ANIMAL HEALTH EMERGENCY OR FOLLOW –UP REPORT 1. 4. 6. 7. 9. 10. 7 2. 0 9 D E C 0 0 No. Report date (dd/mmm/yy) DR EMILY MOGAJANE Name of Sender PROGRAM MANAGER AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Position +27-12-319 7679 8. +27-12-329 7218 Telephone number Fax number E-mail number 3. SOUTH AFRICA Country 5. PRIVATE BAG X138 PRETORIA 0001 SOUTH AFRICA Address FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE (TYPE O) 11. Disease Name If If If Emergency report A 0 1 1 Disease Code 12.Nature of diagnosis 13. Suspicion 1 2 S E P 0 0 Date of initial detection (dd/mmm/yy) X Clinical 14. X Post- mortem X Laboratory 0 7 S E P 0 0 Estimated date of first infection (dd/mmm/yy) On 8 November 2000, 4 positive serological results without evidence of clinical symptoms were detected on the Liquid Phase Blocking ELISA Tests (LPBE) for FMD serotype O (log titres equal to or greater than 1,6. The test was conducted on 24 sera from cattle at a dipping tank at 29°38’46.5’’S; 30°44’39.5’’E. The dipping tank is outside the 10km radius quarantine zone but still within the surrounding 20km surveillance zone. This was the result of intensive surveillance in the foot and mouth disease surveillance area in KwaZulu-Natal. The tests were repeated on the LPBE and the results were confirmed. No clinical signs of the disease were seen and, as LPBE’s are known to sometimes provide false positive results, all such tests are repeated using the virus neutralisation test (VNT). The VNT on the 4 sera concerned proved negative (log titres equal to or less than 1,3). The VNT was repeated and the results were inconclusive. The sera were then tested using 3ABC ELISA that detects antigens produced during virus replication. These results were negative. A further 108 serum samples were collected on 11 November from cattle at this dipping tank. Immediate actions had to be taken in the light of the initial LPBE results. The area under suspicion made the rationale to continue with a stamping-out policy questionable and it was therefore decided to abandon the stamping-out policy and apply limited vaccination within a radius of 15km. The foot and mouth disease control area was also enlarged as a precautionary measure with strict control on the movement of animals and animal products into, out of and within this control area. Meanwhile the LPBE tests performed on the 108 sera from the cattle at the dipping tank in question tested negative. For confirmation of these results, the sera (108 samples PLUS the original 23 serum samples that remained from this dipping tank) were sent to the World Reference Laboratory (Pirbright, UK) on 16 November. The Pirbright Laboratory found 18 animals positive, 57 animals weak positive and 53 animals negative on LPBE. For confirmation, they tested the positive cases using the VNT and found all animals to be negative. They also used the 3ABC ELISA to confirm 28 of the sera as negative. The final results from Pirbright were received on 30 November 2000. The conclusion is therefore that these cattle were not infected with foot and mouth disease. Further intensive sero-surveillance data and clinical inspection, indicates that the disease has not spread outside the 30km surveillance zone. In view of these results, and the fact that it is now more than 30 days since the last positive foot and mouth disease case, Cabinet decided to reduce the control area to the original 30km zone. Vaccination and intensive surveillance around the original epicentre will continue and will cover a radius of about 10 to 15km. Intensive sero-surveillance will continue throughout the 30km control area. Surveillance data up to 6 December 2000 Total number of animals inspected: 156 075 cattle 148 921 pigs 2 999 sheep 8 124 goats 10 cloven-hoofed game animals Number of animals tested serologically: 7 566 cattle 1 056 pigs 786 sheep 902 goats 45 cloven-hoofed game animals Vaccination data up to 6 December 2000 Number of animals vaccinated: 6 003 cattle 720 sheep 555 goats