Homework Assignments Monday- reading materials in book club bag Tuesday- Choose one of the spelling assignments listed below; reading materials in book club bag Wednesday- reading materials in book club bag Thursday- Choose one of the spelling assignments listed below; study spelling words and sight words for test on Friday; reading materials in book club bag Spelling Assignments *rainbow spell 6 spelling words *write 6 spelling words 3 times each *write a sentence for 6 spelling words *cut out letters from magazines or newspapers and glue them on paper to spell 6 spelling words Spelling and Word Lists Spelling Week of Nov 16-20 Spelling Week of Nov 30-Dec 4 Spelling Week of Dec 7-11 Spelling Week of Dec 14-18 us sun but fun bus run that then this them with bath chin chip much chop rich chick ship shop which when whip fish Spelling Sentence It is fun to run in the sun. Spelling Sentence He likes to play that game with them. Spelling Sentence Do not chop too much of that tree. Spelling Sentence I saw a fish when I was on the ship. Sight Words eat give one put small take Sight Words blue cold far little live their Sight Words been brown know never off out Sight Words down fall goes green grow new