WMO Haiti – Update # 1 8 February 2010 I Overall: 1. Estimated Loss of life from the earthquake in Haiti is over 200,000. Over 30% of buildings in Portau-Prince have been completely destroyed and much more are damaged and unsafe. Detailed assessments are underway. Major concerns relate to ensuring forecasting, early warning and shelter for earthquake victims as rainy and hurricane seasons approach. 2. WMO is taking on two coordinated streams of activities: a. Coordinating WMO Members with respect to their support (Meteorological information and other technical support) – D/DRA b. Coordinating with two primary UN funding mechanisms post disasters for strengthening of the Metrological Services to support Early warning System, DRR activities and socioeconomic development as part of the Haiti reconstruction. – C/DRR II Update on the National Meteorological Service of Haiti and Activities of WMO Members 1. A WMO press release and conference planned for Friday 5 February was postponed to Tuesday 9 February allow for the possible participation of the WMO Secretary General. The release will focus on the need to improve met service capabilities as part of the overall effort to prepare for rainy and hurricane seasons. 2. Following a discussion held at the AMS Conference in Atlanta on January 18, the Regional Office in Costa Rica has worked with RA IV president, and RA IV members to facilitate a coordinated approach in their support for Haiti. Specifically; a. To date, USA, Canada and the UK have submitted information on their activities in support of Haiti to the Regional office in Costa Rica. i. Based on previous missions, surveys and the several phone interviews with Mr. Semelforte, Director of the National Meteorological Center of Haiti after the Earthquake, a background document has been prepared to support various WMO activities. (Please see the report attached) ii. Over the weekend, WMO arranged with NOAA/NWS for meetings between Haitian Met Director Mr Semelforte and the US Air Force. The objective for these meetings was to improve coordination. A new team of 4 forecasters from the US will arrive soon and the US Captain responsible welcomes working with the Haitian Met Center, perhaps even co-locating if feasible. A preliminary site assessment was done on Saturday 6 February. iii. The USA (United States Air Force, NWS Southern Region) is providing forecasting services for Haiti. NOAA/NWS is also deploying up to three Emergency Management Weather Information Network (EMWIN) units, which are suitable, both for forecasting and emergency managers. The US is also planning to deploy a GTS-linked International Satellite Communication System (ISCS) unit as well as someone to go and train the Haitians on the EMWIN and ISCS systems. iv. Canada - Environment Canada’s Meteorological Service (MSC) is providing meteorological support to Canada’s relief and recovery operations in Haiti. Environment Canada’s meteorologists produce special meteorological reports that are issued twice daily at 0600 EST and 1800 EST. The area covered by those reports is a 30 nm radius of the City of Jacmel, the area where the operational command base for Canada’s military relief operation in Haiti is located. This area includes the cities of Logone and Port-au-Prince. Other products for operations are being planned in consultation with relevant authorities. v. The Dominican Republic started to provide forecasts to Haiti during the 2008 hurricane season and continues to do so. vi. In addition to Canada, the Dominican Republic and the US providing forecasts, we learned the UK Meteorological Office will soon start providing to UK-based NGOs working on disaster relief in Haiti, a daily email service to give a brief outlook with up Page 2/2 to 14 days notice of potential high-impact weather events, particularly heavy rain and tropical cyclones. b. Tyrone Sutherland made a number of suggestions regarding possible private sector contributions and the need to coordinate with the Mexico ICAO office. c. During the Hurricane Committee (March 8-12) a coordination meeting will be organised engaging members of RA IV and representatives from Haiti to coordinate and develop clear protocols and procedures for provision of meteorological information during the upcoming rainy and hurricane seasons. DRA and TCP will organize a coordination meeting for Haiti. d. During the “Multi-Hazard EWS Training Workshop and Coordination Meeting - March 22-26, 2010) organized by WMO and the USA, DRR and DRA will organize a second meeting on Haiti to address other key issues pertaining to EWS for Haiti for the immediate and longer-term needs. III Updates on WMO initiatives with UN post-disaster fundraising mechanisms to raise funds for the development of the Haiti Metrological Service. Background: There are two main fundraising mechanisms following a disaster, through which the UN and other partners raise funds to address shorter-term humanitarian and longer-term reconstruction and development needs of the country. (Revised) Flash Appeal: Following a major disaster in a country, when the government requests humanitarian assistance, the IASC Cluster system (involving humanitarian agencies, UNDP and UNEP) initiate a “Flash Appeal” coordinated process to raise funds for the immediate humanitarian needs