.N. Hook http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1989JBAA...99...19H R7. Program to calculate effect of polar axis misalignment - Michael Covington http://www.covingtoninnovations.com/astro/astrosoft.html http://www.covingtoninnovations.com/astro/Polar.html (java applet) R8. Stellar drift - Rob Johnson http://www.whim.org/nebula/math/drift.html R9. Astronomical algorithms - Jean Meeus Willmann-Bell ISBN 978-0943396613 R10. To adjust the Polar Axis of an Equatorial Telescope for Photographic Purposes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 54:85-90, December 1893. Rambaut, A. A. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1893MNRAS..54...85R Page 9 of 10 P. Henrotay Polar axis misalignment V1.0 16-Mar-2008 Summary/Résumé When the polar axis of an equatorial mount - the "instrumental pole" - is misaligned, a drift in declination (declination error) and a drift in right ascension (hour angle error) occur. Quand l'axe polaire d'une monture équatoriale - le "pôle instrumental" - n'est pas parfaitement aligné avec le Pôle, une dérive en déclinaison et en ascension droite apparaissent. Measuring these drifts over time allows to determine elevation and azimuth error. Mesurer ces dérives permet de déterminer l'erreur d'alignement en élévation et en azimut. The declination drift can be expressed, for small misalignments, as: Pour de petites erreurs d'alignement, la dérive en déclinaison peut s'exprimer par: DY di(cos H b cos H a ) da cos (sin H b sin H a ) The hour angle/RA drift can be expressed as: La dérive en ascension droite peut s'écrire: DX sin (di(sin H b sin H a ) da cos (cos H b cos H a )) where: où: the suffix is used to designate time a and time b H is the hour angle of the observed star di is the elevation error (positive if the polar axis must be raised) da is the azimuth error (positive if the polar axis must be moved west) is the latitude Page 10 of 10