
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
Inject Response Report
Resolute Response
A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
June 18, 2013
Florida Department of Health in Sumter County
Bushnell Florida
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
This report contains the inject responses from the Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional
Exercise. These responses are unedited and are directly exported from the information typed into the
ONX System during the exercise. The purpose of this report is to provide documentation for your
organization’s records of exact responses captured during the exercise.
www.drc-group.com – info@drc-group.com
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 002
Sumter County
Having the knowledge that personnel assigned to staff and / or manage shelters
are trained and ready to perform their assigned tasks is vitally important to
ensuring shelters can be swiftly opened and safely operated.
Part 1 Prepare a thorough list of all disaster and shelter related training in which
personnel from agencies / organizations assigned a role in operating the
county’s shelters are required to participate.
(Note: The list should include on-site as well as on-line delivered training.)
DOH: Shelter Team training, Special Needs Shelter exercise, ICS 100, 700, G
300, 400
ARC: follows a shelter timeline, Just-In-Time training, shelter and feeding
Part 2
Schools: Shelter manual to individuals involved in sheltering (pre-identified
teams), ICS trainings
SA: Train staff on running the canteen
SO: Participate in yearly exercises, ICS trainings
July 13, 9:30-1:30 Shelter Training, 325 Belvedere Blvd, The Villages
Part 3
Have all of personnel that will be assigned to shelters taken the training listed
Part 4 Yes
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why personnel have not participated
Part 5 in appropriate training and prepare a strategy that will need to be implemented
to ensure all personnel have completed the identified training.
Part 6
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 004
Sumter County
Part 1
Day 3
Landfall Minus 71 Hours
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
Thursday - 8/1/2013 - 12:17PM
Based on the current information regarding Hurricane Alberto, identify then
briefly describe all the activities that would be undertaken by agencies /
organizations during the next 24 hours as it pertains to their role in supporting
shelter operations.
(Note: The storm is still three days from potentially making landfall in the
EM: Monitoring storm, sending Situation Reports to County agencies
DOH: Monitoring storm, meeting with Director and Incident Command Team to
discuss potential future actions, gas vehicles if threat is imminent, inventory
equipment and supplies, reach out to hospitals and nursing homes, brief staff
on having families prepared, Special Needs actions
Part 2
SO: Meetings with EM, in-house meetings, prepare vehicles and equipment,
preparing SO families
ARC: ID and secure staff sheltering, Test ARC building generators, ID and
report gaps in people or equipment, Family preparedness, Charge cell phones,
activate Shelter Teams, open staff shelter, activate feeding plans/vendors
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 005
Sumter County
Do the county’s agencies / organizations assigned shelter roles maintain a
Part 1 cache of equipment and / or consumable supplies that can be used to support
shelter operations?
Part 2 All Agencies
If the above answer is All Agencies or Some Agencies. – Review a copy of the
current equipment and / or consumable supplies inventories then prepare a list
Part 3
of any additional equipment and / or consumable supplies, other than food, that
will be needed to effectively manage shelters once opened.
Animal Services: more portable kennels
Part 4
Some shelters: no food on site
Part 5 Identify agency / organization individuals by title and name that are responsible
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
for maintaining the equipment / supply caches, where the caches are stored
and when it was last inventoried / inspected.
(Example: Agency: American Red Cross / POC: Sue Jones – Disaster Director /
Storage Location: 1319 Linda Ann Dr in Bushnell / Last Inventoried: 8/15/12)
DOH: Walter Thomas
Animal Services: Tammy Belancin
Part 6
Red Cross: Trisha Howard
Schools: Jim Allen
Part 7
If the above answer is No Agencies. – Briefly explain why agencies /
organizations do not have a cache of equipment and / or supplies.
Part 8
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 007
Sumter County
Day 4
Part 1
Landfall Minus 45 Hours
Based on current planning assumptions and the fact that the hurricane is
currently a Category 3 storm that could make landfall in the region in less than
two days determine the following information.
General Population Sheltering
Total number of individuals that will need to be housed in General Population
Part 2
Special Needs Sheltering
Part 11
Total number of individuals that have pre-registered for the Special Needs
Part 12 ~400
Part 3
Total number of registrants that will need to be housed in a Special Needs
Shelter based on current conditions.
