Applying for conference and submitting contributions:

Applying for conference and submitting contributions:
You can apply:
Deadline for receiving applications and submitting of
paper titles with informative abstract: 25th September
via electronic application on the internet site DAES
via electronic mail
in written form, posted to: Faculty of Agriculture and
Life Sciences UM, Pivola 11, 2311 Hoče, Zarja Bohak
Paper with the title and abstract should be sent via e-mail to:
Assoc. Prof., Črtomir Rozman, Ph. D.
Chair of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
University of Maribor
Pivola 11
2311 Hoče
phone: 02 613 08 63
I will attend the
2010 in Hoče.
conference DAES on
Name and surname:
Department / Research Organisation:
I want to present my contribution with the title:
Agricultural institute of Slovenia
Hacquetova 17, 1000 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
Tel: 01/ 28 05 262
Faks: 01/ 28 05 255
Organizer in the name of the society:
University of Maribor
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Programme-organization conference board:
Full Prof., Jernej Turk, Ph. D. (president), Full Prof., Emil
Erjavec, Assoc. Prof., Črtomir Rozman, Ph. D, Branko
Ravnik, M. Sc., Neva Pajntar, Assist. Prof., Karmen
Pažek, Ph. D, Assist. Prof., Darja Majkovič, Ph. D,
Assoc. Prof., Andreja Borec, Assoc. Prof . Andrej Udovč,
Ph. D., Assoc. Prof Stane Kavčič, Ph. D, Assist. Prof.,
Miroslav Rednak, Ph. D, Assist. Prof., Martin Pavlovič,
Ph. D
Contact person:
Zarja Bohak
Chair of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
University of Maribor
Pivola 11
2311 Hoče
phone: 02 613 08 63
5th conference DAES
4th and 5th March 2010 in Hoče
Argumentation of conference central theme:
One of the basic missions of Society of agricultural
economists of Slovenia (DAES) is to establish qualitative and
varied public debate about economic and developmental
issues of Slovene agriculture, food industry and rural areas in
general. Our society’s conferences present an important part
in fulfilling this mission. As such they are becoming a
constant in scientific and professional area in a form of a
forum with purpose of exhanging opinions about current
economic questions of agri-food chain and development
challenges of Slovene rural space. At the same time it
represents an opportunity that to present views on current
questions and research achievements to wider public.
Conferences will be held every three years and in front of us
is the fifth conference DAES. Our established central theme
of the conference remains the same. In the plenary part we
will discuss about the central theme with our guest lecturers
and round-table, while in the sections research results will be
presented and various thematic discussions will be
Implementation of modern methods in management is in
the time of constant technological discoveries an
inseparable part of future development of agricultural
production in all countries with developed market
economy. Use of modern quantitative scientific methods
can contribute to improve qualitative business decisions
in agricultural business systems. With this conference we
mainly emphasize scientific point of view of agricultural
management in the area of operational researches,
decision making process, project management,
simulations, methods of machine learning, etc.
Conference aims and themes:
The central topic of the conference is farm management.
Within it, a discussion about organizational, economic and
management issues of agricultural business systems will take
place, with emphasis on application of quantitative scientific
methods for necessity of planning and decision making
support in agricultural sector. Beside the central theme, also
discussion on other questions that concern broader
agricultural politics and current problems will be raised.
08.00 – 09.00 Arrival and registration
09.00 – 09.15 Opening and welcoming speeches
09.15 – 11.15 Plenary lectures I
11.15 – 11.45 Coffee break
11.45 – 13.15 Round table about challenges of business
planning in Slovene agri-food chain
13.15 – 14.30 Lunch break
14.30 – 17.00 Plenary lectures II and discussion
Social event (Meranovo)
9.00 – 15.00 Presentation of selected contributions in two
parallel sections
9.00 – 15.00 Presentation of selected contributions in
section I (in Slovene language)
9.00 – 15.00 Presentation of selected contributions in
section II (in English language)
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 – 12.00 Conference closure
Society members and interested individuals. Registration fee
amount will be announced additionally.
Form and publication of paper:
Contributions will be published before the conference on the
society's web site , and on the CD that will
be distributed on the conference. Selected and reviewed
papers will be published in the book of proceedings that will
be published after the conference. Contributions will be
reviewed by the reviewers , chosen by the organizer.
Instructions for preparing papers (informative abstracts and
entire contributions) are presented on the web site
Important dates:
25th September 2009 – application of the contribution's title
and informative abstract
5th October 2009 – programme board’s notification about the
contribution acceptance
14th November 2010 – submission of contributions
15th December 2009 – review of contributions
15th January 2010 – final submission of contributions
25th February 2010 – print of selected contributions