Cross Cultural Management

Cross Cultural Management
The course aims:
- To stimulate the acquisition of knowledge and tools about “cross cultural &
sustainable management”;
- To develop intercultural skills and the capacity to analyse and to be able to deal
with different intercultural communication and management situations;
- To get familiar with cross-cultural issues and contexts that international
companies encounter;
- To exercise the analysis and the problem solving skills related to cross-cultural
and sustainable management situations.
Acquisition of the concept of culture, and understanding about how culture
shape people and organization’s behaviours;
Comprehension of the intercultural mechanisms and dynamics that influence
how people and organization behave in multicultural and international contexts;
Developing intercultural sensitivity and intercultural management skills, and
learning how to apply these skills in future global manager roles;
Acquisition of business cases and management practice samples, thus to
develop the skills of context analysis, problem solving, creativity and
Acquisition of the capacity of writing a scientific paper in English, such as of
making an effective presentation in front of a multicultural audience.
The role of culture and of multiculturalism on nowadays interactions and on
global business
The born and the evolution of cross-cultural communication and management
studies: Hall, Hofstede, Trompenaars, the GLOBE research, the Schwartz
value’s survey, the Yin Yang perspective
The DMIS model: Ethnocentric vs. Ethnorelativistc attitudes toward cultural
Developing Intercultural mindset and skillset
Culture complexity and paradox
Becoming a Global Leader for Sustainable Development
Working with Emerging Markets
Cross-cultural management and sustainable practices and applications
For attendees, the professors will indicate a reading list for each module at the beginning of
the course. Plus, the professor will upload slides and her personal teaching notes on
For not attendees:
B. GEHRKE-M.T. CLAES (2014), Global Leadership Practices: A Cross-Cultural
Management Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan.
Chapters n. 1 - 3 - 5 – 6 – 7 – 8; plus, just one chapter, chosen on student’s interested
base, between chapters n. 9 and 15.
emerging Countries (ebook downloadable free from University’s library website).
Chap. n. 9 – 11 – 12 – 13.
MILTON J. BENNETT, “Intercultural Competence for Global Leadeship”, IDRI, 2001
(article downloadable free from website).
TARJA KETOLA, “Responsible Leadership: Building Blocks of Individual, Organization,
Social Behavior”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environment Management, 17,
2010, pp. 173 – 184 (article downloadable free from website).
The course will be taught through a combination of instructional methods: lectures,
exercises, discussions, business cases, group projects and presentation, corporate
testimonials. Class methodology will indeed be based mainly on an inductive and
experiential educational approach, thus to stimulate active learning processes and the
development of intercultural attitudes and skillset.
Students will read the indicated readings before for each module, in order to be prepared for
the class exercises and discussions, and to question eventual doubts.
Class attendance is mandatory.
Dispensations will be considered on a case by case basis. Students whom have problem in
attendee class have to write to the professor and define with her the final grade and exam
The final grade will be based on the evaluation of:
- A group project: the group have to write a paper in English of about 20 pg, on a topic
selected between the topics covered during the course and linked also with other subjects of
the master program. Groups need to propose the paper’s title, abstract and structure to the
professor by the first week of lesson before to start to work on it. They also need to present
their work in front of the classroom with the support of a visual presentation (more
information about this assignment are available on the blackboard). More instruction will be
given at the beginning of the course. This assignment will weight 40% of the final grade.
- Individual exercises to be delivered during the course:
A cross-cultural critical incident that need to be analysed and solved showing to be able
to use the concepts covered during the course; credit range is 18-30, depending on the
accuracy and depth of the analysis and offered solutions. This assignment will weight
10% of the final grade.
The description of a personal intercultural experience according to guideline provided
by questions to which the students need to answer, using the conceptual and practical
tools shared during lessons; credit range is 18-30, depending on the accuracy and depth
of the personal case analysis and description. This assignment will weight 10% of the
final grade.
- Individual written exam: it will consist of three parts in total and the student will have 2
hours to complete it. This assignment will weight 30% of the final grade and each part
which will weight 10%.
The first part will consist of 20 closed questions; credits range is 18-30 depending on
the right answers. Wrong answers won’t decrease the total grade.
The second part will consist of 3 open questions; credits range is 18-30 depending on
correctness, clearness, accuracy and depth of the answers.
The third and last part will consist on the description of the team working activity and
process, using the conceptual and practical tools shared during lessons; credit range is
18-30, depending on the accuracy and depth of the team project analysis and
- Class participation and inquiring questions during lessons. Classroom presence and active
participation through questions, reflections, inquiring will weight 10% of the final grade.
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