APTA 2016 Honorary Membership Nomination Form This form is in accordance with: Honorary Membership Proposal Submissions BOD R09-09-05-07 The following person is nominated by the Chapter for consideration as an Honorary Member of the American Physical Therapy Association: Nominee Contact Information: Name: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail: Nominating Chapter Contact: Name: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail: Supporting Documents – Please include the following: Letter of nomination (Sample Nomination Letter – See Appendix A) Curriculum vitae or resume (Sample Curriculum Vitae – See Appendix B) Proposed resolution language (Sample Resolution Language – See Appendix C) You may also include other appropriate background materials Please send the nomination packet via one of the following: E-mail: honorsandawards@apta.org Fax: 703/706-8536 Mail: APTA, Attn: Honors and Awards/Member Services 1111 N Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 -1488 All materials must be received on or before December 1, 2015. Signature of Chapter President Page 1 of 12 – APTA Honorary Membership Application Date Appendix A Sample Nomination Letter Note: The names used in this letter are fictitious Date APTA Board of Directors 1111 N Fairfax Street Alexandria, VA 22314-1488 RE: Nomination of Bill Jones, PhD, for Honorary Membership in the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Dear Board of Directors: The [insert chapter name] is pleased to support the nomination of Bill Jones, PhD, for consideration of Honorary Membership in APTA. Dr. Jones’s contributions to the profession of physical therapy are significant to the profession, national in recognition and scope, and of unique quality. Dr. Jones’ has made the following contributions to physical therapy: [In this section, please discuss the depth and breadth of the contributions]. Thank you for your consideration and support of the nomination of Bill Jones, PhD, for honorary membership in the APTA. Sincerely, Vincent Thomas, PT, DPT [Insert title at chapter] Page 2 of 12 – APTA Honorary Membership Application Appendix B Sample Curriculum Vitae Note: A curriculum vitae is an account of one’s career and qualifications BIOGRAPHICAL Name: Home Address: Birth Date: Social Security #: Business Address: E-mail Address: Business Phone: Fax: Cellular Phone: EDUCATION List all post-secondary education completed in reverse order: Institution name Institution address Degree earned, year of graduation/completion Concentration of study Dates attended Dates Attended Degree and Year Earned Concentration of Study Institution Institution Address Dates Attended Degree and Year Earned Concentration of Study Institution Institution Address Page 3 of 12 – APTA Honorary Membership Application LICENSURE AND CERTIFICATION List all licenses and certifications you hold. Include: Licensing or certifying organization (state board, professional organization, etc.) License or certificate number Dates Certifying Organization License / Certificate Number Dates Valid *Maintain separate hard copy files of all certificate and license information PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE List relevant work experience including positions which are academic, clinical, consultative, administrative, and CI experience. List information in reverse chronological order and include: Dates Title Organization name Address Supervisor’s name and telephone Job responsibilities/accomplishments o Direct patient care responsibilities Types of patient/client and diagnoses/treatments Total clinical hours o Indirect patient care responsibilities Administration Education Research Special assignments/projects Dates Dates Title Organization Name Address Description Direct Patient Care Indirect Patient Care Supervisor Name/Telephone Title Organization Name Address Page 4 of 12 – APTA Honorary Membership Application Description Direct Patient Care Indirect Patient Care Supervisor Name/Telephone PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT* Include professional development/continuing education completed. List information in reverse chronological order: Workshop title / CE title Date(s) Location (City, State) Number of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) Presenter Sponsor and address Length of presentation Date(s) CEUs Title City, State Sponsor & Address Presenters Date(s) CEUs Title City, State Sponsor & Address Presenters *It is essential to maintain a permanent record of your CE documentation. Documentation includes course title, description, objectives, schedule and certificate of completion. TEACHING ACTIVITIES COLLEGE / UNIVERSITY COURSES* Course Title Date Location College/University Length of presentation Number of continuing education units/contact hours Topic, description & objectives for all portions you presented Date Credit Hours Course Title Location College/University Page 5 of 12 – APTA Honorary Membership Application Length of Course Topic (if different from course title) Description & Objectives Date Credit Hours Title Location College/University Length of Course Topic (if different from course title) Description & Objectives *Maintain separate records of involvement in student clinical education (names of students, dates of affiliation, level, and area of practice) POST-GRADUATE CONTINUING EDUCATION* Date CEUs Contact Time with Learners** Title Location Sponsor Topic, Description and Objectives Date CEUs Contact Time with Learners** Title Location Sponsor Topic, Description and Objectives *It is essential to keep a permanent record of your presentation(s). Documentation includes all of the above plus summary of participant evaluations. **Contact time is the actual amount of time that you are presenting and/or interacting with the learners. Page 6 of 12 – APTA Honorary Membership Application CLINICAL INSTRUCTION List roles/activities related to clinical