1 Course description

National Research University Higher School of Economics Nizhny Novgorod
Course Syllabus “Research Methodology in Management”
Master Program 38.04.02 “Management” specialization “Global Business”
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Nizhny Novgorod
Faculty of Management
Course Syllabus
“Intercultural Communications”
Credit Hours
38.04.02 – Management
Master Program
Specialization “Global Business”
Professor, Dr. Valerii Zusman, vzusman@hse.ru
Professor, Dr. Marina Tsvetkova mtsvetkova@hse.ru
Confirmed by Department of Applied Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication
29th October 2013
Head of Department of Applied Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication,
Prof. V.Zusman _____________________
Recommended by Faculty of Management «___»_____________ 2013 г.
Dean Dr.J.Kuznetsova _________________________
Approved by UMS HRU HSE – Nizhny Novgorod «___»_____________2013г.
Chairman Prof. V.Buсharov ______________________
Nizhny Novgorod, 2013
National Research University Higher School of Economics Nizhny Novgorod
Course Syllabus “Research Methodology in Management”
Master Program 080200.68 “Management” specialization “Global Business”
Course description
The course is competence oriented and designed to help the students to develop their crosscultural awareness in interpersonal and professional communications. The course encompasses a theoretical as well as a practical part.
The theoretical part will be based on major theories and approaches in intercultural communications that have been developing from the time of its appearance as a scholarly discipline and will include the American and European experience (Edward T. Hall, Geert Hofstede, Richard D.Lewis) as
well as the Russian one (Svetlana Ter-Minasova, Valerii Zusman and others).
The practical part of the course will be incorporated into lectures and will focus on case studies
discussions and cross-cultural problems solving, which acquires an additional acuteness in the multicultural context of the programme.
The uniqueness of the course is in the combination of traditional and novel approaches to intercultural issues involving the approach suggested by Nizhny Novgorod scholars (who have been developing their own view on the cross-cultural communication matters since 2000). That is why some of the
information studied in the course could be obtained only through listening lectures or reading the
sources in Russian.
Sphere of application and normative references
The course program “Intercultural Communications” establishes minimum requirements for students’
competencies and determines the content and styles of training sessions.
It is designed for students accomplishing master program 38.04.02 “Management” specialization
“Global business”
This program is developed in accordance with:
• Educational standards NRU - HSE;
• Educational program and the curriculum for master's degree 38.04.02 “Management” specialization “Global business”
Course goals
The main goal of the course is to help students master their academic competencies, which will allow
them to be successful in their interpersonal and professional cross-cultural interactions.
The course concentrates on the following competencies: critical thinking, academic reading and writing,
time management, data analysis, communication and presentation in the academic sphere.
The course contains two main topics – Major theories and approaches in intercultural communications
today and the peculiarities “the Russian world” successful interacting with its representatives.
4. Student learning outcomes
As a result, students will acquire the following competencies:
1. Managing research information (search, storage, analyze, read critically and cite information).
2. Communication and presentation (including usage of Power Point, Open Office or Prezi to present results of a study clearly and interestingly)
3. Methodology selection (issues analyses and ability to design research)
4. Critical thinking and problem statement
5. Working in a team
6. Basics of qualitative and quantitative data analysis
The role of the discipline in the structure of the educational program
National Research University Higher School of Economics Nizhny Novgorod
Course Syllabus “Research Methodology in Management”
Master Program 080200.68 “Management” specialization “Global Business”
The “Intercultural Communications” course is one of the variable courses for the students accomplishing master program 080200.68 “Management” specialization “Global business” and is based
on the academic, scholarly and research competencies students get at the bachelor level in the course.
6. Course schedule
Total class hours
for the Lectures
Major theories and approaches in 80
the field of Intercultural communications
Peculiarities “the Russian world” 64
successful interacting with its representatives.
In total
7. Assessment scheme
Type of as- Form of assesssessment
Paper (реферат) *
defended in a
form of group
Presentation 10 slides and detailed project
description 1500-2500 words.