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
Part 4
Part 5
Total number of registrants that will need more acute medical care than can be
provided in a Special Needs Shelter based on current conditions.
Part 6
Part 7
Total number of registrants that will need to be transported to a Special Needs
Shelter or other facility based on current conditions.
Part 8
Part 9
Explain in detail the process that will be utilized to notify all special needs
registrants regarding the potential need for them to evacuate their residence.
Medical Reserve Corps/DOH will call registrants who specified they need
Part 10 assistance, notifies Transit of numbers of individuals needing transportation to
shelter site
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 008
Sumter County
Day 4
Landfall Minus 44 Hours
Part 1 Friday - 8/2/2013 - 9:00AM
At this point would the agencies / organizations assigned a role in operating
shelters have fully activated their Sheltering / Mass Care Plans?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the process associated with
activating each agency’s / organization’s plans.
DOH: Follow a timeline for opening shelters in the Shelter Plan based on
guidance from Emergency Management, Contact Wildwood Community Ctr to
set up shelter
Part 4
ARC: Looking at feeding and population needs, mobile feeding after the storm,
staffing to execute plan
Schools: Follow County's Shelter Plan
Part 5 If the above answer is no. – At what point would plans be activated.
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
Part 6
Part 7
Identify the name and title of the individual from each agency / organization that
would be responsible for activating their plan.
DOH: Dr. Zelnick
ARC: Trisha Howard
Part 8 Schools: Rick Shirley
Transit: Deb Nelson
EM/BOCC: Dave Casto
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 009
Sumter County
Day 4
Landfall Minus 41 Hours
Friday - 8/3/2013 - 12:00PM
Based on current conditions, agency / organization Sheltering / Mass Care
Plans and the fact that the hurricane will most likely make landfall and move
through the region on Sunday develop a consolidated Incident Action Plan
(IAP), which includes the actions of all agencies / organizations assigned a
sheltering role, that focusses on IMMEDIATE ACTIONS necessary to OPEN
shelters throughout the county.
Part 1 In preparing the IAP list the actions to be taken, identify any resources that will
be needed to undertake each listed action and prepare a timeline for completing
each action.
(Note: Access a list of some of the Operation Concerns that will need to be
addressed in developing this IAP.)
(See Example Found Below)
Health Department: Action – Contact the POC for the location to be used as a
Special Needs Shelter to ensure it is available and to make arrangements to
use the facility. / Required Resources – Agency contact list. / Timeline – 1 Hour.
Part 2 DOH: Equipment mobilization, shelter setup (shelter kits- oxygen
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
bags/canisters), must be completed before shelter is opened
All: Decide what shelters to open (Wildwood Community Ctr- special needs;
South Sumter HS-pet-friendly/general population; Webster Elem- general
population); Center Hill Rec; Wildwood Elem- should this shelter open to
accommodate the north end of the County even though it doesn't have a
ARC: Call downs/Email to see who is available to staff shelters; potential nurse
shortage if large impact area
Schools: School Nurses only contracted to work 1 six-hour shift of emergency
duties per year; determine if kitchen staff has time limitations on emergency
work hours
Animal Control: Divide staff between road, shelter, EOC
EM: Request mutual aid (shelter management team, etc.)
Transit: Prepare routes based on Special Needs population locations provided
by Medical Reserve Corps, drivers will work shifts
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 010
Sumter County
Identify an individual point of contact along with their primary / secondary phone
numbers for all of the agencies, departments and community / faith based
organizations, including vendors, which will need to be contacted upon the
Part 1 activation of each agency’s / organization’s Sheltering / Mass Care Plans.
(Example: Howard Jones – School District – Phone 555-555-5555 – Mobile
Part 2
DOH: Regional Phone Book, ESF 8 Contact List, Nursing Homes, Hospitals,
Dialysis, Hospice, Jenny Hudson- Wildwood Community Ctr,
Using the phone, make contact with two of the identified
agencies, departments and / or community / faith based
organizations listed above and ask the following questions.
