Modesto Junior College ANSC 209 Course Outline Effective Date: 05/01/2007 Printed On: 2/9/2007 9:43:48 AM I. COURSE OVERVIEW The following information is what will appear in the MJC 2007-2008 Catalog. ANSC 209 - Equine Breeding & Reproduction 3 Unit(s) Advisories: Before enrolling in this course, students are strongly advised to satisfactorily complete ANSC 207. An advanced level course designed for students interested in learning more about equine reproduction and management. Field trips may be required. A-F Only. Applicable to the Associate Degree. Transfer to CSU. II. LEARNING CONTEXT Given the following learning context, the student who satisfactorily completes this course should be able to achieve the goals specified in section III: Desired Learning. 1. COURSE CONTENT A. REQUIRED 1. Physiology of reproduction 1. Stallion 1. Anatomy 2. Sperm production 3. Physiology 4. Behavior 5. Stallion management 6. Reproductive health 2. Mare 1. Anatomy 2. Physiology 3. Hormones of reproduction 4. Hormonal cycles 5. Breeding habits 6. Fertilization 7. Sterility 8. Pregnancy checking 1. Ultrasonography 2. Palpation 3. Fetal Sexing 2. Care and management of the stallion 1. Methods of mating 2. Reproductive soundness exam 3. Routine management 3. Care of the pregnant mare 1. Care at foaling time 2. Signs of impending parturition 3. Labor and parturition 4. Dystocia 5. Postpartum foal/mare care 4. Artificial insemination 1. Collection methods 2. Semen analysis 3. Transport 5. Embryo transfer 1. Synchronization of donor and recipient mare 2. Embryo flushing 3. Embryo transfer 6. Care of the foal 1. Foal milestones 2. Foalhood disease 3. Orthopedic disease 4. Nutrition 7. Reproductive Technology 1. Fetal sexing 2. Sexed semen 3. Cloning 2. ENROLLMENT RESTRICTIONS 1. Advisories: Before enrolling in this course, students are strongly advised to satisfactorily complete ANSC 207. 3. HOURS OF INSTRUCTION PER TERM Prorated Hours and Units TYPE of HOURS TERM HOURS UNITS EARNED Lecture/Discussion 52.5 Total Units Earned: 3 3 4. TYPICAL METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Instructors of this course might conduct the course using the following methods: Face-to-face education 1. Weekly classroom instruction including demonstrations and class activities involving: 1. Live animals 2. Anatomical models 3. "Hands-on" classroom activities 4. Industry simulation and problem solving situations 5. TYPICAL ASSIGNMENTS A. Quality: Assignments require the appropriate level of critical thinking 1. Demonstrate knowledge of specific hormones action, origin, and purpose in the reproductive cycle. 2. Describe various safety techniques when handling breeding animals. 3. Demonstrate anatomical knowledge of reproductive systems by developing models. 4. Demonstrate basic understanding of foal development and disease. 5. Describe current technology in the equine breeding industry. B. Quantity: Hours spent on assignments in addition to hours of instruction (lecture hours) 1. Weekly written assignments including course outlines, take home quizzes and exams. 2. Weekly problem-solving assignments designed to help students acknowledge criticial situations. 3. Term assignments will include: research papers, case studies, and model development. 6. TEXTS AND OTHER READINGS A.Required Texts: Manual of Equine Reproduction, Second Edition, Blanchard, 2003 Equine Neonatology, First Edition, Knottenbelt, 2004 Equine Breeding Management & Artificial Insemination, First Edition, Samper, 2004 B. Other reading material: III. DESIRED LEARNING A. COURSE GOAL As a result of satisfactory completion of this course, the student should be prepared to: 1. Describe and explain the endocrine system, reproductive anatomy, reproductive laboratory techniques and management strategies involved in equine breeding. B. STUDENT LEARNING GOALS Mastery of the following learning goals will enable the student to achieve the overall course goal. REQUIRED LEARNING GOALS Upon satisfactory completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Describe a breeding season. 2. List and identify the major parts of the stallion and mare reproductive systems. 3. List the hormones and discuss hormonal cycles important in reproduction. 4. Identify fertility problems in mares and stallions. 5. Explain stages in gestation and parturition. 6. Discuss and describe methods of artificial insemination and estrus detection. 7. Describe embryo transfer listing advantages and disadvantages. 8. Discuss mare and stallion management prior to, during and after the breeding season. 9. Describe normal behavior in a foal and possible diseases that may affect foal development. 10. Discuss future technology in the breeding industry and the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. RECOMMENDED LEARNING GOALS Upon satisfactory completion of this course (when the related recommended content is covered), the student will be able to: 1. Field trips to local equine breeders, stallion stations and veterinary hospitals. IV. METHODS OF MEASURING STUDENT PROGRESS A. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: 1. Weekly journal assignments 2. Weekly written assignments 3. Weekly article summary B. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: 1. 2. 3. 4. Midterm Final exam Semester project Research evaluation