Least Restrictive Environment / Service Delivery

Department of Special Services
Individualized Education Program
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
Student Name
ID #
Date of IEP meeting
If this student is transitioning from preschool, fifth, sixth, or eighth grades, complete two sets of LRE, Services,
and Placement forms, if appropriate.
Least Restrictive Environment
To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities aged two to 21, inclusive, are educated with students without
disabilities. This is called the least restrictive environment. The IEP team must consider all of the factors below and then
determine the placement alternative that is the least restrictive environment for the student.
□ The educational needs of the student as reflected in this IEP.
□ Opportunities for education with age appropriate peers, unless the IEP requires some other arrangement.
□ Unless the IEP requires some other arrangement, the student is educated in the school that he/she would attend if not a
student with a disability (neighborhood school).
□ Any potential harmful effect of the placement on the student or on the quality of services that the student needs.
□ The student should not be removed from the general education classroom solely because of the needed
accommodations or modifications in the general education curriculum.
□ Removal from the general education environment occurs only if the nature or severity of the disability is such that
education in general education classes with the use of supplemental aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.
Service Delivery Option Codes
Special education services in general education on an intermittent basis.
Special education services in general education on a regularly scheduled basis.
Special education services in special education setting on an intermittent basis.
Special education services in special education setting on a regularly scheduled basis.
Preschool special education services in natural environments.
Areas of Need
What service delivery
option(s) is appropriate to
meet this area of need?
Information from the Fairfax County Public Schools student scholastic record is released on the condition that the recipient agrees
not to permit any other party to have access to such information without the written consent of the parent or of the eligible student.
IEP 319 (02/10) Least Restrictive Environment
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