Part 3
(Note: When talking to the person contacted inform them that
there is the possibility of a Category 3 hurricane striking the
region and that their responses should reflect current realistic capabilities.)
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
Begin the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE” and end the
conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.
1. What role does your agency, department and / or organization have in
supporting shelter operations in the county?
2. Does your agency, department and / or organization have the available
resources on-hand necessary to meet its shelter operations support
Were you able to make phone contact with the identified agencies, departments
and / or organizations?
Part 4 Both
Part 5
Did the agency, department and / or organization fully understand their role in
supporting shelter operations?
Part 6 Both
Part 7
Did the agency, department and / or organization have the available resources
on-hand to meet their shelter operations responsibilities?
Part 8 Both
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 011
Sumter County
Part 1
Have the agencies / organizations assigned roles in operating the county’s
shelters entered into written agreements with the owners / operators of the
locations that have been identified as a shelter host site allowing for the use of
their facility?
Part 2
No Agencies
Part 3
If the above answer is All Agencies or Some Agencies. – When was the last
time these agreements were reviewed and / or up-dated?
Part 4
Part 5
If the above answer is No Agencies. – Briefly explain why such written
agreements are not in place.
Part 6
No written agreements, we are in the process of developing written
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
Using the phone call the POCs for the facilities that are designated as shelters.
Once contact is made ask if the facility is available and if the POC fully
understands what is involved in using their facility as a shelter.
Part 7
Begin the conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE” and end the
conversation with “THIS IS AN EXERCISE”.
Identify the facilities contacted.
Part 8
All agencies are present during this exercise.
Part 9
Were the majority of the facilities contacted available?
Part 10 Yes
Part 11
Did the majority of the facilities contacted fully understand what was involved
in using their facility as a shelter?
Part 12 Yes
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 012
Sumter County
Part 1
Will agencies / organizations assigned a role in operating the county’s shelters
seek assistance from community and faith based organizations (Community
Partners) to help with staffing shelter?
Part 2
If the above answer is yes. – Various Community Partners are ready to assist,
however most indicated that their paid and volunteer staff members do not
have the training to help open and staff a shelter.
Part 3
Explain in detail how the county’s agencies / organizations assigned a role in
operating shelters will provide “just in time” training for individuals that would
like to assist but have no training.
(Note: Access a set of Special Needs Shelter – Just In Time Training Videos.)
Part 4
Part 5
When paid and volunteer staff members from Community Partners assist with
shelter operations are they covered by:
Liability Insurance?
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
Part 6
Part 7
Workers Compensation Insurance?
Part 8
Part 9
Briefly explain how agencies / organizations responsible for operating the
county’s shelters will effectively manage volunteers from the community who
are willing and able to assist with shelter operations.
ARC: Background check on volunteers
Part 10
DOH: Level 2 background check for volunteers working in shelter
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 013
Sumter County
Do the county’s agencies / organizations responsible for operating the county’s
shelters have enough staff or volunteers / staff from Community Partners to
Part 3 effectively manage and operate shelters for five days?
(Note: Remember that Hurricane Alberto is currently a Category 3 storm.)
Part 4 No
Part 5
Part 6
If the above answer is no. – Describe in detail how additional personnel to
manage and staff the shelters will be requested.
DOH: Would have to close clinics in order to supply enough staff for longer-term
ARC: Will draw upon state and national reserves
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 014
Sumter County
Day 5
Landfall Minus 32 Hours
Part 1 Saturday - 8/3/2013 - 9:00AM
As county agencies / organizations responsible for shelter operations move
forward with their plans to open, staff and operate shelters it has been decided
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
to develop an Incident Action Plan (IAP) focusing solely on establishing and
operating the county’s shelters.
In preparing the IAP list the actions to be taken, identify the resources that will
be needed to accomplish each action and provide a timeline for completing the
identified action.
(Note: Access a list of some of the Operation Concerns that will need to be
addressed in developing this IAP.)
(See Example Found Below)
Health Department: Action – Transport available equipment and consumable
supplies to the Special Needs Shelter host location. / Required Resources –
Truck. / Timeline – 2 Hours.