during the first month post disaster). If needed, this will then be supplemented by a “Revised Flash Appeal” to address humanitarian and early recovery needs from Month 4 to 12). There are many restrictions and requirements on which projects can get submitted under this mechanism. WMO has previous experience with this process following the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, where nearly 1 M USD was raised to address the upgrade of GTS in the Indian Ocean Rim countries. Based on discussions with the Global Cluster coordinators of the Flash Appeal, C/DRR has engaged WMO officially in the Cluster for Early Recovery, which means that not only for Haiti but also in the future disasters, WMO will get a notification to engage in the process, if Flash Appeal is activated. As of Feb 4, the Flash Appeal was funded at 87%. Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) for Reconstruction plan: Following a major disaster in a country, upon request of the government a PDNA mission is organized by (UN/UNDP-World Bank-EC) with close collaboration with the government to assess countries reconstruction needs and develop a clear reconstruction framework. For the first time, WMO is participating in this process, to ensure that the reconstruction of the National Meteorological service of Haiti is included in the reconstruction plan of the country. The report of the PDNA will be formally presented in a pledging meeting in New York to the donors in NYC. Based on lessons learnt from Haiti and when relevant, WMO can consider to utilize participation in the PDNA process as the means to engage NMHS reconstruction or strengthening as part of the reconstruction planning process Based on discussions with the Global Coordinator of PDNA un UNDP, C/DRR has engaged WMO officially in the Cluster for Disaster Risk Reduction, which means that not only for Haiti for but also in the future when PDNA is requested,, WMO will get a notification to engage in the process. IV Updates on WMO activities for the Revised Flash Appeal and PDNA for Haiti: Revised Flash Appeal 1) To date the original Flash Appeal has been funded up to 87%. Request for a Revised Flash Appeal was issued during the first week of February, On Feb 7, 2010, C/DRR submitted (prepared in collaboration with D/DRA) a Revised Flash Appeal Proposal for 875,000.00 USD. The proposal is entitled: “Meteorological and Hydrological Early Warnings and Services to Support Emergency Contingency Planning for Safety of Page 2/2 Population and Early Recovery Activities During the 2010 Rainy and Hurricane seasons in Haiti (MarchDecember 2010).” PDNA: 1. Government of Haiti officially approved the PNDA on Feb4, 2010, but requested that it be done (i) with Government as lead, which means that the government will draft the TOR of the PDNA, (ii) to bypass the PDNA planning mission originally scheduled from Feb 8 and go straight into a full-blown PDNA starting Feb 10. 2. The Official First Draft of the PDNA Report is due March 8 and will feed into a pledging conference for reconstruction of Haiti in April (dates TBD). (Please note that originally this meeting was scheduled for March 22-23 in NYC, but has been be postponed to April) 3. C/DRR is representing WMO in UN/World Bank/EC PDNA process for Haiti and is working with the lead UN PDNA coordinator (from UNDP). A package of materials from WMO to support PDNA was prepared and sent to the lead UN coordinator of PDNA in Haiti and other PDNA focal points in the evening of Feb 5, including a background report, attached to this briefing. C/DRR received confirmation from the lead UN coordinator of PDNA that WMO is officially included in the PDNA and that assessments of the National Met Service will be pursued. 4. Mr. Semelforte, Director of the National Meteorological Center of Haiti, has been designated as WMO PDNA focal point in Haiti as well as his role as a government official from Haiti and will be contacted by the UN team shortly). 5. Given the change in the date of the actual PDNA (from early March to Feb 10) and various logistical challenges on the ground, the lead UN PDNA coordinator agreed with WMO proposal to have a top expert available by third week of Fed to help review the outcomes and assist with drafting of the PDNA report. 6. The lead UN PDNA coordinator indicated that the proposal of having a technical team of WMO experts to follow the PDNA mission to design the technical development of the Met Service is a good one. Their report should feed into to the PDNA report and pledging if timing allows. Offers to provide experts from national met services in the region would be welcome. NEXT ISSUES: 1. Coordination of forecasting services in Haiti with the Haitian Met Center to ensure adequate and consistent forecasts disseminated to Haitian decision-makers and the general public. 2. Coordination of the two Haiti Meetings (At the Hurricane Committee March 8-12, Bermuda, and at the MH_EWS Workshop in Costa Rica, March 22-26, 2010) 3. Follow up with and support of UN Coordinators for Revised Flash Appeal and PDNA 4. Identification and confirmation of availability of a French/English Expert to support drafting of the PDNA report (By Feb 20) 5. Initiation of the planning of the WMO technical Mission to Haiti after the PDNA mission is completed Page 2/2