7.1 Grading procedures
The criteria for the evaluation of students’ competencies are as follows:
Class work (50%)
 Team project “Russia is…”
For the team assignment and presentation students are expected to give their own view and experience of the Russian culture with the reference to the theoretical part of the course (Hall’s cultural parameters, Hofstede cultural dimensions, Lewis cross cultural communication model etc).
Final test (50%)
The final test will consist of 10 mixed (multiple choice and non-multiple choice) questions on the
theoretical part of the course.
Grading will be based on the presentation and the final test. Although students will not be evaluated
based on class participation, attendance is expected in all classes, and constructive participation in
class discussions is highly encouraged.
Deadlines: Students are strongly recommended to follow the deadlines of the assignment. Team
presentation should be done at the class. Individual project should be presented in class, detailed description should be e-mailed to the lecturers in three days before last class. Failure to comply with the
deadline reduces the grades to zero.
National Research University Higher School of Economics Nizhny Novgorod
Course Syllabus “Research Methodology in Management”
Master Program 080200.68 “Management” specialization “Global Business”
8. Course content
Section 1. Major theories and approaches in the field of Intercultural communications.
Part 1.. Definitions of intercultural communications. The history of the field of study’s appearance. Edward T. Hall as the “founding farther” of intercultural communication. His major works. The
theory of Proxemics. Solving a problem: comparative analysis of proxemic behavour in Austria, Italy
and Russia. Hall’s cultural parameters: collectivistic – individualistic, polychronic – monochronic,
High context – low context cultures. Discussion: what type of culture you think (singled out by Hall)
your culture belongs to. Why?
Part 2. Cultural cooperation and cultural management. Geert Hofstede’s theories. Culture 1
and culture 2. Cultural dimensions. Discussion: Austria, Italy and Russia in terms of Hofsetede 5 dimensional model.
Part 3. Lewis cross cultural communication model. Discussion: The places of Austria, Italy
and Russia in the model and their consequences.
Part 4. Russian Approaches to Intercultural Communications. Svetlana Ter-Minasova: language and cross-cultural interactions. Victor Zinchenko, Valerii Susman and Zoya Kirnoze’s theory of
intercultural communication based on the notion of “kontzept” as a combination of rational and irrational perception of the world.
Number of class work hours - 15 h. lectures.
The total amount of individual work on the subject is 15 hours including required readings on
the subject.
Required readings:
Edward, T.Hall (1990) The Hidden Dimension. N.Y.
&bvm=bv.59026428,d.bGE&cad=rjt accessed August 18, 2013.
Hofstede, Geert (1991) Cultures and organizations. Software of the mind. Maidenhead.
http://home.arcor.de/katrin4u/downloads/Hofstede.pdf accessed August 18, 2013.
Lewis, Richard Cross-cultural Communication is the Basis for Successful Business. Lecture at
StPetersburg European University 24.01.2013. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip4PrF3iwsw accessed August 10, 2013.
Additional readings:
Edward T.Hall (1990) The Silent language. N.Y.
http://globalsociology.ucoz.ru/_ld/0/3_SilentLanguage0.pdf accessed August 18, 2013
Hofstede, Geert Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context. Online Readings
in Psychology and Culture. Unite 2. Theoretical and Methodological Issues, Subunit 1 Conceptual Issues in Psychology and Culture. Article one.
http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1014&context=orpc accessed August 18,
Rogers, Everett M., Hart, William B., Mike, Yoshitaka (2002) Edward T. Hall and The History
of Intercultural Communication: The United States and Japan. Keio Communication Review No. 24,:
3-26. http://www.mediacom.keio.ac.jp/publication/pdf2002/review24/2.pdf accessed August 18, 2013
Зинченко В.Г., Зусман В.Г., Кирнозе З.И.(2008) Межкультурная коммуникация. От
системного подхода к синергетической парадигме. Москва. Изд.2
Тер-Минасова С.Г. (2008) Война и мир языков и культур : вопросы теории и практики
межъязыковой и межкультурной коммуникации. Москва.