DOH: cache of stored items to be deployed during sheltering, do a walkthrough
hours before opening to ensure shelter is suitable for use
Part 2
ARC: Service Plan- Health Services, MH Services, initiated pre-landfall; can set
up in 15-30 min, PIO & ARC communicate on shelter opening/other pertinent
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 017
Sumter County
Remarkably the facilities that house the county’s shelters came through the
storm with only minor damage. While the electrical power flickered off and on
throughout the storm amazingly the lights were still on after the hurricane had
moved out of the area.
However the rest of the region was not as fortunate. It is estimated that 90% of
the area is without utilities and as much as 40% of the region’s residences have
sustained some level of damage.
Part 1
Shelters are near capacity and the staff of the Special Needs Shelter is
struggling to maintain an adequate level of care.
It is expected that shelter residents may have to remain at shelters for up to a
Based on the knowledge that the county’s shelters will need to remain
operational for the next seven days develop an Incident Action Plan (IAP) that
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
focuses on the actions that each agency / organization responsible for shelter
operations will need to implement to ensure shelter residents are properly cared
(Note: Access a list of some of the Operation Concerns that will need to be
addressed in developing this IAP.)
(See Example Found Below)
American Red Cross: Action – Monitor the stress and fatigue level of shelter
residents / staff. / Required Resources – Personnel trained in Physiological First
Aid. / Timeline – On-Going.
DOH: Open clinics, request nurse strike teams
Home Healthcare: May want to re-initiate care with patients in shelters
Part 2
Schools: Need to re-open as soon as possible to bring the community some
sense of normalcy
Reach out to faith-based groups to aid in sheltering/feeding displaced
individuals- transportation issues in relocating shelterees from one facility to
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 018
Sumter County
Day 11
Landfall Plus 5 Days
(Note: The focus of this inject is on the county’s Special Needs Shelter.)
Electrical power continues to be restored to areas without electricity as
conditions throughout the region continue to improve.
Part 1 Over the past several days some of the residents staying at the Special Needs
Shelter have been able to return to their un-damaged homes as electrical power
has been restored to the area the reside in. However, the homes of many of the
shelter’s residents have been damaged and it may be weeks or longer before
they can return home.
Knowing that staying in a Special Needs Shelter is a temporary housing solution
for individuals with special medical needs will your agency begin the Discharge
Planning process in an effort to provide more suitable living accommodations
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
for shelter residents?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Describe in detail how your agency will undertake
the Discharge Planning process.
DOH would call in the Special Needs Discharge Planning Team; resources for
Veterans (VA, DAV), temporary housing
ARC uses case managers
Priority: to get people out of school shelters so schools can reopen. Can
Part 4 transition these individuals to faith-based organizations or non-school locations.
Relocation assistance (Transit?)
Long-term housing assistance
Identify the agencies, departments and community / faith based organizations
within your area that will need to be involved in the Discharge Planning process
Part 5 and describe the services that each can provide to support this process.
(Note: Access the listing of statewide Discharge Planning partner agencies.)
Part 6 See above
Part 7
If the above answer is no. – Explain why your agency would not begin the
Discharge Planning process at this time.
Part 8
Resolute Response - Sumter - # 019
Sumter County
Day 13
Landfall Plus 7 Days
Based on the knowledge that all shelter residents have been able to return
Part 1 home or have been placed in transitional housing develop a consolidated
Incident Action Plan (IAP) containing all of the actions agencies / organizations
assigned sheltering responsibilities will have to undertake.
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Resolute Response – A Shelter Operations Functional Exercise
Inject Responses – June 18 2013
(Note: Access a list of some of the Operation Concerns that will need to be
addressed in developing this IAP.)
(See Example Found Below)
Health Department: Action – Conduct a facility inspection with a facility
representative. / Required Resources – Facility Inspection Form. / Timeline – 2
Returning shelter to its original state
EOC decision to close shelter- shelter teams talk with shelter residents to
Part 2 prepare them for relocation/move home
Schools: Inventory food/consumable goods, generate bill to responsible party (if
necessary), complete paperwork for Public Assistance Program (if necessary)
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC