Scripts - Learn @ NIU

Chapter 6: Intro to Learning Styles
Brooke has a visual learning style. She prefers to learn through seeing. When Brooke needs to
take a bus to a job interview, she looks at the bus schedule and a map for information.
Shawn has an auditory learning style. He prefers to learn through hearing. When Shawn needs to
take a bus to a job interview, he calls the bus station and gets the information over the phone.
Robin has a tactile learning style. She prefers to learn through physical experiences and
activities. When Robin needs to take the bus to a job interview, she asks a friend who is more
familiar with the route, to go along and show her ahead of time.
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Chapter 6: Using Your Learning Style
If you are a visual learner, be sure that you look at all study materials. Use charts, maps, notes,
videos, and pictures. Practice visualizing or picturing words and concepts in your head. Write out
important things for frequent and quick visual review.
If you are an auditory learner, you may wish to use audio. Listen and take notes, and review
your notes often. Adjust yourself and your computer so you can hear well. After you have read
something, summarize it and recite it aloud. Talk to other students about course material.
If you are a tactile or hands-on learner, you trace words as you see them. Facts that must be
learned should be written several times. Keep a supply of scratch paper on hand for this purpose.
Make study sheets. Associate class material with real-world things or occurrences. Practice what
you are learning by doing it.
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Chapter 6: Multiple Intelligences
This slideshow is totally controlled by you. To start a slideshow and learn more about one of the
multiple intelligences, click on the picture representing that multiple intelligence. When you are
finished, click on Close to return to the course.
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence or Word Smart
People who are Word Smart prefer: speaking, writing, telling jokes, spelling, debating, creating
stories, and playing word games. Famous Word Smart people include: William Shakespeare, Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr., and Barbara Walters.
Logical/Mathematical Intelligence or Logic/Math Smart
People who are Logic/Math Smart prefer: analyzing, solving problems, computing, thinking in
numbers, using math and equations, playing strategy games, estimating, and experimenting.
Famous Logic/Math people include: Marie Curie (, Albert
Einstein, and Bill Gates.
Visual/Spatial Intelligence or Art/Space Smart
People who are Art/Space Smart prefer: decorating, charting, creating and understanding maps,
building models, painting, drawing, solving jigsaw puzzles, appreciating architecture, and
thinking in pictures. Famous Art/Space Smart people include: Frida Kahlo, Amelia Earhart, and
Frank Lloyd Wright (
Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence or Music Smart
People who are Music Smart prefer: reading and writing music, playing instruments,
singing/rapping, learning through lyrics, composing and recognizing melodies/songs/composers,
and appreciating music. Famous Music Smart people include: Beethoven
(, Aretha Franklin, and Jennifer
Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence or Body Smart
People who are Body Smart prefer: using body language, playing sports, learning through handson activities, acting, dancing, exercising, and choreographing. Famous Body Smart people
include: Michael Jordan (, Michelle Kwan,
and Debbie Allen (
Naturalist Intelligence or Nature Smart
People who are Nature Smart prefer: appreciating flowers and plants, working and playing with
animals, protecting the environment, collecting rocks/insects/leaves, exploring the weather, and
enjoying the outdoors. Famous Nature Smart people include: Jacques Cousteau, Sacagawea
(, and Jane Goodall.
Interpersonal Intelligence or People Smart
People who are People Smart prefer: making friends, empathizing with people, resolving
conflicts, communicating with others, leading others, and understanding different points of view.
Famous People Smart people include: Harriet Tubman, Princess Diana, and Oprah Winfrey
Intrapersonal Intelligence or Self Smart
People who are Self Smart prefer: reflecting on one’s life, setting goals, motivating oneself,
spending time alone, and exploring their own feelings/thoughts/dreams. Famous Self Smart
people include: Sigmund Freud, Thomas Jefferson, and Mahatma Gandhi.
Chapter 6: Rosa’s Intelligences
Rosa checked off Nature Smart and People Smart as two of her intelligences. She often goes for
a walk in the woods to help her focus or remember something.
Rosa is also good at working with animals and often saves stray cats and finds good homes for
them. She is very good at matching people with the stray cats and convincing people to take in
her stray cats as pets.
Everyone in the neighborhood thinks of Rosa as kind and friendly to both people and animals.
These are ways she is both Nature Smart and People Smart.
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