Тер-Минасова С.Г. (2008) Язык и межкультурная коммуникация. Москва.
http://www.gumer.info/bibliotek_Buks/Linguist/Ter/_Index.php accessed August10, 2013.
National Research University Higher School of Economics Nizhny Novgorod
Course Syllabus “Research Methodology in Management”
Master Program 080200.68 “Management” specialization “Global Business”
Section 2. Peculiarities “the Russian world” successful interacting with its representatives.
Part 1. “Russian cultural world”. Its features. Peculiarity of interacting with the representatives of
the Russian world.
Part 2. Development of cross-cultural awareness: case studies.
Number of class work hours – 15 h. lectures.
The total amount of individual work on the subject is 15 hours including preparing analyzing
case studies and preparation of the team presentation.
Required readings:
Lectures by Professor, Dr Valerii Zusman and by Professor, Dr Marina Tsvetkova
Educational Technologies (Practices)
In the course “Intercultural Communications” following educational technologies are used:
lectures, case studies, cross-cultural discussions, solving cultural problems.
10. Appraisal tools for current control and student assessment of academic progress
10.1 Team project “Russia is…”
The team should consist of 3-5 people. For the team assignment and presentation students are expected
to give their own view and experience of the Russian culture with the reference to the theoretical part
of the course (Hall’s cultural parameters, Hofstede cultural dimensions, Lewis cross cultural communication model etc). Presentation should consist of about 10 slides and detailed project description 1500-2500 words submitted via the Internet 3 days before the presentation in class.
10.2. The Final Test
The final test will consist of 10 mixed (multiple choice and non-multiple choice) questions on the
theoretical part of the course.
Sample questions:
1. The 5-Demensional cultural Model was introduced by:
a) Edward T. Hall
b) Geert Hofstede
c) Richard Lewi
d) Svetlana Ter-Minasova
2. The dimension which coincides in the theory of Hofstede and Hall is
a) Polichronic – monochronic cultures
b) Collectivistic – individualistic cultures
c) High context – low context cultures
d) Feminin – masculine cultures
3. Name five major “kotzepts” of the Russian world
4. What mental “kontzept” is hidden under the Russian word “avos’” and in which features
of the Russian character is it manifested?
Grading procedures
The grade for the course consists of the grades for the team project and the final test grades:
Gfinal= 0,5·Gteam project + 0,4·Gexam
National Research University Higher School of Economics Nizhny Novgorod
Course Syllabus “Research Methodology in Management”
Master Program 080200.68 “Management” specialization “Global Business”
Technical Provision
The present course is conducted with the use of the following equipment: laptop, projector, screen for
lectures and group project presentations.
Academic integrity
14.1 Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Higher School of Economics’ Academic
Honesty Policy. Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit will be the student's personal work. For this course, collaboration is allowed in the following instances: group discussion in class, group projects and presentations.
14.2 Students are encouraged to study together and to discuss information and concepts covered in lecture and the sections with other students. You can give "consulting" help to or receive "consulting"
help from such students. However, this permissible cooperation should never involve one student having possession of a copy of all or part of work done by someone else, in the form of an e-mail, an email attachment file, a diskette, or a hard copy. Should copying occur, both the student who copied
work from another student and the student who gave material to be copied will automatically receive a
zero for the assignment. Penalty for violation of this Policy can also be extended to include failure of
the course and University disciplinary action.
14.3 During examinations, every student must do his/her own work. Talking or discussing is not permitted during the examinations, nor may you compare papers, copy from others, or collaborate in any
way. Any collaborative behavior during the examinations will result in failure of the exam, and may
lead to failure of the course and University disciplinary action.
Professor, Dr. Valerii Zusman
Professor, Dr. Marina Tsvetkova