Title: Setup External Mail for JD Edwards Software

Data Classification: Confidential
Title: Setup External Mail for JD Edwards
Abstract: Document details the steps and requirements to set up external mail for JD
Edwards messages.
J.D. Edwards 5 & OneWorld®
Pre-Xe, Xe, ERP8
Document ID
Date Created
Date Reviewed
Date Revised
Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Requirements
3. Steps to Configure External Mail (such as Lotus Notes) using Windows
Messaging on the Workstation
4. Setup to Enable External Messages
5. Enable External Messages for a User
6. Verifying the Setup of the SMTP server
7. Troubleshooting
There are two different protocols used for external messaging in JD Edwards
1. Microsoft Mail API (MAPI) is used by the Work Center (P012501) to access
(send and receive) external mail such as Outlook and Lotus Notes. If using
Outlook for example, the sender will have the sent message in the Outlook
sent item folder and the receiver will have the message in the Outlook inbox.
2. SMTP is used by Send Message system function, workflow activity and UBE
batch applications to send messages only. SMTP is used because a generic
protocol was needed that could be used on both the client and the server.
NOTE: At this time, Lotus Notes can only be used for sending email from the
Work Center or "External Mail" Tools Exit Bar button. Checking or reading Lotus
Notes email from the Work Center is not currently supported.
1. Microsoft Messaging is required. This gives you
MAPI dlls
The 'Inbox" or 'Mail' icon in the Control Panel which allows users to create a
mail profile.
MS Exchange contains this set of programs called Windows Messaging. When
installing MS Exchange, depending on the OS (95, 98, NT) you may be able to install
ONLY Windows Messaging and not ALL MS Exchange.
2. Receiver of Send Message system function, UBE and Workflow
messages needs to be setup in the OneWorld Address Book.
3. Receiver of External mail is not required to be setup in the OneWorld
Address Book.
4. External Mail receiver and sender’s user profile must have an address
book number associated with it in the User Profiles Program (P0092)
in OneWorld.
Steps to Configure External Mail (such as Lotus Notes) using Windows
Messaging on the Workstation:
1. Review and install Windows Messaging on the workstation
Go to Control Panel and select Add/Remove Programs
Click on the tab Windows Setup
If Windows Messaging is not installed click on "Windows Messaging"
else go to step 2
Click on Details button
Select Windows Messaging and click OK.
Restart Machine
Install external mail client such as Outlook or Lotus Notes (If Windows
Messaging is not installed you must remove and install it again)
3. Create a new Profile (might need NT admin or mail server admin to do these)
Open Control Panel
Open the option for Mail
If the machine has a profile, click on the Show Profiles button, else go
to the next step
Click on Add button in Profiles of Windows Messaging
Select the radio button "manually configure information services" and
click next
Input your profile name and click next. You can name it anything you
want (e.g. Lotus)
A new window "Properties of <profile name>" opens, click on the add
Select service "Lotus Notes Mail" for Lotus Notes or "MS Exchange
Server" for Outlook.
Input your mail server name and password
Setup to Enable External Messages
Update JDE.ini
Open jde.ini on Windows or WinNT directory
Search for key mailProfile in [JDEMAIL] section
Set value to mailProfile=<profile name> (i.e. profile name created
above e.g. mailProfile=Lotus)
This allows the Work Center to send and receive external mail.
For OneWorld releases prior to B73.3.1
Search for key mailServer in [JDEMAIL] section
Set the value to mailServer=<your SMTP server name>
For OneWorld releases B73.3.1 and after
Search for key Rule1 in [JDEMAIL] section
Set the value to Rule1=90|OPT|MAILSERVER=<your SMTP
server name>
Setup for Rule2, Rule3 and Rule4 (normally leave as it is), or
change the domain name from "jdedwards.com" to whatever is
appropriate in the customer site
This allows UBE and workflow activity to send messages to the
external mail server.
Save JDE.ini
Note: If the sender doesn't have the mailProfile parameter, the Work Center will
prompt the user for the correct profile to use when he/she tries to send an external
Enable External Messages for a User
Set the mail preferences correctly for the user (receiver and sender)
From menu G02, select Employee Queue Manager
Inquire on the User address book number.
Go into the Preference of the user (highlight the user and hit preference on
the row exit)
Specify the mail type and enter a valid e-mail address for the user.
At this point, all UBE, workflow messages and internal mail for that user will be
sent to the user's external mail address specified above. If the preference is not set
for the sender, the sender will be prompted to set preferences when trying to send
external mail.
Note: It is not possible to setup certain messages (such as Workflow messages) to go
to External Mail and other messages (such as UBE Completion Messages) to go to the
Work Center. Currently all messages must go to the same location of either External
Mail or the Work Center.
Verifying the Setup of the SMTP server
The following steps can be used to verify the setup of the SMTP server.
1. ping the SMTP server. It should return with success.
2. telnet <your SMTP server name> 25. It should return 220 <your
SMTP server name> ESMTP.
The following window box will pop up when clicking OK during sending an external
mail if the mail profile or user preference is not setup correctly.