education of PT’s and PTA’s at all levels of education. Dates Role/position Summarized data o Number of students o Level of instruction o Duration of affiliation Dates Role Summarized Data (yearly basis) *Maintain separate records of involvement in student clinical education (names of students, dates of affiliation, level, and area of practice) COMMUNITY-BASED EDUCATION Date Title Location Sponsor Length of Presentation Description Date Title Location Sponsor Length of Presentation Description Page 7 of 12 – APTA Honorary Membership Application SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS Include platform or poster presentations at professional meetings and invited lectureships such as McMillan Lecture or Maley Lecture: Title of presentation Date Location Length of presentation Brief description Sponsors Date Title Location Sponsor Length of Presentation Description Date Title Location Sponsor Length of Presentation Description PUBLICATIONS Authorship of book chapters, peer reviewed journal articles, research abstracts, reviews or commentaries and case study or case study reports. o Use AMA format for full bibliographic reference o A useful website for AMA citation styles is: http://healthlinks.washington.edu/hsl/styleguides/ama.html Sample AMA format citation for Journal Article: Noonan V, Dean E: Submaximal exercise testing: clinical application and interpretation. Phys Ther 2000 Aug;80(8):782-807 Professional activities related to scholarship includes grant proposals, writings you have edited such as books, peer reviewed journals, and submissions to outcomes database such as Hooked on Evidence, and manuscript reviews. List in reverse chronological order: o Role (editor, reviewer, board member, grant writer) o Title of work o Author (if applicable) o Publication date o Provide bibliographic reference or brief description of work Page 8 of 12 – APTA Honorary Membership Application Role Title of Work Author Publication Date Bibliographic Reference/Brief Description Role Title of Work Author Publication Date Bibliographic Reference/Brief Description RESEARCH ACTIVITIES List current research projects: Title Description Length of Project Responsibility Within Project Funding Source Amount of Funding Title Description Length of Project Responsibility Within Project Funding Source Amount of Funding Page 9 of 12 – APTA Honorary Membership Application PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP & ACTIVITIES List all professional or scientific societies that you are a member of. Include the following: Dates Association or society name Membership status Indicate if you held a position in addition to being a member and the years you held position Brief description of accomplishments Dates Dates Association/Society Membership Status Positions/Offices Held and Dates Brief Description of Accomplishments Association/Society Membership Status Positions/Offices Held and Dates Brief Description of Accomplishments PROFESSIONAL SERVICES List committee membership, association activities, content expert/consultant, or other profession related activities. Information listed should be organized in reverse chronological order and include: Dates Position held/title Committee name/organization Description (bulleted) o Accomplishments Dates Title/Position Committee Name/Organization Description Accomplishments Dates Title/Position Committee Name/Organization Description Accomplishments HONORS/AWARDS List honors and awards you have received throughout your educational and professional work experiences. Examples of this may be university dean’s list, professional or academic fraternities, and organization recognition. Information to include is: School/organization bestowing honors/awards Brief description of award Date received Page 10 of 12 – APTA Honorary Membership Application Date Received School / Organization Description of Honor/Award Date Received School / Organization Description of Honor/Award UNIQUE QUALIFICATIONS List any additional qualifications you possess that may compliment your professional knowledge and skills such as sign language, fluency in a foreign language, and advanced computer literacy. Page 11 of 12 – APTA Honorary Membership Application Appendix C Sample Resolution Language Formatting Notes: A resolution should always begin with the words “ELECTION TO HONORARY MEMBERSHIP IN THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION:” in all capital letters followed by the nominee’s name. In the “Whereas” section - the first letter of “Whereas” and first letter of the word following “Whereas” is always capitalized. “Whereas” is always followed by a comma, and sentences starting with “Whereas” should end with a semi-colon. At the end of the clause immediately preceding the last “Whereas” statement of the resolution, place the word “and” after the semi-colon followed by a comma. The first letter of “Resolved” and first letter of the word following “Resolved” is always capitalized. “Resolved” is always followed by a comma, and the sentence should end with a period. There may be more than one “Resolved” in a resolution. ELECTION TO HONORARY MEMBERSHIP IN THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL THERAPY ASSOCIATION: [insert name of nominee – e.g. Bill Jones, PT, PhD] Whereas, Dr. Bill Jones has made significant contributions to the practice of physical therapy; Whereas, Dr. Jones has co-authored over 100 peer reviewed articles with physical therapists; and Whereas, Dr. Jones was instrumental in conducting research in ten studies that contributed significantly to the understanding of a major illness commonly seen in physical therapist practice; and, Whereas, Dr. Jones has advocated for and won increased funding for physical therapy research Resolved, That Dr. Bill Jones be elected as an Honorary Member of the American Physical Therapy Association. Page 12 of 12 – APTA Honorary Membership Application